US Army is recruiting more felons!


New member
This is breaking news, so I'm sure there will be more about it later. The US Army and USMC are enlisting more felons including those with history of violent crimes and sexual offenses. In 2007 the army recruited 511 felons. Story link here.

So what is your take on this, considering the rules regarding civilian RKBA? Wouldn't you just love the squad guarding your unarmed neighborhood after the next hurricane to contain a couple of convicted rapists, a couple of burglers and a gang enforcer? I'll reserve my own comments for later in the thread.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one side, this is a chance for someone to turn their life around. On the other side.... do we want felons in our military?
Hardly news. Part of a trend that's been going on for a few years now, and to be expected when you're asking people to spend 15-on-12-off in a combat zone for an indefinite period of time.

That said, a little quotation from the linked article seems to be in order...

For example, in several of the Marine sex crime cases, the offender was a teenager involved in consensual sex with another underage teen. In one Army case, a 13-year-old who threw a match into his school locker was charged with arson and had to receive a felony waiver six years later.

"Waivers are used judiciously and granted only after a thorough review," said Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Withington.

So, for those that don't already know, one felony does not always equal another. And one sex offense does not always equal another. And it's not like the military (or any branch thereof) is just greenlighting every gangbanger and child molester fresh out of prison.

Anyway, I highly recommend reading the linked article. It provides a lot more context than either the headline or the OP. That said, I will say that our military's (well, the Army and Marines at least) increasing dependency on "lower quality" applicants (ranging from high-school dropouts to those with misdemeanor records to these felons) is just a bit troubling.

EDIT: It should also be noted that that was 511 out of 180,000 enlistments (IIRC from the article). So, roughly 0.25% or so.
So what is your take on this, considering the rules regarding civilian RKBA? Wouldn't you just love the squad guarding your unarmed neighborhood after the next hurricane to contain a couple of convicted rapists, a couple of burglers and a gang enforcer? I'll reserve my own comments for later in the thread.

I would hope that those who continually screech "what part of shall not be infringed don't you understand" would welcome them with open arms...after all, they did their time, yes?

WildgivethefelonsgunsAlaska ™
So, for those that don't already know, one felony does not always equal another. And one sex offense does not always equal another.

Bravo! Felon could have been Tickets!

Sex Offender could have been they got caught Pizzing in the Park!

This is just another FACT free attack on the military Brought to you by the Liberal America hating members of the Big Media.

511 out of 180,000 up from 450 out of 180,000 a statistically insignificant change. These are folks with poor judgement in their youth being given a second chance they deserve after careful scrutiny. Not a wholesale invasion of the military by thugs as the press implies.:mad:
Another reason to bring back the Draft.

I agree the draft should never have been dropped, we need it now more then ever and it will return at some point when they find that we need to outsource our military.
If a ex-convict is willing to join the military and be professional in fullfilling his/her duties, I say: more power to them.

That person has done their time and have paid their debt. Why is this an issue?

Another reason to bring back the Draft.

I agree the draft should never have been dropped, we need it now more then ever and it will return at some point when they find that we need to outsource our military.

I completely disagree with the draft. That is a sure fire way to bring the military's "quality of product" down with a quickness. At least the ex-con is a willing volunteer...the draftee is far less willing to go above and beyond.
If a ex-convict is willing to join the military and be professional in fullfilling his/her duties, I say: more power to them

They have a debt to pay to society, if they are willing to pay it with military service instead of sitting around sponging off the system then I applaud them.

Whats wrong with taking a non-violent felon, in prison for 10yrs on insurance fraud and saying "10 yrs in here or 7 years military" and letting them choose?

Which one is a better use of a mans life/mind/body?
Isn't there a tradition of sending offenders into national service in many countries? Recently I was reading about the Brittish army under Wellington, in India, and later fighting Napolean. They seemed to have no qualms about taking felons into service. I guess the idea was to channel aggressive tendencies towards the greater good. The redcoats were the best regular infantry fighters in the world at that time. If they've done their time, I say let them fight.
Isn't there a tradition of sending offenders into national service in many countries? Recently I was reading about the Brittish army under Wellington, in India, and later fighting Napolean. They seemed to have no qualms about taking felons into service. I guess the idea was to channel aggressive tendencies towards the greater good. The redcoats were the best regular infantry fighters in the world at that time. If they've done their time, I say let them fight.

