Weapons used during "The MATRIX"

I rented Heat, and got all the way to the part where DeNiro's in the hotel and did what he went there to do. (I'm trying not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.)


I had to return it and never got past that part. Someone PLEASE e-mail me the ending. Thanks.
How about the pistols used when Reeves storms the building and engaging the SWAT team? It looks like a pair of .223 pistols.
Just had to throw this in.

It wouldn't have mattered if the 9mm could have broken the elevator cable. Elevators have had a safety bar that keeps them from falling if the cable breaks for decades.

Great movie, though. :D

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" - Patrick Henry
WHOA! Just got done watching the Matrix. The other poster was right: That movie friggin rocks! It is now part of my video library. Definately a "guy flick". Thought there could have been more scenes of the skin tight latex pants though..........WOOHOO! :)

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
Heat should have been named "Sleep" - sorry guys, but I can't wait and watch 30 minutes of boring crap between gunfights, no matter how good. Not impressed at all with Heat as a result. Product of the "me" generation I suppose (short attention span - ADD?),
Oh yeah, the Matrix did rock. George, what Glenn meant was that maybe we're "not really here" either, but stuck in eggs of slime (KY) like in the movie with virtual reality pumped into our brains...you know, I have suspected something like that is up - long before the movie. This thread and the one on movies reminds me - if you haven't seen a movie called "True Romance" with Christian Slater - rent it today. It ain't about romance, really - it's pretty well all action - and the Chris Walken/Dennis Hopper scene is a priceless classic.
Those .223 pistols...

You can see its a Skorpion with a barrel shroud. Fires .32ACP with hollywood added .223 brass hitting the ground. If you look close - you can see it ejecting .32 brass out of the gun as it fires.
The ones in the Matrix may have been further customized with black grips and the stock removed. There are several companies that make clones.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 30, 1999).]
The .223 casings also struck me as an error when watching the movie. While I didn't identify the gun used as a scorpion, it was obvious that the magazine wouldn't hold anything larger than a smg round.

What was even stranger, however, was the sheer number of casings falling at once, literally gobs, as if Neo was firing a minigun. And they were falling right at his feet (weak ejection I guess).

It looked like the actor was walking along pouring casings out of a bucket.
Actually, the "nickel plated sissy pistol" is a Taurus PT945, not a PT940.

You're all wrong. ;)

[This message has been edited by .357SIG (edited December 31, 1999).]
On the movie poster for US Marshals, Tommy Lee Jones is holding a chrome 1911 .45. The pistol that the weasel had that the "nickel plated sissy pistol" line was said about was a .45 Taurus.

The Matrix was the cat's pajamas.

The Rock
the agents us 50 AE desert eagles
in the lobby he first pulls out two mp5 s
then he pulls out two beretta 92 s then he pulls out two scorpions? then he picks an m-16 then he takes out two uzi s
the girl takes a shot gun and thats about it.
the agents us 50 AE desert eagles
in the lobby he first pulls out two mp5 s
then he pulls out two beretta 92 s then he pulls out two scorpions? then he picks an m-16 then he takes out two uzi s
the girl takes a shot gun and thats about it.
Liked "The Matrix" but it falls second to "Ronin" in terms of realistic gun handling. I know Neo could do whatever he wanted, but for some great shoot and drive scenes check out "Ronin." The cops in "The Matrix" kept racking the slides on their Glocks because they carry them in condition 0.

So many pistols, so little money.
I've seen The Matrix several times in the theater, and just purchased it on video. For anyone who is considering this purchase, do yourself a favor and get the widescreen version. A friend rented it with the normal screen size, and it just doesn't do it justice. The action scenarios are more realistic, as are the gunfights. Enjoy.
I got a question for all involved.

In the scene right after Neo sees the cat where the kid gets wasted, what the hell are those two rotary magazine pistols he pulls out of the case?

I know they are mockups, but those almost look worth building, providing the base pistol is something available. Anybody got it on tape that could freeze frame it enough to take a look?

I'm guessing they are Bushmaster arm pistols, but the mag looks too far forward to me. Can somebody help me out?

With my shield or on it...