Unusual Brass Finds of the Week


New member

Like to propose a continuous thread for folks to post rare/interesting Brass finds.

Obsolete caibres or rare maunfacturers or just old stuff that someone's suddenly decided to shot and leave at your local range or gun club.

Not massive lists of stuff owned for years but genuine finds in small numbers.

If you are stumped on the identification having looked at the ATFE headstamp gallery and elsewhere perhaps other forum members can help.



I'll post stuff regularly and hope others will join in the fun.

For example from my local range in Florida this week

1974 SMI ( Italian ) in .308 Win with boxer
CAVIM ( Venezuelan ) 38 Special with boxer
FC Match 1962 45 ACP ( Federal ) 2 examples both looking good at 50!
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Thebrassmonkeys said
Like to propose a continuous thread for folks to post rare/interesting Brass finds.
If you are stumped on the identification having looked at the ATFE headstamp gallery and elsewhere perhaps other forum members can help.

Could you add a link to the ATFE headstamp gallery, and any other identification site that you're aware of ? Thanks. Picked up some of my neighbors .25-36 brass, thought that was odd. :)
have included the headstamp references in original thread post

hope some folks throw in some more unusual finds here

new finds yesterday

a trifecta of 1968 and 1970 RA ( Remington Arms ) 38 Special 70 like new
alongside a 1969 Nato RA 308 Win

1957 FC ( Federal ) 38 Special

1984 TZZ 45ACP Match (Israeli) seen many IMI and IMI Match not TZZ Match

2004 GGG 308 Win Giraites Ginkluotes Gamykla (Lithuania)

1973 KA (South Korean ) 30-06

1965 HXP ( Greece ) 30-06
FWIW, headstamps are used not only to identify the cartrige and the maker, but the process helps to work harden the brass and strengthen the case head. That is why we see headstamps that seem to have no meaning.


I am not sure just how rare but certainly odd is the dozen or so 25 auto hollowpoints that were with my grandfathers gun that was given to me after his passing in 1997.I had not seen anything but fmj for this caliber before.
Found 3 fired cartridge cases out in the Arizona desert a couple of years ago, They were identified as .44 caliber Henry rimfire cases.
out in the dessert or in the local mountains

.303 Savage

38-56 wcf

38-72 wcf

30-03 springfield

.225 win

7.92x33 kurtz

.358 norma mag

7x61 sharpe and hart

.318 westley richards

etc, etc..............
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I despise cluttered firing ranges. For many years, I used a public range out in the country near Beale AFB. Each time, before leaving, I would police up the brass in my bench area and the ones next to me. I would also pick up some of the trash targets that they used and some of the trash laying around. Because I reload, I would take the brass home and what trash I found would go into the trash barrels at the range. I would take a couple evenings sorting through the brass, discarding the steel and aluminum. Those that were headstamped with familiar cartridges were set to clean and the others were put into a 5 gal bucket. I have several of those buckets that made the move with me. I suppose I should go through them just to find out what is in there.
While sorting 10mm brass, I ran across one with "KSP" looked it up and it was Kentucky State Police.
Some great finds from other posters

Must of had a canadian fan in town

just got 9mm 1943 DI ( Defense Industries )

1920-40 Dominion 38 Special

and two 1944 GB (british) mark VII .303

Also MARKELL .38 Special Small shop in San Franciso closed ard '85
more strange finds

1944 R(arrow)L (Royal Ordnance ) 1944 Mk VII British 303

1958 Arab British 303 trying to identify headstamp

also KF, GRAF, and CBB headstamped .308 win to be identified any help appreciated
My uncle had an ammo can of old ammo, and he told me I could take what i wanted and he was going to toss the rest. Being who i am, i took it all :D. In there were 3 8mm Mauser rounds made in the 40's, a bunch of .30-40 Krag, and 3 rounds of I dont know what. If I didnt know any better, I would say they were some kind of elephant gun round from the 19th century. Here is a pic of the 3 rounds next to a 30-06. I think they might be .45-70


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