weapon manipulation: is it second nature for you?

I have two types of guns .revolvers & striker fired autos .Plain and simple .The autos are on the short list. Revolvers work for ME .
Muscle memory is important. I go though drills and exercises on my own. In the heat of the moment always remember you resort back to your weakest part of training. Its simple...take 30 mins a week and run some drills. (YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT)
Prime example of this happened to me this weekend, 2x though not with handguns.

Example #1:

Just doing some target shooting with my Marlin 39a. I rarely if ever shoot it, and I loaded the gun and pulled the trigger 2x, cycling the lever both times and looking in confusion at the live rounds that were ejecting out on the ground.... Then I realized I left the stupid crossbolt safety on.:rolleyes: Right afterwards, I shot my M&P 22-15 which I shoot all the time. I naturally flick the safety off every time I look down the sights.

Example #2:

Later that afternoon, while crow hunting with my brother. There was one swooping in low right out front in my "zone" and I pulled up getting a click instead of a bang. My brother saw it and was expecting it to be his bird, but I cycled out the "dud" round and had another in the chamber before the bird even started to turn and nailed it. (Benelli click, wasn't fully in battery for some reason:rolleyes:)

Example #3:

On a later stand, they were coming in hot and heavy. I emptied my gun but another one was coming in fast and my brother said that in the time he had to raise his gun and take the shot, I already had mine loaded +1 and ready to take the shot.

I only use Benelli shotguns so my hands go through the motions even though my mind may be occupied on watching that crow making his last dive.:D
I try do everything that I can without looking at what I am doing. We have cruise controls, radio, cell phones, remote controls, and a thousand other mechanical devices that operate the same way each time we touch them. Virtually every tool or piece of equipment that I handle I purposefully learn to use without having to visually monitor my own actions. I did the drop and reload drill with my 40 last night and felt like I'd done it a million times before. It was second nature. OTOH I have not taken a defensive training course and am sure I don't realize how much I don't know.
Maybe I am wrong but I like to think that after some 65 years of handling guns, as a soldier, armorer, LE officer, collector and shooter, I am reasonably competent at safe gun handling.

But nonsense like "... if you can't clear a jam, or reload while keeping your eyes on target, then you need to practice. This goes for semis and wheelguns" makes me cringe. That may (or may not) be good advice in combat; it is garbage on a range or in recreational shooting. In most peacetime situations, it can be a recipe for dangerous gun handling. Why would anyone want to fool around with a loaded and jammed gun without looking at what he was doing? If I see someone obeying that "dictum", I don't want to be in the same county.

James K said:
...But nonsense like "... if you can't clear a jam, or reload while keeping your eyes on target, then you need to practice. This goes for semis and wheelguns" makes me cringe. That may (or may not) be good advice in combat; it is garbage on a range or in recreational shooting...
But actually the focus of this sub-forum is not recreational shooting. It's self defense and violent encounters.

And if one practices properly, one can manage that sort of thing safely, although diagnosing and clearing a double feed will require looking at the gun. But a "tap-rack" or a speed reload can be safely executed without looking at the gun.
and he'll be charging from 6-10 ft, not 20 ft.

he can literally dive upon you in 1/2 second, if he tries. So basically, if your gun chokes, you will end up wrassling with him for control of your gun, even if he doesn't stab you or gouge out your eyes.
... diagnosing and clearing a double feed will require looking at the gun ...
Not really, but I'm quibbling. You probably WILL look at the gun if you get a double-feed in a fight. ;)

It's my opinion that most malfunctions are better handled with a "New York Reload" wherever possible.
If you are 20 feet away from a knife wielding psycho, and your gun is holstered, you're gonna come out of this second best. The knife wielder will close & cut you before you can draw & fire every time.
The loading process for a 1911 is pretty ingrained for me...enough so that I really have to be careful when running malfunction drills. A couple times I started a malfunction drill with one in the chamber. :o

If you are 20 feet away from a knife wielding psycho, and your gun is holstered, you're gonna come out of this second best. The knife wielder will close & cut you before you can draw & fire every time.
The "21 foot rule," based on the Tueller Drill is an average. Some people can win that race.
If you are 20 feet away from a knife wielding psycho, and your gun is holstered, you're gonna come out of this second best. The knife wielder will close & cut you before you can draw & fire every time.

Only if he is lucky, everytime. I have seen a lot of not fatal defense wounds. A gun or a knife is only part of the equation. I am not going to stand there like a 1950's western hero waiting.
If you stay in one place and try to draw, the Tueller drill goes very badly for you.

