violence in mcdonalds

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It all began at the dawn of time. It is a common issue now, and in particular areas, because people refuse to get involved in smaller issues. Thugs like this have no show worthless absent fathers, and skank mothers for the most part. They run wild and little things get looked over by folks who rationalize away their abdication of appropriate behavior. They come to believe, quite rightly, that they can do what they want and no one will so much as say stop it, let alone drop a dime. It is incrementalismm at it's logical extension. It is the broken window syndrome (look it up, I am too lazy to explain right now). Worthless parents with a glamorization of criminal conduct in the media to suck dollars out of poor pockets, coupled with folks who have no qualms about turning a blind eye. This is what you get. There is no sin by degree. Sometimes it is just right and wrong. You are either going to conduct your life in such a manner as to improve the common situation, or you are not. If not, you are a contributer to this type of stuff. It is really just that simple.
those were NOT ladies so I wouldn't feel bad at all about knocking them the hell out if I had to.

Agreed. If they're going to act like animals, then they're going to be treated like animals.

I can't bring myself to watch the whole video, and find it incredible that someone would just stand there and record the whole thing. But it seems like deadly force would have been excessive. A few square punches to the face might have settled these broads down. I see a few sturdy-looking chairs sitting around waiting to be used too.

And here in Florida, you're legally allowed to step in and defend another as you would defend yourself. "Stand in their shoes", as they say.
So if someone were to step in and help would they get in trouble or would they be protected by the good semaritan law?

As everyone has said before it is sickening and I would not stand by and watch this happen.
I don't think the Good Samaritan Law applies to defensive situations like this. It would depend on your state/local laws.

And I would hope you would have a hard time finding a jury that would convict you for using reasonable means to help out a fellow human being. There's always hope...
No question about it, I'd have drawn my gun. A beating of that severity, particularly with the disparity of force (two against one) is quite capable of causing permanent disability or death (as evidenced by the girl having a seizure).

I am legally justified, in my state, in bringing deadly force to bear in defense of another and even if I wasn't, I couldn't live with myself if I just stood there and let someone get beaten to death without doing anything. At best, the two attackers would have gotten a verbal warning and if that did not stop them, either bullets or a pistol whip would have followed.

As to trying to detain the attackers, I would let them go if they chose to. I'm not a cop and "catching the bad guys" is not my job. My only concern in such a situation would have been stopping the attack.

I sincerely hope that the girl who was beaten is OK and I also sincerely hope that the two attackers get thrown into some deep, dark hole of a prison with a bunch of other animals just like them for a very, very long time.
Funny, I made a comment once and had the p****d off word blanked out by the staff. But put a video on with full M F, S**t D**M, I guess this is ok for embassators to the world. Think this will really hurt G. Sorres's feelings?
A few square punches to the face might have settled these broads down.

99% of the time, men are stronger than women. (maybe a few rare cases such as female body builders. yuk)

I do not see this situation as one that would need deadly force. I would have intervened and attempted to ward the savages off of their victim but if they came at me, I would deliver a blow to the first one that she would not get up from and ask the second one if she still wanted to try.

I would only draw if they pulled out a knife or something and came at me. Otherwise, I don't think it would be any problem taking these two out by hand.
This behavior is deplorable. I'm with just about everyone here that I would have intervened. I'm a large guy and well trained when it comes to physical encounters and I wouldn't have hesitated to level those 2 women. I can tell you now, those two have never been tossed around like I could have and they would not have fled the scene.

I understand letting 2 people settle a dispute physically, but when it becomes a 2 on 1 mauling you have to step in. This is how those 2 women should have been treated:
I think it is sad that someone just stood there video taping it instead of helping . I mean if that girl was to die it would be his fault to cause he did not help either. He just got some great footage. Forgive me but girls or no girls someone should have knocked those girls out.
I too was appauled watching this video. It's very easy to talk big in these what if senarios, the old "if I was there I would have..." line, but I belive everyone who has posted in this instance. I would not hesitate to knock both of those girls on their *ss, and if that didn't work I most deffinately would have held them at gun point untill the law got there. There is no question this poor girls life was in danger, and though the girls had no weapons, I think drawing on them and detaining them would be justified. I also agree that the boy that told the girls to get out of there before the law got there should be punished. It's sad that the old lady, god bless her, had the biggest set of stones in this situation.
In my laymans uneducated opinion, I think It would be difficult to win a lawsuit again McD on the grounds that the employees didnt put themselves in harms way. Purhaps if they made no attempt to call authorities or ems, that may be different. I have not seen the video or read the complete article so I cant really comment on anything specific.
Quote from my previous post:

The video showed us Side One.

That doesn't make what happened to be right, but...

I wonder about Side Two.

Check out the link posted, above, by guitars and guns.

Now that we’ve seen Side One and got the gritty on Side Two, I wonder if there isn’t a Side Three from back in the Ladies Restroom.
As to trying to detain the attackers, I would let them go if they chose to. I'm not a cop and "catching the bad guys" is not my job. My only concern in such a situation would have been stopping the attack.

As soon as you step in to help it becomes your job, a citizens arrest is 100% legal, and I for one would not be able to sleep knowing I let these two go, possibly never to be caught and charged. Letting them go would just teach them that this kind of animal behavior is ok, and that they got away with it once, they could do it again. I wear a 550 paracord bracelet everywhere I go, this would have been the perfect use for it, knocking these to out cold and tying their hands behind their backs until law enforcement arrived.
I do not see this situation as one that would need deadly force. I would have intervened and attempted to ward the savages off of their victim but if they came at me, I would deliver a blow to the first one that she would not get up from and ask the second one if she still wanted to try.

I would only draw if they pulled out a knife or something and came at me. Otherwise, I don't think it would be any problem taking these two out by hand.

I respectfully disagree. The fact that the two women (and I use that term very loosely here) kept coming back demonstrates to be that this wasn't about proving a point or "teaching a lesson" but was an active attempt to kill, or at very least seriously injure the woman who was beaten. Because of this, I think the condition of "fear of death or grave bodily injury" would be fairly easily met and would, in my state at least, justify lethal force.

Also, a "fair fight" is something of sports and heroic fiction. Just because the two "women" in the video did not have any visible weapons, that does not mean that none were present. Getting a stabbed or shot in the middle of a fistfight is a very poor way to learn that someone else has a weapon. I will take no chances with two-legged animals and these two certainly meet that description.

As I said before, I'd shout a very loud verbal warning before shooting or pistol-whipping, but I'm not getting involved before I've got a weapon in my hand.
I would call 911 then proceed with providing a defence. Would have dealt with them just as I would any other dangerous animals. I would have deployed pepper spray if I had it. If not, a few swings of the closest chair would probibly suffice. Hand to hand would be the next option, but I wouldn't want to be near these people, much less touch them. If they presented any form of weapon or if the male, who seemed sympathetic to their "cause" got involved I may draw my weapon. Do anything to get the victim to my car and the hospital asap.
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