What a liberal really thinks of your right to conceal carry

That conclusion was crystallized for me years ago when a state legislator from suburban Atlanta announced in a gun debate that he would never dare to dine in an Atlanta restaurant unless he was carrying a firearm.
I don’t share the same outlook as this un-named legislator. If I won’t go someplace unarmed I wouldn’t go there armed either. I don’t go looking for trouble. Quite the opposite; I avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately trouble has a bad habit of finding people in the best of places. I carry just in case this happens to me.

As to the ‘Rambo syndrome’ I’ve encountered it over the internet but never in real life.
If you grabbed a shovel and followed a bull around in a very short time you could fill a wheelbarrel full of opinions better than Jay Bookman's.
I simply defend that which is valuable to my soon-to-be wife and our family just the same as one guards a bank bag full of cash. No further aspirations than that. Any violence is the other party's choice; mine is merely not being on the losing end.