What 12gauge load for HD?

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I'd use a factory load that duplicates what your local LE uses.

I haven't seen shotguns near as much as the M4's that they all seem to have now. Less mess than SG, more capacity, lighter recoil...223 seems like a reasonable alternative to the 12 ga SG for HD. I have both actually.

My SG is ready too, right beside the AR. I keep my SG cruiser ready with #00-00-slug-slug-slug-slug. The idea being that if two rounds of 00 Buck doesn't stop the threat, then slugs to follow makes all sorts of sense...

Or does it when I could have picked up the AR? :D
Why are you worried about shooting through a wall Moyer?

According to you everything inside your place will be ten feet or less.

Are you afraid you will completely miss from less than four yards with a shotgun?

Um, yeah genius. Earth to Nate45, this isn't Call of Duty. I'm sure if you wake up out of a deep sleep at 3am to the sound of someone busting your door down, your adrenaline is pumping at its max, and you're just gonna be 100% accurate no matter how fast someone's moving or shooting back at you? How have been been on this forum so long without reading stories of trained LEOs and Vets missing shots at closer ranges than that?

If you're going to assume 100% accuracy, you should be recommending I use a .22 for "head shots"... and then go back to whatever fantasy world you're living in.

Of course this is all not to mention the possibility of heavy buckshot or slugs actually going through the intruder and then through a wall, which would be easy if it doesn't hit bone.
That's a surprise--I have an SG and AR also and I'd probably grab the SG first in a home defense gotta-hit-and-incapacitate on the first shot situation, especially at night. Might defer to the AR in daylight as I might be able to be more assured of a precise shot. That's my less-than 2 cents.
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