Utah Tfl Gathering!

Do you guys have any restrictions on shooting distance out there?
Like 1000-1500yds?
If you guys have one of these in the Spring I might think about a road trip to visit My brother. I'd like to take some of My stuff out there and see what I can hit. Oh and Hang out in Utah with Fellow TFL members:)
I'll keep an eye on the planning of this one. I hope to return to civilization about the end of the month. I'd like to get together for this one. It's about time I got to see if George is as ugly as everyone says he is!


And after 2 months in the P.R.C. I'm very ready to do some shooting!

There's a street vendor that wanders around here selling maps and posters. He's got a nice big one of the beloved Chairman Mao. Think I'll see how much he wants for 'em. Maybe I can pick up a few...

I think I know a few folks in Utah that could use some target practice!

I'm the best looking of the bunch! :D
Good likeness, George:) :) ! You folks won't recognize me when you see me again - little surprise. My weekends fill up fast between Scouts and Hunter Ed. stuff, but amazingly enough February is quite open! Might be fun to have a gathering during the Olympics - might give any would-be terrorists something to wonder what all that shooting's about, or have a visit from some of the biathaloners! Or get the attention of local Oly security:( .

This Olympic stuff crimps my style. Let me know what gets planned.

Me thinks George has Spring Fever.

Wait till tonight. It will snow, and continue to snow throughout the week.

Then we'll see how many people want to go...:p
Hmmmm. Olympic security. Very real terrorism threat. Paranoid wannabe temporary security guards. Paranoid local populace. Paranoid (with cause) FBI, ATF, local LE, and who knows what all out looking for anything that looks like it MIGHT be trouble.

And a bunch of weird looking people (and a wookie) out in the hills shooting all manner of evil black weapons.

Is this really a good combination?
Good idea?

Considering where we shoot? It would take a company of infantry, or heavt arty bombardments, or all of the Asspachees at airport 2 to get us out of there. It is remote and no problem If they can see us, they are in choppers which are easily downed:D

I am out of commission starting this Saturday, until the end of March. My military commitment is going to remove me from the area. I am SOOOO glad I am not in the Navy anymore. I will try to put something together in April with a few M60's, A2's and an M2 (but you buy your own ammo for the M2)

Ranges go out to just over 1200m for the long range stuff. Most ranges are 25m to 650m to the rock.
I say we go for March. Wait until after the Olympics.

It has been awhile hasn't it?

Shooting in the snow. :p I've gone 3 times this winter while the temps were well below freezing. Wool socks are a must have. :)

Oh, and Pyle may have found an alternate route to the bowl that isn't nearly as rough.
No may have, I did. I wont even be back until the end on March, so if you do it beforehand take lots of pics.

I am going to put a page on my site about the shoots and dates for them. It will also have a place to sign up for helping out and what not. That way everyone, even the people that dont frequent this site can look them up.
New route?

Yeah, tell us the new route! Those who've been there can probably figure it out from a verbal description, so let us have it!

Bob - it's a tad south and west of Salt Lake, on the west shore of Utah lake. Close to dead center (north/south) on the west side of the lake. Not difficult to find if you get over here.

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Actually I need to take someone down there and show them. Using this route you dont have to worry about bashing anything in your car, your car, or yourself up.
Why don't we just shoot (pun intended) for the end of March. Thay way Pyle is back. He knows the way up, and he is our resident undercover ATF agent. ;) (For those of you who are paranoid lurkers, I am only kidding, it is a running joke).

It should be warmer by then, and it should give us plenty of time to plan and get time off if neccesary.