what are the chances of a new Republican president?


New member
I was wondering what do you guys think are the chances of another Republican taking office next term, and if so which candidate. I'm thinking it will be difficult for another republican to get elected, so if it has to be a democrat who would you rather see win Obama or Hillary. I don't think Edwards even has a chance. Which of the two do you think would be more prone to stand up for gun owner's rights.
10% chance of a Republican winning, IMO

Anyone that thinks that Hillary or Obama will stand up for gun owners rights is in dreamland. They're both socialist that see gun owners as criminals.

Hillary might be SLIGHTLY less extreme liberal than Obama, but she is also the power hungry of the two.

I honestly feel that Obama is a decent man that is highly misguided.

Hillary IMO is a power hungry elitist that is only running to control her "subjects" (the US people).

Having said this, I actually hope Hillary wins. I think she has less shot at winning vs. the Republicans than Obama has. So many people hate Hillary that she is NOT a shoe-in, as IMO Obama would be.
It's going to be tough to not have a Dem elected in 08. Part of the problem is there are a lot of folks, especially here on gun boards, that say they will not vote unless Ron Paul is on the ticket. To each his own; however, I'd rather have ANY Republican over HilBama...
I think there is ZERO change of electing a Republican, and just a slight chance of electing a RINO. Time to stock up on everything that will be banned or restricted.

We will most likely have to survive 4 years of floods of illegals, a business climate that is frigid, endless senseless legislation, and freedom-killing feel-good nonsense. The government printing presses will have to run day and night to produce enough dollars to prop up the neo-socialist regime and to buy enough paper and ink to keep the presses running night and day.

After 4 years of Obama or the Wicked Witch, we will either rebuild a nation using the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or continue circling the drain.
McCain might have a chance. The others don't.

Obama vs. McCain will be close but it closes for Barack.

McCain vs. Hill gives McCain more of a chance.

Huckabee and Paul can wait till the chariot of angels or the UFOs pick them up.
Slim to none at the moment in the current climate. Slim has a few months to find his way back to town though.......
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As a devoted Republican, I have to admit that I see very little chance of a Republican win. Not that I can do much about it since I live in Cali and my vote for a Republican is worthless anyway (but I DO vote). I voted for Bush twice, but he has been so disappointing on spending and the border, I wonder how much worse a Democrat could be on those issues. My continued Republican support has more to do with the Supreme Court and defense than domestic issues. As an NRA member, I also support 2A rights, although I don't have much more to lose here in California. I think the only one who can possibly win is McCain, which isn't alot different from the Dems. Overall, I'm a bit depressed by the whole thing. I miss Reagan.

The Republican party is not going to win squat unless they can put a candidate out that will represent and appeal to a majority of the people, that is most of the right and enough in the middle to swing the vote to the Republicans. I do not think they have found such a candidate.

I honestly think Rudy would have been the most likely candidate due to his recent experiences in 9/11. McCain's been around too long and has been too honest to win this office in my opinion.

Out of Obama or Hillary. We already know what happened during Hillary's first administration. NAFTA. An economy that surged due to technology, not financial policies or influence of the administration. What would Obama do differently than Hillary? Not much. Under either candidate we would become more of a welfare driven nation (social healthcare and increased minimum wages) than we already are.

I'd rather see Edwards in office than the other two. Sure, there'd be the same high in the sky apple pie social junk as the other two...he just comes across as more genuine than the others. Hillary is running for WOMEN. Obama is running for the MINORITY (not racial minority, the "class" that has never benefitted from trickle down economics, whites included). I really feel like Edwards is running for the people, or at least he feels he is.

Any of these candidates is unlikely to seek to protect the second amendment...guns are a bargaining chip for other bills for control of money. They would carry a higher price with some of the candidates than others, but another AWB is a near reality. Not sure about national banning of CHL though...that's getting into state's rights and if I remember correctly that was one of the major issues in the Civil War.
Considering the deck is totally stacked against Ron Paul by the GOP and the media. Hillary most likely. McCain vs Obama, now that would be the epitome of where this country has gone.
About a 10 percent chance, which would only happen if Hillary or Obama screw up badly somehow.

Huckabee is a new face so even if he made it to the nomination he'd be ripe for a self-inflicted fatal mistake and between the msm and the democrats he would be defined for the american public as they chose to define him, most likely as a evangelical buffoon. Still he had the most potential of the candidates left.

Romney has cash and might stand a small shot - but his mormon roots will hurt him, especially in the bible belt, and he elicits no passion amongst the republican parties conservative base.

Rudy - has no chance for the nomination - his big state gambit failed big time and no one wants him anymore, his time is long past.

