Dakota, there is UOC in the state, and I notice 2-3 people per month in my daily travels in the greater Hampton Roads area who do... it's not mainstream here in "the city", but I've never seen a single issue. I personally don't OC, but only because the wife (who is 100% onboard with CC) frowns at me when I have in the past.
I'm trying to find a bright side for us here with the AG's move here. My first thought is that it's going to (again, trying to find a word that won't get filtered) upset the Republican legislature enough that the universal reciprocity bill should stand a good chance of passing, even over the objections of the State Police who outright lied to get it canned the last time.
If not, it will get the attention of a lot of Washington representatives who are looking for more reasons to justify national reciprocity.
If nothing else, maybe it will help get a few more states on board with coming up with "universal" licensing so that more states have the same sets of rules for getting a licence. I'm not sure everybody would be ecstatic about the New Mexico qualification standards, but it would go a long way towards streamlining the reciprocity laws.