What a liberal really thinks of your right to conceal carry

People who want to be Rambo and are on the edge will carry guns anyway.

Thats wrong. There is a difference between Rambo and criminal..Rambo doesnt have intent to do harm or break laws.

Garand how do you see this:

That conclusion was crystallized for me years ago when a state legislator from suburban Atlanta announced in a gun debate that he would never dare to dine in an Atlanta restaurant unless he was carrying a firearm.

Now, frail little old ladies with walkers ate in those restaurants regularly without apparent fear, but this guy — a young man well over 6 feet tall — thought it was too dangerous unless he could carry a gun with him.

That doesnt make you raise an eyebrow?

It's not the carrying of the gun, it's the attitude. An attitude, I am coming to realize by the way, that women completely lack

WildiamsadthatsomefolksjustengageininvectiveagainsttheauthorvisavisunderstandingthewholepicturewhichlikelifeisntblackandwhiteAlaska TM
But I have to keep reminding myself ... unless a true gun ban is put in place (zero tolerance for gun ownership, guns confiscated, etc.) then stupid people/Rambos will always be able to get one kind of gun or another.
You should remind yourself that even if a total gun ban is put in place - indeed especially if a total gun ban is put in place, stupid people/Rambos will always be able to get one kind of gun or another.

They can't even keep guns out of prisons, what makes you think they can keep them out of society at large? In the Philippines, they hand-craft (with hand tools) machine guns from blocks of steel and tubing in grass huts on muddy hillsides.
Okay let me ask this question to keep the Rambo theme rolling (mainly because it is a problem with our culture) how many people that post Rambo type scenerios on the boards would/could do it in real life? It is easy sitting in your comfy living room to talk about how if the mad deranged killer burst into Applebees and started shooting you would burst from your booth and engage him because you are the sheepdog of society. It is very different when it happens for real. I don't know of any firearms training that prepares you for that. Now do I support a law like this? Yes I wish it would come to pass in NC. But if someone comes in the front door shooting I am going out the back, so why do I need a weapon? In case the back door it blocked with an accomplise.
Okay let me ask this question to keep the Rambo theme rolling (mainly because it is a problem with our culture.

I don't think you are correct in your broad statement. I understand the general theme of what you are saying, but please tell us why you think it is a problem in our culture. How many people have you seen carrying a concealed weapon whom you thought had a Rambo mentality? What someone says on a web forum and what happens in real-life are two entirely different things. I hope that people will distinguish between the two. I contend that it is not a problem in our culture in the day to day lives of those who do carry concealed with a license to do so.

Personally, I have been shooting for over 10 years. Aside from being at a shooting range and seeing a few idiots every now and again, I have never once come across a person in public who was acting like a "Rambo". If this were honestly a "problem with our culture", then wouldn't it appear more often in our day to day lives?

Anyone is free to subscribe the views of the very left-wing author of the article at the top of this thread, but I certainly think it is focusing on the wrong issue. Bad policy is born....often, from a lie which fosters a misconception. In the case of the article at the top, the lie is intentional, born out of contempt for others with a different view. Having lost overwhelmingly in the legislature, which represents the people of Georgia, the author resorts to a lie by stating that there is a prevalent problem with over-zealous concealed weapons holders in our society. This "lie" is intended to foster a misconception of ccw holders as mentally flawed and thus not trustworthy to carry weapons. It is a slick attempt at "fear-mongering".

I'm sorry to see more than a few people in this thread get sucked in by this obviously common liberal tactic. IMO, these people are allowing themselves to be mis-directed by someone who is anti-gun.

Changing direction.....
Some people seem to not like the word liberal to be used to describe others. I use the word because the word exists in our culture to describe an ideology which is recognized in our society. If someone can think of another word to describe a person who wishes to expand government intrusion into the lives of the individual, I will be happy to hear it.
Apparently, the heft of 2 pounds of steel in a shoulder holster gives some of those people the courage they need to go out into a world that otherwise terrifies them. It gives them the bravery that nature failed to provide.

