Weapons used during "The MATRIX"


New member
Does anyone know what the semi-autos are that the "agents" are using? I KNOW that I've seen them before, but I can't recall what they are.

Also, could you recognize the guns used in the big Lobby shootout? I recognized some of them, but two that were used I think were fake, or "made-up" guns. What do you think?

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
Looked like Desert Eagles to me... Anyone...? Bueller.... Bueller....

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Keanu "whoa" Reaves used two Czech Skcorpion SMG's in the lobby shootout. Kinda funny that .308 cartridges were spilling out of it when the Skorpion actually shoots .32 ACP!
I KNEW I had seen that handgun before! Thanks! I had held a couple of Desert Eagles at gun shows; but when I saw the movie I couldn't recall what they were.

And yes, I also saw a few shooting inconsistencies with some of the weapons use in the movie, The Matrix.
Here we go. This is my favorite gun movie.

Agents used the .50 Desert Eagle Hand Cannons.

In the Phat lobby scene, Keanu first pulled out a nice pair of MICRO-UZI'S. When those were spent, he grabs I believe a nice pair of USP's (I think). When those are spent, he grabs a few more MICRO-UZI'S. It's nice to have a $10,000.00 + arsenal on you at one time.

The girl packs a nice ass, that's all she needs to kill some hard core dudes.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Destructo6 you have a good point. I forgot those 2. They were skorpions????

DAD2JANE, those are the real deal. Well firing blanks, of course. The MICRO-UZI'S do look like little toys though.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
In the shootout scene on the roof Keanu uses a pair of Beretta 92 FS', the cops in the opening scene have Glocks (17 or 22 ?)lined up against the girl, which is obviously why they miss :)

Just for reference whilst the Skorpion is primarily a .32ACP weapon, the Czechs did produce it in heavier calibers, 9mm I believe but terrorists just hate recoil so they eventually went back to .32. By the way, if anyone wants to impress me, identify the so called "nickel plated sissy pistol" closely inspected by Tommy Lee Jones in US Marshalls.

Mike H
I believe the nickel plated sissy pistol was a nickel Sig 229, though I could be wrong. I havent seen that movie for bout a year. And i believe Neo (from the matrix) never used a HK USP. I have seen the movie 10 or more times and only remember him using a Sig P series after the oracle, and using 4 Beretta 92Fs's in the building.
Ah, the Matrix--one of the better movies of all time.

Of course, if I were skilled at manipulating the Matrix as Neo and Trinity were, I would need little more than ONE hi-cap pistol with a few reloads. It would cut down on the weight under my trenchcoat. It would, however, be a bit less exciting to put just one bullet between each enemy trooper's eyes.

The goodguys were all guilty at violating all sorts of gun safety rules. One particularly bad infraction was in the scene where Neo shoots the elevator cable anchored an inch from his (and Trinity's) feet. Perhaps gun safety has no meaning in the Matrix.

Mike H:

Wasn't that "nickel plated sissy pistol" a Taurus in .40S&W (maybe a Taurus PT-940)?


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I know that the Nickel plated Sissy Pistol wasn't a Glock.

"Get rid of that Nickel Plated Sissy Pistol and get yourself a Glock"Tommy Lee Jones

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"

[This message has been edited by TEC9 (edited December 20, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by TEC9 (edited December 20, 1999).]
Agents guns: Mark XIX Desert Eagles .50 AE

I should know... after seeing The Matrix I went out and bought myself a Desert Eagle :)

.44 mag though, I actually want to shoot my gun instead of holding it and thinking about how bullets cost $1 each for it.

There were many gun flaws in that movie, the above mentioned rifle shells falling on the floor and the first scene where Trinity is sitting in the room... the cops come busting in the room and cock the hammers back on their GLOCKS!!


When that one guy spins that gun around and hands it to Neo that was a Sig.

And do you guys really think a 9mm could break an elevator cable with one shot from the 92FS Neo was sportin? They don't make those things out of twine ya know...

-Frank the Spank
Its only a movie for crying out loud, not a gun documentary :)
The makers put whatever will make people want to see movie!
In the year 2199 people have too much sense to pack plastic kitchen ware. When Keanu Reeves goes back in as a free he's given a SIG Sauer. I'm not sure if it's a P220 or P226. Later he packs a couple of Beretta 92FSs and micro Uzis.

So many pistols, so little money.
Yea, but at least at the end he had a GE Mini-Gun, which I see that Stembridge is selling for $125K now that he's out of the gun rental business.

I almost agree with what you say about the 9mm not breaking the cable entirely, but you are, I think, forgetting about the weight of the elevator... It puts tremendous weight on that cable thus the reason it ain't "twine"... therefore, breaking MOST of the medal strands, would probably be sufficient to cause the sheer weight of the elevator to break the rest... I have little reason to beleive that a 9mm couldn't break at least MOST of it... just my thoughts on the subject.

"...you're thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?