violence in mcdonalds

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I just watched this video which made sick. Seeing this made me wonder what this girl could have done to protect herself (mace,taser,gun). or was there anything she could have done at all to prevent this violent attack.

second question is what rights do bystanders have to help her out. What would you have done if you were witness to this?
Once I broke up the initial fight, and called the local law, I would have stood by the victim until they arrived, and detained whoever I could have safely. If the 2 assaulters returned, I would have warned them off, and if that didn't keep them from attacking, I would have no qualms whatsoever using force to make it happen. A shove, arm bar to a face plant, whatever was necessary.

Like McDonald's, I believe in giving the customer what they order
I was about to post about this myself.. thanks.
Though no weapons (other than fists and feet) were used, this apparently resulted in serious bodily injury (I fear the siezure indicated that the victim sustained brain injury). Legally, in many/most states, imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death justifies use of deadly force. However, if one were to intervene using a firearm, thus preventing this serious injury from ever occurring, I can well see the third-party defender acting on behalf of the victim who was unable to defend herself, being charged, prosecuted and possibly being convicted of homicide or attempted homicide. I don't think I could stand by and left a tragedy like this happen. What would then happen to me? I fear that I already know the answer, it is disturbing to contemplate...
I am a smallish male in my 50's, not a fighter, and perhaps I could overcome two unarmed females attacking another, if I really let-loose, so maybe that would be a much safer tactic, legally speaking... Three or more, I don't think I would be successful without employing a weapon..
yeah duckkkk I saw this too early in the day. it got my blood boiling. it's horrible how the 2 employes sit there laughing at this brutal attack without helping the poor girl. then as the girl is seizing on the floor the guy tells them to get out of there before the cops come to help them avoid consequences.
yeah duckkkk I saw this too early in the day. it got my blood boiling. it's horrible how the 2 employes sit there laughing at this brutal attack without helping the poor girl. then as the girl is seizing on the floor the guy tells them to get out of there before the cops come to help them avoid consequences.

I've been wondering if I should write Micky D's to express my disgust at their employee's behavior or not.
I guess McDonalds was full of cowards that day, employee's included. How anyone could stand by and watch while a human being is beaten to the point of seizures is sickening. I do hope the victim recovered from her injuries and sues McDonalds for all she can. Such a lack of reguard for human life.
Sickening!!! I would have intervened, and if the two black girls persisted, I would have knocked them out cold.

I hope that they sue the McDonalds in question.
Unbelievable!!! This shows what this country is coming to....a bunch of animals with no regard for human life and the McDonald's employees who didn't help because there was no button on their cash register to show what to do...all of them, the bottom of the food chain.

I know if I were there I would have intervened with all I had in me for physical force. Of course it wouldn't take long before I was accused of attacking defensive little girls who were only having fun...they are really good girls so misunderstood....freaking vermin that they are. How people can stand by and witness this is beyond comprehension. McDonald's should be sued on the grounds they hire sub-humans and are not capable of serving the human public.

I hope that poor girl survives without serious injury. One does not have to go looking for trouble as it certainly seems to have a way of finding us. I, for one, will not idly stand by and watch another human being get beaten unless of course it was one of those poor excuses for a human that causes harm to others for no apparent reason. For that, I will stand and cheer.

This video leaves me completely outraged and appalled.
I agree - this makes me physically sick.

We have no clue what happened prior to the start of the video, nor how any of this started. But regardless of who the initial aggressor was, I'll be darned if I'll let anyone get attacked and killed in front of me or my family without at least trying to do something.

If you've ever watched the show "I Survived..." a common theme is how often horrible things happen without anyone nearby so much as calling the cops. Truly sickening.
AAAGGGHHHHH- I have no issues with stopping something like that. Very forcefully if needed. I don't consider these two ladies so i guess a good wack alone side the head would (to me) not be considered hitting a lady. Im a shamed to say i would not want t gun,I would rather inflict same pain back with my hands.. God i hate even thinking that bad,butttt:mad:
AAAGGGHHHHH- I have no issues with stopping something like that. Very forcefully if needed. I don't consider these two ladies so i guess a good wack alone side the head would (to me) not be considered hitting a lady. Im a shamed to say i would not want t gun,I would rather inflict same pain back with my hands.. God i hate even thinking that bad,butttt

those were NOT ladies so I wouldn't feel bad at all about knocking them the hell out if I had to.
Since it would be easy to argue that the attackers intent was to kill the girl, you could have shot them dead, even in MD. I think even I would have intervened, no I know would have. What is going on with America; where did it all go wrong? Where did we lose it all?
Sickening!! I know I may get into a lot of trouble for intervening, but I was raised to have a big heart. I'm sure that will get me into trouble someday, but I just can't stand by and watch someone get beaten. I can understand just standing there watching for the first 10-15 seconds as the shock hits me and the reality sets in, but there's no way I'd stand and watch for more than that.
where did it all go wrong? Where did we lose it all?

It started about 5 years a go with the "thug" videos, and the "everyone is entitled to all they can get" mentality. A lot are now just looking to see how they can get over and get a do nothing payout.

I've been on the front line of viewing societies changes for the last 35 years, and it's not pretty. But there is still good out there, you just have to keep remembering that fact.
yeah duckkkk I saw this too early in the day. it got my blood boiling. it's horrible how the 2 employes sit there laughing at this brutal attack without helping the poor girl. then as the girl is seizing on the floor the guy tells them to get out of there before the cops come to help them avoid consequences.

I've been wondering if I should write Micky D's to express my disgust at their employee's behavior or not.

yeah I took a second to let them know how I feel about their caliber of employees and let them know I will no longer patronize their establishment until they publicly acknowledge what they are doing about this.
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yeah I took a second to let them know how I feel about their caliber of employees and let them know I will no longer patronize their establishment until they publicly acknowledge what they are doing about this.

I spent a couple minutes to let them know what I thought also. I told him the last time I went to their store was 15 hours ago, that my fatass gives them a fair amount of business, and that I won't give them another dime until I hear about what's being done to these employees.

He said they've received MANY calls about the video already. He sounded pretty embarrassed as soon as I mentioned the "liveleak" video. At least there's no way this can be ignored.
Got my butt kicked in a mickey Ds, a gal was working the reg and an older gent was upset over her not knowing how much his meal was. He was 6 ft 5 and built good. A guy behind the grill offered to help her out the guy said some racial stuff towards the kid, I said something to my friend next to me the guy heard and turned to me. He hit me wit hthe tray and that coffee is really hot. I took him to ground and restrained him the cops came and took him away, I got a free meal....

I always will stand up to crap such as this. and I can stop a person fast, was a bouncer for a long time in a real rough place in South Omaha.

Them employees were on the same side as the two gals, BTDT had a whole group jump on me when I dropped one of them was getting unruly. Coulda died right there if my buds hadnt been close. Never went outside the bar after that.
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