Folks like this author live in a bubble of fantasy filled with "the cops are here to protect me" and "this is a safe place" along with a full dose of "guns cause crime".

To that type the sight of an armed person ruins their fantasy because they realize, even if only on a subconscious level) that if something went bad they would be helpless against that person and there probably isn't any cop close enough to save them. Then, as if to add insult to injury the person with the firearm didn't even bother to "go crazy" and probably ignored them completely so all of the stereotypes take a beating at the same time.

Tear down someone's fantasy like that and you get denial, anger, vitriol, slander.

We're talking about the same type of folks who dumb down school curriculum, and waste the potential of thousands of brilliant students, just to avoid embarrassing the mediocre and the slackers all in the name of "no child left behind". (Personally I rather see a slogan that says "as far as they can go").
I'm sorry to see more than a few people in this thread get sucked in by this obviously common liberal tactic.

Dude nobody is being sucked into anything except maybe the chance to critically think and analyze....soemthing that seems to be a bit lacking here sometimes

But if someone comes in the front door shooting I am going out the back, so why do I need a weapon? In case the back door it blocked with an accomplise.

Heaven's sake Billy, you would run? In your OWN CASTLE? My god man, why wouldn't you STAND your ground and ENGAGE with MAXIMUM FORCE to DESTROY the ANIMAL! Good idea that you have a gun, especially if you are in the bathroom....being you are a healthy speciman like moi, may I suggest my technique of Seecamp ductaped crossdraw under second belly roll level? I used to have mine duct taped betwen my man boobs, but was losing too much hair when I drew...why just the other day I heard footsteps on the porch and IMMEDIATELY went into CONDITION MAGENTA to prep for action...raising the M1A with the ACOG, I looked out the window to IDENTIFY the THREAT with that wonderful optic, seeing only schoolchildren playing clearly through the glass...one was so close the Red Chevron hid her nose, the little devil, got to love Trrijicon, great for threat identification using your rifle...there was a KNOCK on the door and the DOORKNOB RATTLED!!! I screamed for SWMBO to take cover and ripped open the door holding the M1A at the high strike position, bayonett at the ready (thank god I live in a state where we are allowed bayonet lugs, every knows laws against bayonet lugs violate the constitution, what part of shallnotbeinfringed don't you understand, you must be TRAITOR by the way if you question that), and dang, you should have seen that GOBLIN disguised as a Girl Scout Cookie salesgirl run! Thank god I had carried my M1A all around the house that day in the ready position with my TACTICAL sling, you never know when there might be a HOME INVASION on a Sunday afternoon....

WildnorambosismouttherenopeAlaska TM
Wild, you really should shave the chest. Then the ducttape won't hurt anymore. Doesn't the tape cause pain to your pistol's finish anyway? Why not just handcuff it to your hand in some fashion? An M1A with an ACOG? Too bad you haven't gotten a quad rail system for it and installed an M203 yet. It might not be a bad idea to invest in some sort of flame thrower and claymore yard defense system either.
Thats wrong. There is a difference between Rambo and criminal..Rambo doesnt have intent to do harm or break laws.

I agree with this statement totally. I have friends who buy nothing but tactical looking weapons, carry 24/7, and are fine and upstanding people working in the community. You might call them "rambo" but they're hurting nobody and if they should find themselves in a bad situation of some type they do have many tools available (somebody here has a sig that says "when the zombies come, you know which house they'll be coming to", or something to that affect).

Some people with a Rambo mentality, however, are "on the edge." I'm just judging this from what I read online as I haven't met anyone to this level, but they are just sure that some group (an ethnic/religious/political group) will be assaulting their neighborhood at any time, and they have based their life on being ready to "go down fighting" or "join the revolution" or whatever. These people scare me ... just because when you're looking for a fight, you generally find one eventually.

BTW -- although I have far fewer guns than many on this site, and only one military style rifle (a cheap SKS) many of my neighbors consider me a Rambo for owning any guns, and for my NRA shirts/membership. I guess being a Rambo is relative to where you live.

