visitor at my door.

F Guffey, not to make light of a serious situation but I thought I was reading a Jack Reacher book for a minute there.

Thank you. You should have been with me in south Texas, everyone was warned so they put me with a few people that had never had an exciting day in their life. That all changed. When I left they all ask: "Who was that guy?

F. Guffey
She informed me she never saw anyone get so mad so fast and hit someone so hard in all of her life. I explained...outnumbered...did not have time to hit anyone twice....they should have learned how to one warned them about me.

Your story makes it sound like you assaulted some party goers for knocking on the wrong door. Call it what you want.
In the first scenario by the OP I would have invited the psychotic guy to step into my living room and offer him twenty bucks if he could shoot an apple off my head. Just joking, but come on, remember "stranger danger" in the 2nd grade? And on the second scenario presented by mister Guffey, I'd have to suggest he search a rougher neighborhood for the kind of girl he seems to feel he would like to make his wife and good luck with that one. Oh well, peace and love.
I have two things: 1. security cameras watching around my house. 2. A no soliciting sign of which I expanded upon, to include in bold that (among other things)reads: If you were not invited here you need to leave-no excuses, no exceptions. From my security cameras recording I could tell w/o a doubt a certain uninvited stranger was not coming over offering some get to know you cookies! I feel no obligation to anyone to answer my phone or to respond to a knock on my door. Unless I know a person very well they are not let into my home. My home is my inner sanctum and it will remain as such. I am not paranoid, rather I am very cautious. The town I live in is chock-a-block with drifters and dopers.
I don't know how long it took before I realized that he was in a fully developed psychotic episode, including hallucinations, delusions, complete severance from reality. He got so wired up and angry that I was getting concerned.
There are some good guidelines online for dealing with persons who are hallucinating/experiencing delusions. It is enough of a jar to one's system to realize that someone is experiencing an alternate reality without having to try to figure out how to deal with it constructively on the fly.
A long story with a tragic end.

I was the visitor at the door:

Again: I was at a house in Houston, Texas on the west side, as everyone should expect I rang the door bell, a young lady answered. I introduced myself and then she introduced herself and finished with "get me out of here ; please!"

I know, there is 911, restraining orders and lawyers for separations etc. so I responded with, "OK". I believed this young lady was denied access to help. It appeared the ship hit the sand when he? Passed me, grabbed her and shoved her into the wall and then slammed the door shut.

I walked to the street to get a few tools and then returned to the house and proceeded to remove the facial boards and trim from around the door frame, I understand, it is not easy to sneak up on someone with all of the hammering and banging but the noise did not escape his attention. He asked me what I was doing. I explained to him I was going to remove the front door because I agreed to get her out of the house.

It was about that time he started to negotiate. He suggested if it was necessary to open the door he would open it. I explained to him we were not going to open the door we were going to remove it; the rational? She was not going to be out of my site. He then wanted to know about putting the door back together. I made it clear installing the door was his problem.

Anyhow; he opened the door and I removed the hinge pins and then carried the door to a tree in his front door and then leaned the door against the tree to show his neighbors I was the good guy, (back to 911) if I WAS THE BAD GUY HE WOULD HAVE CALLED 911.

And then I proceeded to separate her and her stuff from him and his stuff. He did complain about the heat caused by the open (missing) door; I explained to him I was not responsible for the electrical bill.

Because everyone involved was afraid of him she would not tell me where she was going; later I was notified of her new address, I called her and asked her if she would consider someplace else, I informed her I had been to Alabama, I was in Selma when the march began, I was in Montgomery when the march came to an end, on that day they said to me "You are a Yankee aren't you. And I replied with, "Thank you". On that day I met some of the best friends I have ever had.

“A long story with a tragic end”

F. Guffey
OP, glad everything turned out for the better.

That's the thing with lessons. Sometimes they're rough and unexpected. I know you won't make any of those mistakes again.

I'm in an area where no one even acknowledges their neighbors. So anyone knocking on or trying to look into your home is strange.

Yes, I have stories. Don't we all? lol. Anyway, a lot of good advice here.