Odds are much better if you move. Any movement beats deer in headlights mode.

Movement behind cover or obstacles works better, though. Or movement timed properly, when it's hard for the attacker to turn because of a committed attack - but that takes more training. (Not saying that's bad, just that for people who don't train much, timing is not easy.)
James K, what Frank Ettin said.

Also, manipulation drills should not be done with guns and live ammo, at public ranges (or private ranges with others in vicinity).

This is why they make snap caps, and workshops, basements, garages, or possibly living rooms. (Living rooms are iffy, depending on presence and attitudes of family members.)

This is also why it's nice to have access to remote, outdoor ranges, in case one wants to try to train with live ammo in a more forgiving environment. That's more advanced, though. Snap caps are the way to go, initially.
I like this post . :) I think its a neglected and underthought aspect for fundamentals for serious owners of semi auto pistols. For them to know how the specific functions and mechanics of their pistol or shotgun, rifle, etc apply and come to play at a so much equal level as simply shooting your gun straight. You can't shoot the gun and expect 100% function if your brain and hand are not cognizant that its cocked and ready to make a difference between your last seconds of life. And you don't know if your pump shotgun is ready if its not racked fully rearward and forward safety off etc. I would suggest the emphesis on carrying a pistol chambered for ease of rapid deployment. Indoor genaral rehersal of gun presentation including extra thought on correct hand placement for your gun is a must. :cool:
I sometimes cringe when someone swears they've never had a malfunction with whatever wonder-thunder they're using. I hope they don't experience the first one when a couple of bath-salts cannibals come charging
donato said:
I just don't have the time nor the resources to do all this training.

It does not have to take a lot of time, and it need not cost more than you're willing to spend. It will take a decision that it's worthwhile to learn, and it will take enough willpower to follow through on that decision.

Step one: Financial investment in appropriate gear. That's a reliable carry gun, solid holster, good belt, and a steady supply of decent ammunition for live practice. Does not have to be a large supply, does have to be a steady one. Add a weighted dummy magazine (from Ring's Blue Guns) plus another $10 or so for a Training Barrel (from Blade Tech or TrainSafe) and you're good to go. For a revolver, add enough snap caps to fill two or three speedloaders.

Step two: Set up an appropriate dry fire area in your home. That's an area that can't be seen by the neighbors (draw the curtain) and that has a safe backstop -- one that would definitely stop a bullet of the most powerful type that would fit inside your firearm. Examples include: brick fireplace, solid basement wall, large cardboard box solidly filled with phone books or folded newspapers, 5-gallon bucket full of sand. Follow safe dry fire rules for ALL practice you do inside your home.

Step three: Learn how to do one, small skill. Not something big, something small. Something like, "Bring the gun up to eye level and press the trigger one time, smoothly." Or like, "Getting the gun smoothly out of the holster, without allowing the muzzle to cross my non-dominant hand." Ideally, of course, you would learn a technique taught directly from a professional trainer who can watch what you are doing and give you immediate feedback about how you're doing it. (And truthfully, if you can make this investment up front, it will save you untold hours of time and wasted ammunition compared to trying to reinvent the wheel by yourself.) But if you cannot swing that up-front investment to save time and money down the road, look for video instruction from the same level of professional trainer, which you can buy 'most anywhere these days, or find online for free. AVOID nameless "instant experts" on YouTube -- not because there aren't some good ones out there, but because without more background of your own, you almost certainly don't have enough time to wade through the crap and find the good stuff, and you don't yet have the expertise to accurately evaluate its worth anyway.

Step four: Practice that one skill. Five or ten minutes a day for a few weeks will have you doing well in no time -- provided you practice mindfully, with your brain engaged. Practice doing that skill smoothly and as perfectly as you can manage. Don't speed up prematurely; learn to do it right, every single time, until you don't have to think it through as you move... then gradually add speed, bit by bit. Never practice fumbling!

Step five: Repeat steps three and four with a different skill.

But back to the original foundation. Why learn this stuff at all, let alone learning it well enough to perform without thinking about it?

Simply this: if you keep a defensive firearm around "just in case" you ever need it, you should also have a set of habits in place "just in case" you ever need them. Those habits will see you through potentially dangerous situations, and they make it possible for you to think about solving the problem rather than wasting time and brain cells trying to remember how to run your gun.

Its best to just know what you have and how to use it to the BEST of your ability. Training is not a bad idea but the best training is a real life situation. (That's where you learn the most)