Back in the olden days you speak of the most complicated thing a soldier had to operate was a musket, half the polulation couldnt read or write in those days.

Now in 2007 soldiers have to be able to operate complicated computerized equipment, so they need an education. The army doesn't want illiterate excons, they drag the rest of the soldiers down, and waste training resources.
good point. Still, it seems they are not getting enough kids who did get through school. I know, as a public school teacher, that many of the students who fail and drop out are not dumb at all. Very often they have chaotic homes, are very impulsive and don't trust adults. This is no surprise since the adults they know are often drunk, stoned, and/or beating the crap out of them. The cops out there know what I'm talking about.

Maybe the army can give some of these kids the structure they need and some education. Just a thought.
Now in 2007 soldiers have to be able to operate complicated computerized equipment, so they need an education. The army doesn't want illiterate excons, they drag the rest of the soldiers down, and waste training resources.

The Army isnt talking about recruiting ILLITERATE ex-cons or felons. Even these felons who the Army is considering for recruitment would need to take an ASVAB test to see what MOS would suit them best...and as far as I know, the ASVAB still requires the test-taker be able to read!

I will say it again, as fairly senior active duty military member, I have no problem if one of my subordinates is a felon or ex-con. As long as he or she can perform their duties and conduct themsleves professionally at all times, they will have no problem with me.

As for these felons or ex-cons being able to operate sophisticated computerized equipment, I seriously doubt that notion. Trust me, if they can pass the ASVAB test, they wont have a problem operating the gear. This I know from experience.
The armed forces need the bodies. The service also offers folks opportunities.

There will never be a draft again for exercises like the Iraq War.

The reason is that VietNam had outs that allowed the Bushes, Cheneys, Clintons and the like to avoid the war.

Currently, the Bush kids, the Rove Kid, the Romney kids, the Clinton Kid, etc. are not at risk for going to another flop of a war. They don't need any of the opportunities from the service.

A new draft would have to eliminate all the games that allowed folks to avoid the draft. We damn near had a civil war over VietNam.

A new draft would also put women in combat and gays in the military right in everyone's face and no one wants that fight.

Thus, we need a volunteer army and have to take what we can get.

Many fine people are going into the service now. If someone served their time and can act well - don't they deserve the chance for redemption? How is their volunteering for service worse than folks joining the National Guard to avoid combat or playing games with various deferment strategies.

It is unfortunate that good people are going to a war in Iraq that was so strategically misconceived by folks who avoided service.
I agree the draft should never have been dropped, we need it now more then ever and it will return at some point when they find that we need to outsource our military.

Have you heard of Black Water Ops? Thats exactly what we are doing.

It is not that suprising that military enrollment is at an all time low right now. We have a very unpopular war that will drag on for God knows how long. We are fighting for people who don't want us there and against people who aren't afraid to die (suicide bombers). The whole fiasco with the poor quality of treatment at VA hospitals doesn't help either. Why fight for a country that won't take care of their soldiers?

We are playing world police and sacrificing our young men and women to spread our ideals. If it was a war against a maniac hell bent on world domination and commiting genocide by the millions (Hitler), most would consider that a justifiable reason to go to war and even put their lives on the line. If the war was to retaliate against a suprise attack like Pearl Harbor, many would enlist voluntarily. While its sad to see injustices and downright inhumanity, is it our place to step in and intervene in places like Darfur, Mozambique, Serbia/Croatia, and Chechnya?

Frankly, I think military service would do the youth of today's generation some good. I just don't see it happening though.

As for using felons in the military, I say more power to them. That will probably be the best chance of reform they have, rather than learning more ways to steal and kill in prison. The military does not put up with BS and any one that got out of line would get thrown in the brig pretty damn quick. We are talking about the Army and Marines here. Those felons would get their clocks cleaned if they tried anything. Besides, everyone else is armed. I seriously doubt any felon would be foolish enough to try anything stupid. Besides, many of them probably see this as a way to get their lives back on track.
We are fighting for people who don't want us there

Can you quote us something that says the Iraqi people or thier elected goverment does not want us there.

I agree with Robert Heinlien. Any democracy that cannot raise the people to defend itself, should probably not exsit.

As for felons, if thier convictions are for non-violent, and one time events, by youthful poor decision making, then I am all for them giving them a chance to serve.