Wally world-what would you have done.

As far as I can see you did one helluva job raising your daughter. Many kudos to you, and also to her for having the situational awareness to get away from a situation which could've escalated quickly.

Thank you. She was recruited by one of the intellegence agencies her senior year in college. She went to work in that field the month after she graduated.

She learned a lot in that time...

She had no previous experience with guns and when she got the job offer, an LEO friend of mine offered to teach her the basics.

They went to the range and he worked with her. She did not have any bad habits to unlearn and she made good progress.

When she got to DC she got a range membership and kept her skills up and made a few bucks shooting against some federal police who shot at the same range. They just could not believe she could shoot.

She just seems to have natural ability. She also had some really good instruction.

I am proud of her and the years she spent in DC did instill in her the need to be AWARE of your surroundings. You really cannot do that if you are fumbling with your shopping list or are otherwise distracted.

She learned enough from this experience that it will not happen again.

Just out of curiosity, may I ask what she majored in during her schooling to be recruited by an agency like that?
And she absolutely learned shooting the right way. I learned when I was really young by my dad who, at the time I'm sure aggravated me, but constantly examined me so that I wouldn't gain any unwanted habits.
My Mother is one tough cookie, but in a 5' 4" frame I worry about her going to the store alone even when it is mid-day. Crime is a 24 hour business. I'm not old enough to CCW, but I regularly carry a knife for multipurpose things throughout the day to ensure nothing gets too crazy God forbid.
Being very new to the forum I am just now learning that Wal-mart doesn't allow guns? A store that's located, in your daughter's case, a seedy location that doesn't allow customers to lawfully carry?

She started out in pre-med and found she liked business so much, she switched.

She has a double major in Business and Marketing and was a honors graduate.

The agency was recruiting on campus and something like 100 people applied for 3 slots.

She got one of them. The clearance she has cost the government ( us ) over 100K and requires a full scope poly and BI every 5 years to keep.

After a couple of years, she changed jobs and became a beltway bandit.

Decided to give up the endless travel and beltway bullcrap last year and had some job offers in the valley and took a job here.

That's very intriguing! I myself am a sophomore Business major right now. They tell you that you can do almost anything with a business degree, and it seems like that's true. :D
I don't think she would have been legal displaying a weapon given the three men had not spoken to her.

Well, yes and no. There is a law on AZ books called Defensive Display.


A. The defensive display of a firearm by a person against another is justified when and to the extent a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the use or attempted use of unlawful physical force or deadly physical force...
D. For the purposes of this section, "defensive display of a firearm" includes:
1. Verbally informing another person that the person possesses or has available a firearm.
2. Exposing or displaying a firearm in a manner that a reasonable person would understand was meant to protect the person against another's use or attempted use of unlawful physical force or deadly physical force.
3. Placing the person's hand on a firearm while the firearm is contained in a pocket, purse or other means of containment or transport.

If you are honestly believe that you are about to be attacked, you may display the firearm as outlined above. The "no" part of the answer is that none of the three had made overt moves, but if she had decided to "clear leather", she would have had a legal backing of sorts. Many have interpreted this statute as allowing "low ready" carry, or the famous hold it alongside your leg idea. I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, just mentioning this legal option.
armoredman said:
...If you are honestly believe that you are about to be attacked, you may display the firearm as outlined above...
One needs to careful about relying on his "honest belief." As stated in the statute you quoted, that is not the standard. The standard is (ARS 13-421A, emphasis added):
...when and to the extent a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the use or attempted use of unlawful physical force...
The "objective" reasonable person standard is different in the law from your "subjective" honest belief.

It can help to think in terms of being able to articulate what you observed and why those particular things you observed would lead a reasonable person to the conclusion.
Didn't feel the need to carry huh???? Some peoples reasoning never ceases to amaze me.

I DONT THINK BAD GUYS THINK "I don't feel the need to rob &/or harm anyone here store XXXXX.

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ADDENDUM----I always hear the phrase "I never thought it would of happened here &/or to me."

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Frank, you are correct. Perhaps I was extending the courtesy of granting "reasonable" status to the young lady in question without extensive legal questioning.:)
armoredman said:
...Perhaps I was extending the courtesy of granting "reasonable" status to the young lady in question without extensive legal questioning.
I have no doubt that the young lady is reasonable. I'm just reluctant to assume that about everyone who might read the post.
dont be too quick to grab for your firearm. especially in close quarters they might just take it from you! WALK AWAY! if they dont let you and if need be use your fists a bit to gain some distance. but pulling out a gun with 3 guys close in on ya could be bad for YOU...just a thought
Get both of you into a "Gunfighting Course" of which there are many listed and reviewed here on The Firing Line, including more than one of the big one's headquartered in Arizona. They can take someone who has a good basic knowledge of handguns and give them the skills and drills to learn what and how to defend themselves with lethal results. She made some very good decisions, now get her some "Gunfighting Training". Me, I always CCW in Wally World.
A note about the DC 'Delmarva' area. I live here, and so I want to throw something out here. Regardless of carry status, the people you should announce a potential threat to you are not the store employees. It's the rest of us... the customers. It's the DC area and there are a lot of us ex-mil ex-gov types walking around in every walmart you go into. Not to mention, there are an awful of what I would call 'Assertive Americans' in the DC area. That woman you see yelling at the kids... the couple you see making eyes at each other. Those are the people you need to get the attention of, in addition to the store employees. It's like shining a light on cockroaches. As soon as you get the light on (by getting the rest of us to start looking) then we make those roaches run away.

I know that sometimes Delmarva does not seem like the friendliest place. I moved back here after being out in the country where a honk meant 'hello' and not 'move you f**king ass'... but when it comes to defending yourselves against a**holes you'd be surprised how fast we can come together regardless of race creed and color :-)
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Sounds like she did just about everything right, especially in quickly seeking assistance and having an escort to her car. But the bottom line, EDC is a must, plain and simple. While going to guns is a last resort, not having one means what might be your best final option isn't available. Don't see much of an issue with purse carry for women if they pay attention to the purse at all times; it's not ideal, but women's clothing, especially work clothes, do not readily lend themselves to CC ...
I have a cheap gun holster I keep my stun gun in, and put a pepper/tear gas sray in the mag pouch attached. My S&W 638 .38spl snub is in my pocket as a third option.
Another reason, as if anyone really need one, to stay the hell out of Wally-World and away from the great unwashed it attracts:D
from the sound of it
she did about everything rite

about the only thing that maybe should have been different would be to seek help from more than just the employee's at wal mart. Unfortunately most big box stores have a strict hands off approach to this kind of situation. Mostly due to Tort Law Suits, and civil liabilities. Don't yell fire, but you should definitely get all the attention you can.
as stated guns are a last defense. She was smart. She kept moving, didn't panic and was observant of her surroundings. These are some of the hardest lessons for anybody to learn.

A bank I used to work for had branches iin the Walmart you mentioned. We always had issues with our employees running into suspicsious folks. One gal fought off an attempted car jacking. That particular location is especially unsavory.
That young lady did very well.

Now, it should be plain to her and everyone why we should carry everywhere all the time.

Yeah, the boss says no and the sign says no but concealed works. You can apologize later.