Went to my CCW Class this past weekend.

What if basic firearms use and safety were part of the standard physical education curriculum at, say, the high school level?

It should be, IMHO. We did have it through hunter safety and the FFA rifle team when I was in school. Now most schools would be aghast to know that there was a school sponsored rifle team. It really is a shame...:(
Will you be using the Utah state gun? The 1911 sorry, I just read this on cnn. Utah has made the browning 1911 their state gun, he was raised in Utah after all.

I have a question for the legals here, can a person on a work visa from another country purchase a handgun in the USA? and/or get a CCW to go along with it?

No, my dad's M1911 was stolen the Saturday before Christmas, 1986 :(.

I'll be using either my S&W Model 329PD or Glock 23.

According to the Utah CWP class I took this last Sunday, people from outside the country can get a Utah permit with their green card - they went over it pretty fast and I could care less, so didn't listen all that well to that part of the class.

ETA: you can download the Utah CWP here: http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/concealedfirearms.html The requirements for non-citizens is on the back page.
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My .02

In my experience and observations some sort of training and or "mentoring" is invaluable to those who have had no previous reliable training or understanding of firearms.

Over the years I have taken lots of folks and tried to give them their initial experience in a safe fashion so that they would a least have the chance to learn in a safe environment and with a weapon that would not intimidate them. Give them a chance to experience how to properly shoot, control the weapon safely and they would have a chance to gain an understanding of what types of weapons there are so if they decide its for them they can make a educated decision. Not unlike learning to ride a motorcycle, taking flying or scuba lessons.

Everyone has rights but knowledge is power.
What if basic firearms use and safety were part of the standard physical education curriculum at, say, the high school level?

I would love to see this. I would bet the accidental shootings would decrease as well, maybe not. But education is never a bad thing.
berreez said:
I don’t what to come off the wrong way but what might happen if they ever had to pull their weapon? I just feel a person needs to be comfortable with a pistol before they ever consider carrying one in public. Now I’m all about protecting oneself, but you shouldn’t put others in danger doing it.
What you feel is irrelevent. The state decides what it considers a minimum level of handgun safety instruction before issuing a license/permit, and that's what you get in the CCW class.

If you don't think that provides adequate safety, lobby the state to require additional training before issuing permits. That'll make you REALLY popular.

Frankly, the entire notion of requiring any permit or training before people can carry is contrary to the clear language of the 2nd Amendment.

berreez said:
I’m all for the 2nd Amendment and the right to protect yourself, but I feel you should have at least fired a weapon before the day you became “qualified” to carry it.
Where does the word "qualified" appear in the 2nd Amendment?

You have a right to "feel" uncomfortable, but your feelings should not trump anyone's Constitutional right to carry a firearm.
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Well said

berreez, you need to read post #31 in this thread over and over again until you get the point.

To whit: You're feelings not only do not matter vs. the Constitution, they're without any basis in fact.
Aguila Blanca
Frankly, the entire notion of requiring any permit or training before people can carry is contrary to the clear language of the 2nd Amendment.

I agree any permit or training should NOT be required.

But common sense dictates that some form of training whether it is free or costs should be taken by people that are first time gun owners for their safety and the safety of others but NOT ordered by the state or federal government.
