We were cheated

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Hey warbird it sounds like your season just totaly sucked, with losing the ole Rem. and someone bribing your deer to render a close shot.
Maybe just maybe youd be monsy ahead to hunt somewhere else, maybe even public ground like my family and I do. Listen the ole Savage accounted for two nice young deer and one nice eightpoint my eldest son got the second weekend of the season. Get out of that blind and find yourself an escape route.
As far as the neighbors cheatin dont worry about them, thats called envy and its one of the seven deadly sins.
Plant yourself some turnips and ole big boy will show up, and its legal I bet.
Better luck next year dude.
Sorry not trying to start anything here but, How do you know the neighbors were baiting? Just cause there's corn in a deer you shot means nothing.
We worked our butts off for 2 deer this year. Trail cam had 8 different bucks on it. Damned if we could see them when we were out hunting them. It was a tough year for us too!
The deer had corn in them to! Corn has been down for some time now! We figured that they were eating a night. Wind was wrong this year.
Maybe the neighbors feel you guys been cheating them for the last 7 years with all the bucks you have taken with your food plots.
Maybe the bow-hunters were misleading you a little.
Will see what next year brings.

BTW, no cougars, wolves or coyotes at all on the land this year.

I'm going Sunday with my muzzleloader to see if any bucks are back there. Wish me luck.
not me

I want nothing to do with a deer (or turkey) that's been behavior modified (remember that Pavlov guy?) to come to certain spot to eat. Legal or not.

Might as well shoot one in a pen.
My point with this was to show what we know took place, which is illegal. I get posts where some don't appear to think this is wrong or that we can't be sure. I'm not going to go on anymore about it. If someone gets nailed for illegal baiting in our little hunting area I'll be back in here to let all know. If no one is found to be doing illegal baiting I'll be back in here to let all know that. I'm pretty sure what the result (either this year or next fall) is going to be.
not me


I want nothing to do with a deer (or turkey) that's been behavior modified (remember that Pavlov guy?) to come to certain spot to eat. Legal or not.

Might as well shoot one in a pen.

I agree with this all the way.

I started deer hunting in 1970 and have never used or relied on artfical attractants of any kind to have a successful hunt.

To me it's about fair chase, finding the deer in their natural habitat and hunting them, it's the hunt I enjoy.
If I just wanted to kill deer I could shoot one off my deck.

I did not buy a buck tag just a doe tag, I've killed my share of nice bucks and quit hunting antlers years back.

This year has been extremly tough hunting in our neck of the woods.

Besides the severe drought were in, farming practices that's ripping out most of the cover, additional hunting pressure because of people being out of work with excess time on their hands, another exceptionally warm winter, we are also fighting two diseases (blue tongue and CWD) that have depleted our deer herds to lower numbers.

The lower numbers makes for a more challenging hunt and to add to the challenge I've relied more on still hunting techniques and not stand hunting.

I've passed up a few shots that I did not care to take.
If I fill my tag there will be meat in the freezer, if not I'm not going to starve to death.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I started a new job and have almost no hunting time this year. Anyway, I pass an area that seems to have two posted signs to a tree. There is a corn field next to a woods and deer crossing signs on the road. Every morning and night during Archery there were two to three trucks parked there. The corn got cut and I had not seen one deer. The day after Archery closed I saw four deer feeding in the cut corn. Rifle is open now and there is usually a couple trucks parked there. I went home one day no trucks, but there were a couple deer feeding in the cut corn. This story points out A: Deer hit corn long after it has been cut, and B: Maybe the deer are smarter than you.
There were some does in the cut corn fields but there was no corn crop to speak of unless the corn was irrigated. These fields were not. No giant bucks though. Strangely the one neighbor accross the road shot all the big bucks that were on our land a week before gun season. One neighbor only. Hence our "concern" about their tactics.
Legally, baiting may be illegal in your AO while food plots may be legal.

Morally, they seem to be designed to do the exact same thing.

Concentrating deer with an artificially supplied food source, be it a food plot or bagged corn, is something every hunter has to reconcile for themselves.

Personally, I have little interest in shooting a deer over a purpose built 'food plot' and even less interest in shooting a deer with its head in a bucket of grain. Both feel like baiting to me. Obviously, my opinion is in the small minority. If corn baiting is illegal, inform the warden of your suspicions.
Well I would plant corn next year as the food plot and let it stand thru the season. I see some guys do that for deer and use milo and such for game birds. It sure does work.

My place deer run all over, garden gets wiped out if I dont electrify it. Apple trees out back bring em in better than corn. Fellows will push deer here right to me :) I just sit back and wait. Got more deer here than ever, see twins all the time. Been a large buck hanging around at dusk too. Tomorrow is first shotgun, bet I wont see him till April :)
The neighbors all filled their tags with nice bucks and are no longer baiting. Guess what. One of the guys was muzzleloading today on our land and missed a huge buck at 150 yards. I'm hunting it on Tuesday. Season ends on Wednesday.
I'm hunting it on Tuesday. Season ends on Wednesday.

Well, good luck. Sounds like a warmup is on the way. After the rain on Monday the bucks should be back out freshening their scrapes.

With all these various and vague rules about baiting in Wisconsin, I was wondering.........If you were to eat a big meal of corn on Monday night and then take a dump by your stand on Tuesday morning, would that be considered the same as baiting?
With all these various and vague rules about baiting in Wisconsin, I was wondering.........If you were to eat a big meal of corn on Monday night and then take a dump by your stand on Tuesday morning, would that be considered the same as baiting?


Hmmmm. Good question, LOL!!!!
One doesn't want to condone someones breaking of the law. And again you don't want to be the informer either.

If someone is poaching, then, yeah, I do want to be the informer.

Baiting is for slobs anyhow.
My uncle has a pheasant preserve, and puts out foodplots for his pheasant. I have no issues with that, as he puts out the food plots all year long, and puts out more birds than his customers harvest. They have to eat something, and if he's got to pay to put them out, he ought to be able to "feed" them while they're out there. Especially given how many people hunt the road ditch on the other side of his property to get the birds that migrate over rather than pay his fees.
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