As disgusted as I am at having to say this, this country is not ready for a third party, especially the Libs. The more I think about my political leanings, the more convinced I am that I am a Lib. However, the chances of Browne winning in November are a trillion to one. Dont mean it cant happen, but I for one will not hold my breath. Gore will in my opinion certainly lead us further down the path to Socialism and as such I will do everything in my power to not let him get elected. When I vote for Bush, I will be voing my conscience because I will have done my job in stopping this country's slide toward what my family left behind. Before we can jam the gears into reverse, we must first slow and then stop the machine. Then we can begin the process of going back to what the founding fathers meant for us to have. If we try jam this counrty into reverse before coming to a stop bad things could happen. You must remember that it took generations to get us where we are now, we can not turn it around in a manner of months, or even years. Just as our rights have been deprived through a slow and barely noticable (to mainstream America) proces we must take the same path. We can get Libs elected locally much easier today than we can nationally. Take advantage of this. City council, county clercs, Sherriffs, state reps. Start slow and let the people begin to feel freedom at the local level and get the fever back so that next time we can get some Congress critter in. Slowly but surely is the only way to go.
Vote Bush and Chayne to slow, maybe even stop the decline. Vote Lib. in every local election possible so that the people of your community can taste freedom and then want more of it next election.
"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein