Want to Piss off HCI?

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Absolutely brilliant, El Jefe, et al !! A lot of the guys on the huntinfo site got after em as well. As of 7:30 pm 9/14, I can't get into Brady's site. The best defense is a good offense--take the fight to them.
Well I managed to get into the HCI Website Like I said before they clarified thier position I am going to attempt to post the image if it doesn't work maybe DC could do her magic! The site was down all day and here is the result..... :(


Can you believe the audacity?? Like I said back to the Phones/E-mail

I believe that we are really making headway so don't let up your guard we need to show our support for Beretta or any Gun Manufacturer that gets called out like this!!

I already e-mailed malbert@berettausa.com and I attached the graphic, this new one, Hopefully Beretta steps up and takes thier cuts!!

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 15, 1999).]
After you get that Info Packet from HCI and you strip out the Pre-Paid envelope....Drop this letter into it or a resonable facsimilie and send it back to them. one more way to add to the costs and get our point acrossed. feel free to recommend changes otherwise use it at will!

To the Leadership Of Handgun Control Institute,
As a concerned Gun Owner and a Law abiding citizen I find your constant attacks on the Second Amendment and my Right to keep and bear arms a slap in the face to our founding fathers and all that I hold dear. You clearly have set yourself up as THE Domestic Enemy of the Constitution and Approximately 80 Million Gun owners. HCI continues to blame the Law abiding for the acts and deeds of a handful of Irresponsible or Criminal individuals and attempts to pass or have passed restrictive gun laws that will not affect anyone except the Law abiding citizen. I refuse to passively sit by and watch as Sarah Brady and Company strips me and my fellow Gun owners of a Right that we hold Precious! If I am not now rest assured I will be a member of the NRA. Your actions, your attacks are far more grievous than any disagreement on policy or procedure that I may have had with them. By the time you read this I will have already secured my membership and provided a donation to assist them in securing my Right to Keep and Bear arms. I will have used my own stamp to save them on the mailing fee as well, a consideration that I did not afford you as you can see. I/We have been tolerant for far too long and have stood by and watched our more passionate brothers/sisters in arms fight my battle for me. NO MORE! This letter and those that you receive like it over the next several months represents the NRA’s growing End strength in membership and monetary funds, All due largely to your efforts. Your intent is as clear as a bell, regardless of what your disclaimer on your website says. You want to see the full and unconditional surrender of my Second amendment rights, and all guns regardless. You would leave me and my family unarmed and at the mercy of any predator that happens along. That I can not and will not abide by. Thank you for helping me to understand what actions are necessary to protect my Rights. I will make my vote and my voice (via my new NRA Membership) Count.

A Second Amendment Advocate

“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.
El Jefe sent me the original graphic HCI had of the Beretta. Seems to me that HCI is being defiant...


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
HCI's page is a joke. I especially like the part that states "only 212" firearm-related deaths were justifiable homicides by private citizens. I guess those people should have died instead of defending themselves? No statistic can show the number of crimes DETERRED by CCW laws, or the feeling of protection a mother has for her family when armed.

Where the choice is between only violence and
cowardice, I would advise violence."
— Mohandas Gandhi
Couldn't find an E-mail for HCI however here is their Address and Phone Number. Distasteful as it may be to see that phone number appear on your phone bill it is but a small price to pay considering what we have to lose. Call them and let them have it, Stay reasonable and ensure that they know that you will Support Beretta in whatever Action they decide to take against them. Let them know that you are sending the NRA a donation to further OUR cause!! Let them know that you are sick of thier ravings and it has to end. Copy that letter to HCI I wrote and use that as a reference or mail it to them etc etc...See ya in the trenches..El Jefe

Director of Development ( hell Put Sarah Brady's name here)
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 289-7319

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 15, 1999).]
How about writing something that'll really get Sarah's hackles up?

"Dear Sarah,

Thanks for advertising Beretta's 92FS on the HCI web site. I've always been more of a 1911 fan, but a 92FS is now on my shopping list. Or maybe Beretta's Tomcat, since it's smaller and more concealable.

I had decided to not buy any more guns, since the ones I have don't get enough action as it is. But thanks to you, my passion for firearms has been reignited.

See you at the range!"

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Buy, of couse, you realized that handguns are killing our children! You got a Beretta submachine gun instead, right? (which one, the 1938 or the current model?)
El Jefe,

The following note was posted on the Delphi "Shottist Center" board - I edited out the name.

>>>Received an e-mail from XXX XXXXX, current nra board member and ex-pres of Texas State Rifle Assocition with similar commentary to write Beretta because of the HCI add, seems XXX is stirring up the Texas Volunteers<<<<

In effect, this little thing has gone national and is spreading like wildfire. Its also going out on various Libertarian networks for which I'll take a bow..

Proud to be a part of this. Give it another week and the Beretta server will crash from overload!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
Good God, where have I been and how have I continued to overlook this thread?

El Jefe-
Your efforts promote the highest standards of TFL and do us each proud. This is a truly productive group action. Be proud of the small victories...our enemies prefer myriad skirmishes to all out assaults. Conditioning is, after all, the common technique to all brainwashing. Class Act!

Thanks so much for speaking for the entire Staff in recognizing these efforts. You're the best!

Well, since I just became "aware" of this issue, I think I'll go call Beretta and "inform" them of it. Good show, all.
Keith; oops! Seems as though the Dogs are awake!! Whats that old addage? Best to let sleeping Dogs lie... HCI has a problem with history lessons :) ;) Thanks for the info, we have started a precedent setting event lets keep the flame alive! Now...Beretta...Release the Hounds.... ( or Rotties in this case )

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Man, am I loving this!

One small question--why does everyone suggest removing your name and address when sending your opinion back to HCI? Why not tie up a little more of their budget by encouraging them to send more of their propaganda to us (we're all pretty much immune, right?)
Besides, you must be on their mailing list already, having ordered the packet. No return address is probably necessary anyway. And if they do have a list of people who piss them off, what's one more list compared to all the ones most of us are already on somewhere?
El Jefe,

This thread is becoming hell to load up! Might be better to restart it with a version II...

Rich and company, I think a nod is due to El Jefe on the opening page of TFL. Not only is he due an additional pat on the back but it might get more people to look into this thread - or the new one thats overdue!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
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