Western States 1999 Round Up - Final Chapter

Blitzkrieg -
If it is Cali side or on Tahoes west shore, could be more than 1 hour. I have seen it take 45 min to go from Incline Village to Tahoe City which is 15 miles. This isn't July 4th, but be aware you may recieve more patience than you anticipated by going this route. South Shore is the best. Kingsbury grade will drop you into the Carson Valley quickly. Or you can take Hwy 28/50 to the Carson Valley. West shore will add lots of time to the commute, but it will be a pleasant commute... Lots of beach bunnies in Kings Beach! (grin)

I will be checking in with Parks and Rec Dept as well as the Sherrif's dept this afternoon. I will update when I get this info.
Good News!
The Carson Range is OPEN! Some minor construction is still being done on the parking lot and the NEW pistol range, but the primary range is open and ready for use. I gotta say I was impressed with the Parks and Rec. Dept - THEY CALLED <ME> to update the status of the range - Thanks Steve - Not bad for a state dept.

More Saturday when I go to check out the facilities!

Transportation info should be gathered today for all you out of state persons transporting arms.
Someone help me out. Who has driven from Los Angeles to Carson City and how long of a drive was it? I used yahoo maps and it estimated 12 hours but I find these are not usually the most accurate so who has made the drive and how long is it going to take? I was going to go but a new gun yesterday just for this Round-Up and of cousre with CA's 10 wait I wont be able to get it in time :( I really needed to do something illegal with this gun I was buying and certainly couldnt use the 2 I already have to do it so I guess this 10 day wait thing really works.
If you come up 5 from LA to Sacramento that's 6 - 8 hours depending on traffic, where you live and/or how many times you get stopped for speeding :) From Sac to Carson city will be approximately 2-1/2 hours, again mostly depending on traffic over Hwy 50 through S. Lake Tahoe. If you should go this route, and are coming up friday night, I'm 45 minutes east of Sac towards Nevada. I won't be able to go to the shoot until sunday as I have to work saturday, but you'd be welcome to crash here friday night if you want. Feel free to e-mail me if you might want to do that.
GOOD NEWS! The range is open and freshened up. You can actually put up target holders if you desire. They made some minor mods to the firing area and cleaned up all the brass and trash. It looks nice.

Which is a bummer! I will definitly be hauling out as much junk as I can for a while. Hopefully the Landfill will be open Sat and Sun so that I can just dump stuff there... (grin) Computers, Laser printers, and VCR's will have to be hauled off for a while...

The WIND has not gone away. Went to the range at 11:am and left at 3:pm. STRONG wind in the face all day.

Sorry for the delay calling Sherrif's dept for transpo info regarding firearms. I will defenitly get that info Monday.

Any thing else??? See ya next weekend!
So, should we meet at the range, or in town? I'd guess that at the range would be best, unless there's limited parking.
Yea maybe its about time to figure out where and when were going to be doing what. What time should we meet? I think i remember reading that some people wanted to do some night shooting so I guess that would be on saturday night. I can still bring the BBQ but should I bring it saturday or sunday? Are we going to be doing any varmint shooting and if so are we going to need to get a hunting liscense? I guess thats about all I can think of now but Im sure others probably still have questions.
Okay, just as I thought.

Spoke with the Carson City Sheriff’s dept -
775-887-2500 = Info line
If you will be legally transporting firearms in California, you will be fine here in Nevada. You may have a loaded firearm/pistol in a holster in the glovebox or trunk, but if you have it on your person while in the auto it is considered a concealed weapon (news to me). Loaded pistol in the purse is FINE until YOU PICK IT UP, then it is a concealed weapon. Open carry is allowed BUT highly discouraged due to the high volumes of calls this triggers. You can plan on meeting our local constables cause they WILL come check you out. You must be VERY careful that the pistol cannot be accidentally covered by a loose shirt or other outer clothing - this would be a concealed weapon. Of course, you need a NEVADA CCW to conceal a weapon. Reno has different carry laws - NO loaded firearms in downtown Reno is what I would say just to avoid anyone getting in trouble. I would also say that once you are at the range, you are probably safe provided you do not purposely conceal your firearm.

