Vanity Post- What if You could only have one rifle?

I own a dozen bolt action long rifles from 300 Win Mag to .22 that could all be described as quality arms. Were someone to show up at my front door today and say "You can only keep one". I would hand them all over and keep my Pre-64 Winchester 94 in 30/30.
In the end. It accomplishes everything I need to achieve.
If someone from the government asked me to turn in most of my guns I would have to inform them about the tragic boating accident. Then I would retrieve a 45 long colt rifle that would also fire .410 shotshells.
A rifle I already have: a Ruger MKII R51, "International", replete with factory irons, chambered in .308 Winchester, and scoped with a 1x4 powered Leupold Vari XII. I'd sure like to add a .22 rf to the mix...
It's kinda hard for me to wrap my head around, but after a bit of consideration- I'd have to pick one of my 1903A3's.

I have an almost decent supply of powder, primers, cases, and pills from 110gr up to a few 180's.

Only 1 rifle... I don't wanna live in that world.
I guess that I'll stick with the 30 ought 6...not only because of the likelihood that ammo on store shelves, might have at least a couple of 30-06 boxes of ammo hanging around --- But because of the high percentage chance, that some other hunter in the woods and fields, might be carrying a rifle chambered in 30-06, as well.

Like --- hey dude --- can you spare any 30-06 rounds?
Two years ago I had 65 center fire rifles. I had some medical issues that will keep me out of any rough going so I’ve sold about 1/2 my rifles. All the magnums are history. Most of the varmit rifles. The one rifle I would keep to hunt everything? It would be pre 64 Win m70FW
in 308 with Leupold 6x scope. I have bolt 30/06 and 270 also, but will go with FW 308. Ive scuffed a lot of protein with that rifle. I usually carried it where scope was called for.
+1 for 105kw response, I'd keep my Savage 99A. I have a load of rifles, but the .300 Savage with a 1-4 Steiner is what I hunt with the most in my wooded region. I love them all, but that's a great gun.