McCain has a chance for the nomination, especially since conservatives are scrabbling to find anyone with the least shred of conservatism in them. However, McCain elicits passion in the party electorate like Bob Dole did and his democratic opponents are running to be either the first woman or the first black president, thus he loses the independent vote and gets a low turn out of the conservative base.

Ron Paul - republican party faithful and the party establishment would rather see Hillary or Obama or even Osama elected.

So, maybe 10 percent was a high estimate. If immigration was a real issue then the republicans might have had a chance, but of the candidates left none are really willing to address it or make it an issue. (well paul is but he doesn't count).

Given either Hillary or Obama I would say Hillary would be better for conservatives as she is less liberal than Obama, she already has hard core enemies in her own party, she is not charismatic like Obama, and she will not have the pc protection that Obama would have as president (i.e. if you oppose him or his policies you are a racist, I can already see the republicans running away from fight after fight). Therefore Hillary would have a harder time getting things done since she is such a devisive figure, Obama could steamroll his opposition, (he seems so nice on tv, he only wants what is best, we should give the new president a chance to get his programs passed, you are so mean to oppose him, I like him, why can't you get along with him and work together like he says, are you a racist is that really why you don't like him and won't help him to do what is right). :barf:

As for me, I voting for Paul in the primary and as a write in in the general.
It is the Democrats election to lose. With that being said, they have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory ( 2004) before so who knows what will happen in the next nine months. Right now the only viable Republican candidate is McCain but I am not sure if he can win over social conservatives to win the nomination. If he did win the nomination he might have a change against Hillary but I am not sure about Obama. Obama is hugely popular with independents, and minorities who would vote in droves for him. People are angry with the Republicans over many issues, Iraq and the economy being at the top of the list. I am not sure a pro-war candidate such as McCain can win over the people who are angry about the war. We will see what happens in the next few months.
keep their moth shut

A few of the Republican hopefuls might have a better chance if they kept their mouth shut. McCain's constant beating the drum on how he will not let Iraq become another disgrace to the troops is not a battle cry to utter. Rudy want everyone to think he is still standing on ground zero. Huckabee is pushing the envelope on the need for religion.

Americana's overall want change and none of these (on either side) appear to be talking long term change.
I'm a Dem, and I'll say that up front. I'm a Dem, but I'll cross party lines when a clearly better candidate is running for the other party. I also think that in politics, the country tends to think the same way. We'll give the other party a shot when we are tired of a particular brand and then we'll swing to the other party. Bush and his gang has run their party, and the country, into the ground and the country is ready for a change. I don't think that either Hillary or Obama is the quick fix for what ails this country but I think that Bush and his party has given them this election. I will also say that I don't know that either of them will fix what ails us but America is ready for a change and a two party system doesn't give you many options does it?

90% that any Dem nominated will win the election.
If Hillary is the Democratic candidate, hopefully the young voters now supporting Obama would switch support over to Ron Paul. Not to the RINO’s however I do not think!
Democrat will win.

Bush has single handedly ruined the Republican Party. He ran the Iraq War and the search for Bin Laden as incompetently as possible, despite our vast technological superiority. He spent like a liberal. He expanded the Federal Gov't. And he refuses to close our borders to the flood of illegal aliens who are rapidly making the US a Third World Country. If he thinks history will judge him favorably, he is smoking something.
another New (Ron Paul) Guy!

Well. I've been reading the posts here about who is a stronger candidate on protecting the 2nd Amendment. The clear answer (by their record) is Ron Paul. Since there is a virtual media black out of his message, I decided to volunteer to canvass our precinct and spread the word. I urge others to do the same. Futile? Possibly. I guess I'm doing this so years from now I can look back and say:"We really had a choice and I tried".

If the "media" would allow RP a platform to voice his agenda he could stir the masses. End game: Obama would eloquently sound like an empty bag venting gassy generalities about change.
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Bush has single handedly ruined the Republican Party. He ran the Iraq War and the search for Bin Laden as incompetently as possible, despite our vast technological superiority. He spent like a liberal. He expanded the Federal Gov't. And he refuses to close our borders to the flood of illegal aliens who are rapidly making the US a Third World Country. If he thinks history will judge him favorably, he is smoking something.
I think spending and shamnesty hurt the GOP as much as - if not more - than Bush's running of the Iraq war, which was and is driven more by political correctness than military strategy.

Like a previous poster said, there's NO chance of electing a Republican, and only a slim chance of electing a RINO. :barf:
I don't think Iraq is going to be a big factor since things are improving. It will come down to what it usually does, the economy. If it gets worse, it's Hillary or Obama. If it gets better or levels off, the Dem winner will make a lot of people think twice. I've also heard McCain is the only one right now polling successfully against either.