what are the chances of a new Republican president?

Something scary that I've noticed is the young people that support Obama without even a clue what he represents. I've seen this with my kid's friends.
He's young, got a million dollar smile and personality that could sell a fridge to an eskimo. He's selling the word "change" which always appeals to the youth wether they have a clue what it's about or not. I've talked to a lot of these kids who WERE pro Obama and they really did not have a clue what he believes in. They just liked him. (past tense). The conversion was easy since most of them own guns and like to come to our house to shoot.
based on electoral college amounts from solid red and solid blue states, and predictions of swing states, show a republican victory at 60somethin percent and dems in high thirties
I wish someone would file an antitrust suit against the Rep party and make them divest this nauseating left wing branch they've somehow assimilated.
Obama supporters

RGATES those people you are concerned about belong to the same lack of knowledge base that so many voters fall into. Look at the number of people who are supporting McCain strictly because he was a POW. The number of I only vote for the party's nomination. For some voters "born again" he gets my vote. And an endless array of other simplistic reasons voters use for making a choice.

I'm sure I'll get blasted by a few for believing single issue voters are foolish. But in my experience with single issue voters they have a tendency to vote the single issue with no regards for the potential to elect candidates that might very well go aginst the voters beliefs in other issues.

I believe that a list of ten to twenty issues laid out with each candidates positions on each issue would reveal some very interesting results. You might be supprized who you would rule out once you evaluates the full disclosures. It not that you would ever get a candidate that would meet your every requirement. But it might eliminate a candidate you would have chosen in favor of another.

I've gone to the sites you see every now and then that ask you a series of questions and then project the name of the candidate you should vote for. Very eye opening to say the least.

So for all the kids as you put it who support Obama don't feel as if they are the only ones using false premises as to who they should vote for. A large part of the voters use the same sorts of criteria. The politicians know it and that's what they rely on to get elected.
I don't care for McCain and IIRC last time around there were some questions raised about his conduct as a POW.

However, if it is him against Billary or Obama I will vote for him. Lesser weavels.
Here's the thing,people. If we as gun owners vote as a block, we elect the next president. There are quite a few of us scattered around the country. Is it possible? Certainly. All of you who are considering not voting, I urge you to reconsider.
vote as a block ... for who

ronl while you suggest vote as a block who do you possible think we should vote for. I for one have a list of those I'll never vote for. Some of those might be of the RKBA favored list. But I'm not ready for some of the other issues a few of our illustrious candidates want to promote.
Even chance for either major party - I see lots of people probably not even voting this time around.

It's still a long time until November, though.
People are tired of Bush, not the Republicans. America will be torn apart by exploding taxes and incompetent politicians, employed by the thousands, if the Dems win. It will be an incomprehensible nightmare for America in that case. Hold on to your hats. The free world may break its legs a year form now.
Bush has single handedly ruined the Republican Party

Oh, come off it. He had plenty of help from the Republican Congressional leadership. It wasn't the war in Iraq that sank the GOP, it was corruption in Congress, both the officially criminal sort and pork, and while Bush might have helped fight that if he'd been willing to veto a spending bill, it was the Republican leadership that did the real work of beating down any reformers who poked their heads up, in order to keep the graft flowing.

Remember that budget standoff not long after the Republicans took over? It ended when the big spenders decided this "principle" stuff was for the birds, and took over control, in order to get down to some serious rent seeking.

About the only thing saving the GOP from compete extinction at this point is that the Democrats are proving not to be a whit better. If they'd managed to restrain their greed for two years, and cleaned their own house, the contrast between them and the Republicans would have been devastating. As it is, only media bias is protecting the Democrats from the public noticing that they're just as corrupt.
Regardless of what Ron Paul said earlier when asked...

He has a chance to run as an independent vs. the Republican winner (probably McCain) and the Democrat winner in the general election. If he does decide to do this, he will have a better chance at winning than in the primaries.

Ron Paul lovers... do you want him to run as an independent in the generals?
You must not hang out around a lot of Democrats. I've run into plenty who are excited about voting for one or the other (Obama more so than Hillary).
Oh, JuanCarlos, if only it were so. Unfortunately, I often find myself in the presence of exactly the kind of Democrat you describe. And you are right that they are excited about voting for one of these candidates (my experience also indicates that most favor Obama-by a wide margin). However, after many years of listening to these pie-in-the-sky, we-can-do-anything-we-set-our-minds-to liberals wail and moan, I've discovered one major thing: come election day, most of them don't actually bother to vote. Every time I poll them it's the same. After all of the piss and vinegar, very few vote in any election.

The Democrats you know may very well be dedicated voters and, in this, more representative of the larger whole. After all, I am looking at a couple of small and isolated groups.
Oh, come off it. He had plenty of help from the Republican Congressional leadership. It wasn't the war in Iraq that sank the GOP, it was corruption in Congress, both the officially criminal sort and pork, and while Bush might have helped fight that if he'd been willing to veto a spending bill, it was the Republican leadership that did the real work of beating down any reformers who poked their heads up, in order to keep the graft flowing

Well said.

Big spending so-called Republicans like Tom DeLay and Mitch McConnell deserve as much blame as George W. Bush.
Bush has single handedly ruined the Republican Party

I agree with this for the most part. Iraq has suck all of the energy and wind out of the party and this president. He will not be remembered for anything else other than the "war". In year seven, Bush finds the veto pen that was jammed up his a$$.

The Conservative movement has gone backwards in the last seven years. We lost ground.......and by spliting the party.....in the next election.......we will loose more ground (because this party wants Mr Amnesty or Mr Assault weapons Ban).....all for Iraq..........look in the mirror boys....
was it worth it????
Will Iraq return to us what was lost to this party???? To the conservative movement????
Dont hold your breath
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