Wasting money on shotshell holders

When I was camping a lot in black bear country I would keep a 12g handy with a buttstock shell holder. It never bother me shooting or moving the gun around, worked just fine. It was under $10. at walmart
I liked having the extra ammo if a bear kept me from my camp and more ammo.
Look, I think if threads like this are started there needs to be a filter on them so your wife can't read them over your shoulder and remind you about all the failed "toys" sitting in drawers in your house. Just sayin...
I like the idea of these, velcroed to the side of the gun.

They can be velcroed to the gun, but you can also velcro them to a vest or anything else. Then as sort of a tactical reload, you can switch the empty tab for a full one.
I think, as a community, we have a responsibility when threads like this come up. To dump all those failed accessories on whoever asked the questions.

Luckily for me, I gave away my last elastic butt-stock shell holder a few months ago.
So, with that card setup, you reload the card onto the shotgun, then reload the shotgun from the card?

Forgive me , but it seems that an extra step is added.

Why not reload the shotgun's magazine directly from a device mounted on your belt or similar?
Why not reload the shotgun's magazine directly from a device mounted on your belt or similar?

You can do that with these cards too. Stick them on a belt, stick them on a vest, stick them on the side of the receiver.

Don't have one, but seem pretty good.
A rig like this might work. I do use a nylon pouch with molly clips on my hunting vest sometimes for extra ammo if I am going far afield. That way I can ditch my laden vest and most of the stuff that's weighing me down and just carry that and my gun for short jaunts away from my blind. But, that's how I hunt, not everyone does that.

Like BC said, you can do it however you like. You can have extra tabs in the drawer. MOst practice relading from one source primarily, so they are faster with that. Usually the on gun ammo. If you know it is empty and have the chance to switch out tabs do it. If not, load from wherever you put stuck the tabs to begin with.

Like I said, I don't use it or own it. I know that almost all the other systems either don't work well at all or are much more expensive. None are as flexible I know that some people who have a lot of time with a defensive shotgun use this system and like it.

The only downfall I can see is if you make your own and go cheap on the velcro or it starts to wear out and you don't replace it.
I have an elastic shell holder on every gun I hunt with. Mainly because I like to keep the gun fully loaded and I can't stand to have my pockets full of stuff. My Mossberg 500 does have a plastic shell holder on the receiver. I like it much better than generic elastic shell holders. I also have a shell holder that velcros on my Goosegun.

It doesn't look like retention of the shells is very good as when he pulls on them the belt doesn't move. Looks like any sort of tumble and the shells will fall out.
What if you want to load just one?

If you post a video of you throwing a couple across the room without any falling out and the same after someone rolls down a hill with them, I will be a believer. Until then, those look great... for three gun or other competition. I won't take them hunting or set them up for home defense though.
John, there are lots of videos of guys using them in 3Gun, which is much more violent than hunting. We flop down prone on them and they stay tight. Better than caddies and in most cases velcro too. Heck, we have some SWAT entry guys using them, and group of guys who went to Argentina to bird hunt with them who had notihng but praise, but yeah, they probably are not good enough for you. :D

If you want to load just one, only grab one...pretty simple.
I have a buttstock shell holder that I keep 5 slugs in, the gun I keep loaded with buckshot. I have researched the bandoliers and came to the same conclusion you did. If I wanted to carry more shells I would get a vest with molle loops and get some pouches to attach.
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Has anyone tried one of the holders that mounts onto the receiver?
I got one of those with the idea that I could keep shot in the tube, and slugs in the carrier so if the "fox in the hen house" turns out to be a "bear in the garbage" I could adapt.

I haven't put everything together yet, but it seems like it will be out of the way.