Use Of Blanks For Self Defense

If you want a sound to scare a BG in your house, just cycle the action on a loud 12 gauge. Everyone knows that sound, its fairly loud, and not firing a gun. I personally sleep with a 4 cell maglite next to my bed (right next to my pistol). Thats enough to blind anyone.
Dead people cant start law procedings

If you want to scare some one then get a 12 gage shotgun and leave it unloaded and when a bad guy comes into your house just cycle the gun, It will do a lot more to scare some one than popping a blank at someone.
Better one dead bad guy then a house full of dead family members.
I don't care how many cells your flashlight has, the notion of it 'blinding' somebody is largely crap put out by companies like Surefire who want you to believe that a beam of flashlight light is somehow a weapon. Maybe you get lucky and it works, but I would not count on it.

Just what part of the bright light keeps the bad guy from shooting toward the light source or randomly shooting in whatever direction he wants? No part of the light does this. Bad guys are bad guys, so they don't care about bystanders, family members, etc. in your home. So sure you shine your big bright light in his face and he shoots 'blindly' about, rounds going every which direction before he clumsily departs after running out of ammo and you feel so good for "stopping" the bad guy until you discover one of his shots has managed to go through the wall and into your child's little skull.

Bright light only stops people who are concerns about the safety rules and that group of people does not include bad guys.
Bad Idea for reasons stated above.

Blanks are for training bird dogs, starting a track event, or in teaching firearm familiarity / drills to a shooter.

In these situations The 4 Rules Apply. Always.
Ever had a million candle power light shown in your face? It might not be the most effective means to stun a BG, but...the effective use of a surefire and then shots following up the use of the light will be highly effective. It will allow you to acquire your target faster, and will throw the BG for a few seconds. It will also allow you to ID your target, if you have a large family and are worried about shooting the wrong person. I would never go around my house without being able to see well. I would rather be shot, then shoot a loved one because I was worried about a BG shooting at my light.
Im not relying on a flashlight to stop someone, but that brite of a light, while you are in the dark, will blind you for an instant. If he shoots, or even has a gun, I shoot, then he has multiple .40 cal hydra shoks to his center mass he has to deal with before worrying about aiming for the brite light pointed at him.
>>Here's how I look at it: In this litigous society in which criminals often sue the innocent defender for injuries<<

Use live rounds, dead people can't sue anyone.
Not a good idea. All the resons stated and in most cases you'd just have a very mad bad guy. By the way, when using live rounds and don't (not a good idea either) intend to hurt or wound, fire in a safe direction (not in the air) - near enough to the the supposed bad guy and be ready for a quick follow up if BG turns out really bad. This same discussion was held hear years back over the use of handgun shot-shells: Same answer.
El Chimango Pete (Peter Knight) - in Cordoba, Argentina
I agree with the above.

Having just come from his location also, I have to side with my pals :D

In all honesty, I think that considering this is at best problematic, and it would simplify your life lots if you just used live ammo. What you do in the end is up to you, but remember that the BG may not have blanks and if he is shooting in your direction he may be shooting toward your family also. It would be best to simply shoot, tase, spray or otherwise disable/disorient him. Blanks will piss him off, and then he will feel the need to shoot back. Rather than a last resort or intimidation tool, his gun has become a defense weapon in his mind also.

There is just lots to consider doing something like this. take time to weigh the matter carefully before making a decision.
The only problem I see is that you would need the first 3 rounds to be blanks. Because that's the minimum number you should have pressed the trigger in rapid succession. ;)

In other words, forgo the blanks.
Quite simply, if the guy in your house is armed, he will return fire when fired upon, unless he is incapacitated. A blank will not incapacitate, a big hole in his brain or heart will.

It is pretty cool that you think in terms of compassion to the guy in your house, but matters of self-defence are more often times in opposition to compassionate acts.
This could only seem like an option to someone who has never pointed a firearm (loaded with totally real cartridges, of course) at a person who DID NOT CARE that you had done so, or at least did not stop what they were doing.

The vision of a BG running scared and silly at the firing of a blank completely ignores the fact that most BGs EXPECT to eventually get shot at, or already have been. Many of them will NOT be pi$$ing themselves, but instead taking effective action to stop your shooting at them.

DT Guy, I must inform you that I spent at least a year in warfare in the far east and have had much experience in "pointing weapons with live ammo" at BG's. My concern is handling situations in a civilian scenario (this is different from actual warfare, thank you). During war you don't have as many concerns about the legality of certain issues when it comes shooting another human. Respectfully...

Mr. Ed
Mr. Ed,

I realize that civilian self-defense is not warfare. Perhaps you could say that's the point of my post-many of the hardened criminals you may encounter will not react as you might suppose, especially if you've been in other, dissimilar circumstances.

I did not presume to g uess whether you have, or have not, been in a position to defend yourself with a firearm-my only point was that I have been in the exact position I've described, and will no longer be surprised if it happens again.

Meant no ill will.

Mr. Ed, . . .

I really don't want to get too deep in this conversation, because I will most likely turn on the flamers and you do seem to be the type of person who has some compassion and care for your fellow human.

Unfortunately, part of your last post "(this is different from actual warfare, thank you)" needs to be seriously addressed.

No, my friend, there is absolutely no difference between the:

1) Viet Cong who ate food given by the UN charities by day, . . and did his/her level best to kill the US forces by night.


2) The Iraq/Afghanistan/other Arab who wants to slit an American throat, . . . to say he/she did it.


3) The neighbor kid/local punk/or other bg that will with no regard whatsoever to your past sacrifices for his/her welfare, . . . attempt to take by force any and all they want, . . . and disregard your life, health, and welfare all in the process.

True, they eat different foods, speak different languages, and wear different types of clothing, . . . but they all are kindred spirits to the thugs who built and ran Aushwitz, planned and executed Pearl Harbor, took down the twin towers in NY, and will cut your throat in a second: in a New York heartbeat, if it would get them another high, another 12 pack, some plunder to barter, trade, or sell.

No, . . . you need to come to the realization that this is indeed war, yes the rules are a bit different, . . . but if you keep your back to the wall, . . . make sure you are justified, . . . you should be OK. At the least, remember the old trite saying, . . . it's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

May God bless,
OK, guys...time to put this thread to rest. I appreciate your well thought out responses to my original question and I do agree with your observations. Best regards to all...
Just get yourself a cap gun then. I really can't think of any viable instance where a blank round will be of any advantage in a lethal encounter. JM2CW.
The idea of carrying a blank in a gun you have for protection is ludicrous, ill conceived, and, well. just not prudent.
You should be a LOT more concerned with some galoot killing you, than what some jury might do at a nebulous time in the future.
my oh my
Sir sell your firearms and buy big hungry dog....

I suggest K-9 since your not willing to defend yourself in the instant you need to. The blank thing is about as effective as a loud scream. Someone will hear it and tell the police about it in the investigation following the felony that will likely take place in your home moments after. I know this comes off very stiff and unpleasant but that is how it could likely turn out. I guess if luck is on your side the blank could cause the suspect to have a heart attack and drop dead in your hall too? No dought his next of kin will sue you for causing his premature death.....