IF YOU ARE STOPPED - Please do as you would in California with firearms in the vehicle - Keep your hands on the wheel, state there are firearms in the vehicle and allow the officer to lead you to the next step. Spastic motions could get you in trouble if you have firearms visible in your vehicle.

REMEMBER - this is the Wild Wild West, courtesy is a plus! How does it go? An armed society is a polite society...

VARMITS - Black Eared Jacks, Gophers, Ground Squirrels, COYOTES are open season! No hunting license necessary (775-688-1500 - Nevada Dept of Wildlife) Look twice at a horse, go to jail.

Here is a fun link. Zoom out to find your way to the range. This picture is actually of the range. Hope this works...
http://terraserver.microsoft.com/GetTilesByXY.asp?XId=57 81&YId=3617&TileX=3&TileY=5&SrcId=1&ImgDate=06/04/1990&DSize=0

Be sure you get the whole line of the address. If this works you are looking at the roofs over the shooting bays as of 1990! Pretty trippy Huh! As you can see, there will be plenty of parking at the range. I say we meet at the range round 9:00am for us early risers... but I am flexible and can learn to sleep in! (LOL) Long range accuracy Phreaks (me) will want to arrive early to take advantage of the calm air in the morning. Trust me, there will be plenty of wind in the afternoon.

Fire danger is still high. Hunting varmints with steel core ammo and or tracers would be foolish - cause I know where I am and will bug out quickly... you may get caught and get a fire bill! (grin)

Go to http://www.weather.com/weather/cities/us_nv_carson_city.html to check the weather. I would suggest lots of suntan lotion and some one to rub it on of the opposite sex if you plan to enjoy the sun. (I fried last weekend even with the covered shooting bays - windows down while driving got me)

Road construction is present in the Washoe Valley between Carson City and Reno (last weekend anyway) so plan on extended drive times until further notice if you will be going back and forth from Carson to Reno.

I will be bringing a camera, who will bring the video cam???


[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited August 24, 1999).]
Due to working requirements I will not be able to attend.

Bummer. I was looking forward to triggering calls and showing people what the 2nd Amendment meant by "...bear arms..." :) :) ;) :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

So far only 5 people have confirmed they are still going. :( If thats all that are showing up it might not be worth the 12 hour drive.

[This message has been edited by BLITZKRIEG (edited August 25, 1999).]
Oh yea I can bring a digital camera and a video camera. Hopefully more than 5 people are going.

[This message has been edited by BLITZKRIEG (edited August 25, 1999).]
Hey! Don't forget the Nevada State Fair is in Reno this weekend. Also, this weekend in Carson City there is a GUN SHOW!!!

I will be hitting the State Fair Friday night, Shooting Saturday morning, Gun show in the after noon, night practice at the range, run back to Reno for more State Fair, then back to the range Sunday morning!

Now I do caution you... This isn't the California State Fair... This is Reno - Not the biggest show on earth. Still, we have fun.

Just had a thought... What if we open it up to Glock Talk and AR15.com? gotta move fast though... Short notice for some folks. Could draw some Sacramento people though.

Whadda ya think guys?

[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited August 25, 1999).]
Arrgh. OK. By my count, the only non-locals going are BLITZKRIEG - who's been questioning whether he really wants to drive 12 hours to meet a handful of people - bookie (and mrs. bookie), and myself. Is that right? Should we let Pthfndr and Patrick have the place to themselves, and see if we can schedule a better time? Say, Octoberish?
I must say Ive been looking forward to meeting a bunch of people and after looking through the 2 other posts it seemed like we had lots on interest and that we would have a good turnout but now that the time has come no one is going :( If we had it for a different time would more people show up? Its hard to justify the money it will cost for this trip to just meet a couple people when I could save that money by just going to the local range. Well its time to decide soon because if Im going I have to start driving friday morning. Let me know and Ill decide what Im doing.
I was really looking forward to this as well - heck it was my idea to start with! I got some new guns I wanted to show off!
(with my twin Springfields I can do a hell of a Castor Troy impression - well - except I am better looking!)

