Western States TFL Round Up


New member
Some of us have been mulling over the idea of hav'n one...
I decided I wanted some more input.
Lets have a show of hands, give you opinion

1. Yes or No?
2. Where?

I say YES, and I vote for Vegas... When you not shooting or gabbing about guns - there are some killer buffets going on...

Also I would hope Rob could organize a whole crap load of PRIZES!

How about Reno the first part of AUG. We are visiting family out that way and this would be perfect

Otherwise Mid Aug in Vegas would work for us also...
I like Reno too. Close to Carson City with the State Museum (nice silver collection and Gattling gun). There's a free rifle range which goes out to 300 yards just outside of Carson City. Reno is also close to historic Virginia City where the Bar, Buckets of Blood, has the deadman's table (every owner has encountered misfortune).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Reno is good
I can't remember the name of the restaurant ( but could find it) that has the very best lemon/butter calamari I've ever had...even better than mine, Mom's or Grandmom's.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
4V50 Gary,

We have never been out to Reno or that far west before. What all do you recommend we see and do in the area? We enjoy all kinds of museums and old west historical towns shops and just about anything dealing with the old west.
I'll just miss ya's. Heading to AZ for the month of July in search of relocation potential. I don't believe I'll still be there that late in the season.

Speak well of me.

I'm up for it. Reno or vegas sounds good. Mid to late Aug is best for me.

Vegas is an 8 hour drive for me. Reno 2 days. Either one is cool for me. I've lived in both towns so no problem there. Sounds like fun.
Paul B.
I vote for Reno. Bout a three hour drive for me. Also my Dad lives just 90 miles from there, where I grew up. There's an infinate number of places to shoot within a short drive from Reno. Bout the same as Vegas as far as the food, night life, etc. But at this time of the year, being at the 4,000 foot level, it is a whole lot COOLER!

Want to do a little jack rabbit shootin? There's a ton of them out in the desert. In fact a few years back the farmers traped a few of them and taged them, then let them go. Set a bounty on the tages. They ranged from $10 to a couple of $500 rabbits. This was done to get rid of the over population.

Shrike9: If heading up that way there are a few sites you just have to see... Number one is Virginia City and don't forget to take a mine tour. Wonderful this time of the year, 40 degrees down there. Number two is the Cat house in Carson City... Was there before the turn of the century.. one of the first buildings in Carson City. The historical society rehibilitated it about 30 years ago and turned it into a museum. If your married I would suggest staying away from mustang. Third would be the old mint in Carson City. The number and quality of the coins on display there are amazing. Fourth would be the mansion between Carson City and Reno (forgot it's name). It was built in the mid 1880's. Also Reno has quite a few historical sites.


P.S. I work for a winery and if any one is ever up near Sacramento, e-mail me and I'll set up a personal tour and wine tasting for you.

While you're here why don't you look up a few of us Arizonans, if time permits?

Reno would be fine, Vegas, prefered. Maybe a car pool up/back from the Phoenix area?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Wow - looks like Reno has a strong pull...
As does Late August.

Is there anyone here actually from Reno and know of any good Ranges? Yeah - I know its out in the desert - and we could probably drive in any direction for 5 minutes and be able to shoot - But a Range is a place to start...
Kodiac. It's been almost 30 years since I lived in Reno. Can't help you there. I do visit once in a while as my mother-in-law lives there.
For those who want to shoot jackrabbits, I think you have to get a non-resident small game license. I'm not sure. I would hate to see anybody get a fine, or jail time for performing a public service.
Rich. If you get as far south as Tucson, and don't stop by, I'll be mad as hell.
As far as preference go, Vegas is the most convenient, but I'll go with the majority.
Sounds like a fun time.
Paul B.
I can probly get us a good rate in Vegas, and I'll be there anyway in all likelihood in Sept. the 10-12, at a celebrity Shoot hosted by the Rio Hotel.

I can also get rates at HArrahs and Golden Nugget.

The Rio is nice.. all the rooms there are suites, and they were the only Casino in the world with its own FFL and gun shop until last year. But they are still pro-gun, and host a lot of shooters.. they even have a full time "shooting Host" that caters to the high rollers who have an itchy trigger finger.... I think the rate for that weekend in Sept is $75/night based on association with that event.
I'd do my utmost to meet all of you. If Reno is the favorite I'll do my best to get there. Phoenix is great as well ... hint.

I assume this would include family ... or no?

If we go to Nevada, it will be helpful indeed if we can post the applicable laws we'll all need to consider.
I'm up for Reno or Vegas, any time.

Just a thought: Reno. Think about that for a minute... a bunch of gunners in Reno.

Don't know whether to grin or shudder.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
I vote for Reno. As to the date anytime other than 8/21-8/22, my wife and I are taking a CCW class for, if you can believe it, California (sheriff already said he'd sign it). Don't want to miss that... (has hell frozen over?).

Reno or Vegas anytime, as well - Perhaps Coinneach, BAB, Motorep, JimC, and the rest of the Coloradoans could take a van and head out together. I love road trips, and I know Coinneach and I would at least agree on travelling music :).

That sounds like a hell of a good idea. If no one else has a big roadbeast, I'm thinking about getting a Suburban next month.

BTW, what's that about music? (searching through long-unused archives of memory for relevant info)

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain