Western States 1999 Round Up - Final Chapter

Almost forgot.... Rescheduling for later in the year will not work for me and I suspect for a lot others. All the hunting seasons start opening up. As Treasurer of our local pheasant club I've got a lot to do over the next couple of months for them, besides my work.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I'm going to have to bail out. I was originally going to take Friday and Monday off, but that didn't work out. I could drive up Friday night, and drive back Sunday, but if we're going to schedule a joint TFL-AR15-GlockTalk weekend, I'd rather wait for that.

Patrick, thanks for all you've done. I'm looking forward to getting together soon.
I can't make it either....been a cool summer and crops weren't ripening. Now starting to come on like gang busters.
Ya'll wouldn't want a price hike on salsa, ketchup and pasta sauce would ya? :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Looks like the round up had died.

Well, I'm glad I won't miss any of the excitement. So when, where, how, why is the next one? I really want to find people who like guns as much as me. there is to much anti propoganda out in my neck of the woods

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Well I guess Im not going either :( but If were going to try to have one later on then I think we need to find out why this one failed. Was it just a bad weekend and everyone ended up not able to get time of work or what? Was it a bad location? If the same thing is going to happen if we plan another one its not worth the work of planning it. If we do plan one for a later date then I agree we should open it up to as many boards af possible to try to get more people that can make it.
Why did this one die?

Sh!t happens, that's why. I was looking forward to my first real vacation in years, until my truck said "I don't think so" and sucked up the cash I'd set aside for the trip.

Bad luck, karma, kismet, the Fickle Finger o' Fate, whatever you want to call it.

"An Eley's No. 2 is an excellent argument
with gentlemen who can twist steel pokers
into knots."
--Sherlock Holmes
DIED? Hell no, I'll be there! (grin)

Well, I think it's one of those sh*t happens things too.

Who would be interested in assisting in pulling off the mulit board round up? Would the FOAP like to be involved? Do moderators here want to make a commitment to attending?

I am obviously interested and able to help to a degree with coordination - Perhaps able to get some deals on lodging and/or events... But obviously not willing to hang my finacial fanny or reputation out in the breeze either.

If you will respond that you are willing to jump in, I will email you and we will see what we can put together. I will begin to feel out others on the AR15.com, Glock Talk, and AK47 forums to see what they would like to do along these lines.

Any Takers???
Friends, I regret I won't be able to join you, but it sounds like a great time. Pressures of kids, school and projects. I'll try next time.

Have a great time.
This one died because of bad luck, the sh*t happens theory is probably the best explaination. I had every intention of going, until religious obligations which I forgot about got in the way. a multi board get together would = larger turnout. and I really don't think it would be a much larger logistical hassle, since all you need to so it set up post the same posts on all the sites then posts updates for the other sites every couple days.
I think the location is ideal, since CA is not an option after 1/1/00. Reno/carson city close to CA, but not in CA.
thats my 2 cents
Great feedback - Thanks Chink

Looking for those I wanna help messages!!! (grin)

Who else? Suggestions? I am listening. Feel free to email. Probably looking at doing a spring thing now... Makes for interesting weather!
Wanna know a great way to kill a weekend?
Network a school full of 386 and 486 computers running windows 3.11 with 400 meg drives and only 4 or 8 megs of ram.
And they were talking about putting on Win98?
I have a migrane all ready - no wonder people think Schools are a good place to shoot!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
i'll help

I wish i had the resources to upgrade the local schools to better machine. its sad what the kids in our public school learn on. but he biuld patience

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
386's and 486's. Poor babies. When I was in school, we learned on abacuses and wrote with quills.

bah!! humbug!!
They had paper back then?


"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I will be there sunday morning, fires or no fires :) I'm near the Sacramento CA area if there are any from that area who might still want to consider going.
It Happens Tomorrow!!! (Today for you East Coast folks)

Looks like it's Me, Bookie, and Pthfndr. And of course, the Signifigant Others. Perhaps a couple of local shooters too.

Nice fire in Washoe Valley between Reno and Carson City may even be contained by Saturday. The light rain Thursday/Friday has reduced the air quality from REALLY THICK to breathable! WE ARE EXCITED!

I will be sure and photograph the amazing computer and laser printer destruction now scheduled to take place Sunday morning. Guess that I will change my handle before I post the pictures here... (grin)

Keep thinking if you are interested in getting together in the future. I am thinking spring or end of summer again. With proper timing, we could probably put together a package with Casinos in the off season that would be really reasonable.

Lemme know... and we will be talking bout you all I am sure. If we had addresses, we would send you a post card! (LOL)

George Hill - Been There, Been DONE by THAT... I will say prayers for you. Just think of all that grey matter that will be refreshed after this excercise!