Garand how do you see this:

That conclusion was crystallized for me years ago when a state legislator from suburban Atlanta announced in a gun debate that he would never dare to dine in an Atlanta restaurant unless he was carrying a firearm.

Now, frail little old ladies with walkers ate in those restaurants regularly without apparent fear, but this guy — a young man well over 6 feet tall — thought it was too dangerous unless he could carry a gun with him.

That doesnt make you raise an eyebrow?

It's not the carrying of the gun, it's the attitude. An attitude, I am coming to realize by the way, that women completely lack

This story reminds me of a thread some years ago about stopping at a convenience store late at night. Some posters called them "stop and robs" and said they would NEVER go to one no matter how well armed. And I'm thinking ... but our 7-11 has a little old lady working the counter at night who's there every night and never packs. Is american courage now based on armament?

IF I understand what you're saying ...

As boys, especially in some cultures, we're raised that we're the protectors of our family/wives/women. This is a heavy burden, and some men (especially when they get older and start wondering if they can still throw a hard punch) turn this into fear that can only be assauged by having lethal fire power at their fingertips.

Women, I tend to think, are not given such a heavy burden for their own defense societally -- not something we speak about, but something that is inherent in our movies and culture. There are many, many exceptions to this obviously ... I'm talking about generalities, not hard and fast rules.

My .02 ...

I'd be lying if I didn't say my age somewhat affects my desire to carry a weapon. 15 years ago I was quite confident (falsely or not) that I could flatten any schmuck who dared lay a hand on me. Now I am not.

With the change in laws in Colorado I now carry a weapon as casually as I carry my keys -- but then, I don't always carry all my keys either. Because I recognize where I live/what the dangers are/etc. are highly unlikely to put me in a really bad situation. Highly unlikely, not impossible.

When I'm travelling (which I do often) I don't bring a weapon unless it's a car trip through states that are CCW friendly to me (which means I almost never carry when travelling). I'm not in fear at these times, but when you're at a rest stop in the middle of Kansas at 3:00 a.m. with groups of shady looking people loitering about having a .38 tucked in my belt does make me feel a little more secure about using the restroom.

Am I a Rambo? Y'all decide. I will accept the title if I must.

Some may consider me a "sheeple." I'll accept that title as well if you think it fits.
I run across LOTS of Rambos. Round here we call them POLICE.*

*_Only (kinda, the official Rambos are the worst) kidding_
understand the general theme of what you are saying, but please tell us why you think it is a problem in our culture. How many people have you seen carrying a concealed weapon whom you thought had a Rambo mentality? What someone says on a web forum and what happens in real-life are two entirely different things.

Maybe I should have been more specific. I meant the culture of gun owners on internet forums and such. It becomes a problem when what we say gets used against us or allows some newbie to think it is perfectly okay to ID a target with a ACOG on a rifle or draw down on a homeless person. It becomes a problem when people posting on a public internet forum are suggesting things that are borderline illegal if not fully.

I don't carry a pistol to become a hero, I do it so that I might avoid becoming a statistic.

There is the main reason I carry and quite frankly I can avoid 80% of the situations that might cause me to draw a gun.
Thank god I had carried my M1A all around the house that day in the ready position with my TACTICAL sling, you never know when there might be a HOME INVASION on a Sunday afternoon....

It's easy to make light of these types of situations.... until it happens to you. I just read about a woman in Orlando who had stopped by Wal Mart at 6am with her 1 year old baby. When she was walking back to her car, a perp forced her into her car, and raped her while her 1 year old baby was in the back seat. http://usatoday.feedroom.com/?fr_story=FRdamp265006&rf=sitemap

Yeah, it's really easy to make light of the reality. Most of us will never need to ever draw our guns at home or while conceal carrying. However, in our society, these types of things happen all too often. It's best to be prepared.
It is the antis that are truly fearful.