I also wanted to see who held the bragging rights as the best pistol shot...



"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Sheesh. At least I don't have far to drive... I would be willing to go to Ca, but I have the truly EVIL things - AR15's, UZI, MAK90 - Sounds like I won't have too much cleaning to do...

BUT! If we have come this far and give up, what are the chances that we will ever be successful in the future??? There will be the perpetual "we tried that last year and no one showed" attitude. We need to get some pics & video and show these folks what they missed out on! Gotta create the burn!

Can't do this in Ca... range shoot, shoot Varmits (legally w/o hunting license), gamble (legally), State Fair, Gun Show, swim in Lake Tahoe - our witty and humble personalities... ALL IN ONE WEEKEND?!?!?

My daughter and I will be there Saturday from around 9:00am to 12:00 for sure. We would be honored to meet ya'll and show you around if you would like some help or company. Saturday evening it's off to the State Fair in Reno. Sunday we are off to the Range again - unless no one shows... (frown)

(motivationalrantmode *on*)

Perhaps next time we should open it up to our friends on the other forums. Sounds like everyone here has an AR of some sort, heard about some Glocks too... It would be a good time to consider re-organizing the FOAP drive. Perhaps run a couple of fun games and each throw $5 in a kitty to be split by the winners of each game (ammo cash and braggin rights on their forum! that's worth somethin without the $$$) Perhaps some of the influential forumites could pursuade a vendor or two to pitch in a promotional give away? Do a dinner at a campground and give away the days awards.

So - Whadda ya say - Go ahead as is, Reschedule and rebuild interest, or weeenie out (sorry blitz, Ewok - I respect your desire to drive that far for fun. Not poking anyone in the eye here...) I vote we open it up to other forums, make it bigger, and go end of September or first of October. We have a good handle on the state laws, firearms transportation, Varmit hunting, lodging - We could share the wealth! Call it the FOAP reunion and go for some rates with Casinos. Sept is off season. How about $27 a night in a good hotel? (no, i didn't say great) I have seen it before... Weather will still be fine (I hope) and less tourists/less crowding.

We can even keep this year's festivities small and post pictures/video that would advertise for next years very successful round up!

(Ouuouou - The Second Ammendment Round up sponsored/hosted by The Firing Line Forums? Guest Speakers - FOAP Founders) Catchy?

Hey, I have already begun, I won't stop now. What about you guys? Can ya Hang?

Now git out there and win one for the Gipper!

Bottom line - If we can't get THIS off the ground, what makes you think we will still own these fine firearms this time next year??? Hmmmm?

(motivationalrantmode *off*)

And trust me, I ain't bored. I am finishing Y2K compliance at work and have PLENTY TO DO also... But this will be such a blast cause we can pull this off.

Email, post here - Lemme know what we are up to...
I and my gun moll will be comming regardless if anyone else shows up or not... Will be leaving around 7:00 in the morning (will try to leave eariler... but gun molls generally are not morning people)... four hour drive should put us at the range around 11:00. Way I have it figured, If I'm the only one who shows up I won't have any challenge to my claim of top gun... :) Sides, the Reno Rodeo sounds good... used to ride saddle bronc at it back in the late 60's & early 70's. Never did much good there, but did have a lot of fun. One year the guys talked me into riding the bulls. My draw - mighty mouse. A bull that had never been ridden. They had a $10,000 prize for anyone who could stay on him for the full ride. Well it took a couple of six packs to get me up there... He took a jump and a half out of the shute, came around with his head catching me in the ribs with his horn, riping a nice gash along my ribs... still have the scare. Well that was the end of my bull riding.

Does everyone know why this is falling apart? Ya can't attract bears without a little honey. Hear that DC? :) (sorry bout the guilt trip).

Any hoo... Looking forward to meeting who ever shows up...


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.