Any number of martial arts, aikido for example, teach that using direct force against direct force, is a losing proposition. If your only tool is a hammer, you know the rest......
What does aikido have to do with guns and their usefulness or lack of usefulness?
Are you arguing that we don't need guns to fight people with guns? We should use the momentum of the bullets that are flying at us to direct those bullets in harmless directions?
Otherwise, what in the world is your point?
Force against force is not necessarily, per your dictum, "a losing proposition." There is no basis for you to try to say that this is axiomatically so. Don't SWAT teams use force against force? Don't combat units? Don't fighter aircraft? I think that the utility of force against force has a lot to do with how well your retaliatory force is directed, and whether it is overwhelming or not. It is not doomed to fail just by virtue of being force against force.
For example, a 225 lb. muscular man is not going to have a problem fighting a 168 lb. high school nerd even if he opposes all the force that the high schooler can muster with force of his own. He's gonna mow the kid down... inconveniently destroying your claim.