The antis suffer from burry head in sand disease. They are so frightful of the prospect that there are bad people in this world and cannot bear to believe it, that they hide from that truth.

And with their heads burried so far in the sand about the nature of (some) people, they fail to see any valid purpose a lawful use of a gun. After all, if you don't acknowledge that there are evil doers about, then why would you need a firearm for protection?

So then, they (the antis) start to speculate about why somone so deperately wants to carry a gun around if it has no benign purpose.... eureka! They must want it for a malevolent purpose of some kind. The irony is then, that they actually start to see proponents of firearms for SD as being bad evil people (that they fear).

It is a mentally deffective, fearful twist of insane reasoning that these anti fools operate under. They are some of the most cowardly, fearful, unwilling to take personal responsability sorry representations of human beings there are. And they DARE to call those of us who do have the courage to take personal responsability cowards?

In short, the antis want to ban guns because it is their equivilent version of pulling to covers up over their head so they do not have to face the real world. The world they do not wish to accept because it frightens them. :barf:
you should have seen that GOBLIN disguised as a Girl Scout Cookie salesgirl run!

Wild you have it easy. For some reason at the exact same time and day Monday through Saturday some guy wearing a uniform no doubt (I think he is a jackbooted thug) comes to my house and no less steps on my porch. He then proceeds to put information packets into this metal box that was installed on the exterior wall. I draw on him every day with my .300 mag with attached 10 power scope while peaking out behind the blind (for some reason everything is blurry though). I swear if I ever find out whom he is, what is this USPS anyways?
well,speaking as a "Rambo"(must be,i own an AR and i carry:rolleyes:)...

...although i dont draw down on Girl Scouts.

ive seen many violent attacks in my life(i guess some of us are luckier than others).

never had anyone ive known,killed or hurt from carbon monoxide...yet almost everyone i know has detectors.

go figure.
I just read about a woman in Orlando who had stopped by Wal Mart at 6am with her 1 year old baby. When she was walking back to her car, a perp forced her into her car, and raped her while her 1 year old baby was in the back seat. http://usatoday.feedroom.com/?fr_sto...006&rf=sitemap

I just read about a lightning strike, so now I'm going to wear a lightning rod on my head;)

The antis suffer from burry head in sand disease. They are so frightful of the prospect that there are bad people in this world and cannot bear to believe it, that they hide from that truth.

My 75 year old mom goes out every day in Raliegh, North Carolina, unarmed. Is she hiding from the truth?:D

Maybe I should have been more specific. I meant the culture of gun owners on internet forums and such.

Thank you Billy...now you can be a "anti" too...I was fat and lonely!:p

I swear if I ever find out whom he is, what is this USPS anyways?

Dude you are in big trouble, bet they follow you to work too:eek:

WildoroborousAlaska ™
I just read about a woman in Orlando who had stopped by Wal Mart at 6am with her 1 year old baby. When she was walking back to her car, a perp forced her into her car, and raped her while her 1 year old baby was in the back seat. http://usatoday.feedroom.com/?fr_sto...006&rf=sitemap
I just read about a lightning strike, so now I'm going to wear a lightning rod on my head

I think you are a little late on that.
well,speaking as a "Rambo"(must be,i own an AR and i carry

Thats where you miss thge whole point. Ownership of ninjatools and carrying, in and of themselves, does not a Rambo make.

Wildthinkjermthink!Alaska ™
Thats where you miss thge whole point. Ownership of ninjatools and carrying, in and of themselves, does not a Rambo make.

does that mean i cant take out bg's shooting from the hip,while bullets dodge me(and all of the bystander's)?:(
From the article: "Good Guy pulls his own gun and kills Bad Guy, saving lives and becoming a hero. In real life that rarely if ever happens."

Certainly true, as it's stated and as any liberal would see it. But, I think it might become much less rare if real "common sense" gun laws permited more sane folks to carry without fear of legal reactions. Right now most of us are as helpless as the sheeple when murderous idiots pull out their arms and start shooting!