Weapons used during "The MATRIX"

There was also a BHP in polished nickel when Neo is taken for his first trip. The female character is holding it on him.

The gun in US Marshals is a Taurus NOT a SIG.
I agree with Phillip. Sigs are part of the "Non nickel-plated sissy pistols" and it looked like a taurus anyway.

Also, RE: Matrix, Neo ran a modified gun program to be able to do whatever the F&%k he wanted. Think about it.

We are all in a Matrix.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
We must all give up the dreams of reality

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
i assumed the rounds hitting the floor were 223 casings, cuz they had so many AR-15/M-16's that it would be easier to use those shells instead of finding loads of whatever is supposed to come out of that particular gun

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
The Sissy pistol is indeed a Taurus.

In the Matrix - during the phat lobby seen Neo first pulls out a pair of MP5Ks to initially hose the guards... Trinity walks in with a micro Uzi to finish the one calling for help. Neo tosses the MP5Ks and pulls out a pair of Berrettas. Just before the soldier dude yells FREEZE! When he empties the M9s he pulls a pair of .223 firing Skorpions (yes, I know they are .32s - but those are .223 empties pouring on the floor right near his feet, not .308... Needs some ejector work evidently). Then you snags an M-16A1 off the floor. Once thats empty, he pulls a pair of micro uzies and uses them briefly... then tosses them. He finishes the battle with a few kicks...
Trinty? Not sure what she was using as those pants she wore are a bit distracting. Nice move disarming that shotgun packing soldier dude...
If you have not seen the Matrix - it is the #1 action movie EVER.

Stembridge out of the business? Movies wont be the same...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 21, 1999).]
Yep, Stembridge called her quits because of some of the new laws that were passed in California that would have affected his business. He was thinking of moving the shop to Las Vegas or there abouts but just decided to quit. He had some of the guns of his for sale in Small Arms Review, including the Mini-Gun which was an original GE from back before '68, and was used in Teminator 2, Predator and Matrix. $125,000.00. If my last name were Gates, I would snag it, but it ain't.

Liked the movie: Always wondered why they never reload? While I like seeing all the guns, I would think the film would be better if they "pause behind cover, reload, nod to each other, and come out shooting" Throwing away a perfectly good gun "some costing well over $1000"
I know the guns wern't real just from a "gun program" but it hurts me to see firearms thrown on the floor. I understand the norm is to have 3 guns for every one used in a movie. #1 to use, #2 as backup in case #1 breaks down, #3 a non-gun to throw to another person/drop on ground.
A good but slightly disturbing show. The one guy was willing to sell out the team in order to be placed back "inside" as a rich person with everything going for him. He didn't care if he was really just the energizer bunny to the mach. :( :(

Thanks George Hill.

It's Da' bizest mizovie!

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
I completely agree with George Hill's description of the big shootout in the federal building. Trinity also snagged a SPAS12 during this scene and dropped two guys with it. Good film, not completely correct with the guns side but still a good film.

George is right on. I saw the movie on DVD ;) and was able to stop it and review each frame. Cool! He did use MP5's during that scene. Shake
Did you catch the wave of unnecessary
racking sounds on the cops' Glocks when
they first tried to take Trinity?

I hate racking slide sound effects.

The picture was fun. Wonder if I am in
a big tube of KY, dreaming of TFL?
LMAO... a big tube of KY! HAHAHAHA! Yeah, and the "Matrix" is slowly leaning the population to gun control because it doesn't want it's batteries killing each other off!

"...you're thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Dreaming while in a big tube of KY?
No offense fellas - but I got better looking things to dream about!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Congratulations to all those who correctly identified the nickel plated sissy pistol in US Marshalls as one of the new breed of Taurus'. Skorzeny wins the prize as he was first and nailed it as a PT-940.

Skorzeny, a brand new Steyr M-40 is on it's way to you in the mail, or at least it would be if I was rich and had no respect for Federal law.


Mike H
If you liked the Wachowski brothers' "The Matrix", then also see their first film, "Bound". It's an outstanding, visually stunning film about 2 lesbian women who decide to steal 2 million dollars from the mob. It doesn't have the extreme action scenes like The Matrix, but it is still very much a "guy" film... In each scene where a gun IS fired, there is something interesting to see. World class cinematography.
That's odd.. when Columbine first went down I thought to my self.. well there were 2 kids who saw the matrix too many times...

I realize that's a gross oversimplification of the situation..hell the movie ROCKED. I went out and bought my girlfriend a new pair of paint-on shiny black latex pants. ;) she declined the day at the range wearing them however. :(

Since we are on the subjec to of movies, how come no one mentioned Heat" starring Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, and Val Kilmer? The AR15 battle with LA cops was best choreographed gun fight I've seen in a long time. I also remember seeing some Sigs too.
You know, I havent seen the Matrix yet. Its on PPV, and was just going to save the $2.99 and wait til it showed on HBO. But hell, MP-5's, twin Scorpions firing .223? 50AE Desert Eagles? Berettas, M-16's, Sigs, not to mention skin tight painted on latex pants? I'm there dudes...... :)

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
Ivan, good call. I have HEAT waiting for me at home right now, with one day left on the rental. Think I'll go home and watch it.

But the Matrix is still the gold standard.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron