"Try your luck"...Anti's focus on small groups

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Gun raffle causes stir at Hobgood Academy

Kathryn Bridges / Daily Herald / October 18, 1999

HOBGOOD - There's no need to get up in arms.

Raffling hunting rifles and guns is just one of the things that civic and other non-profit organizations do in Hobgood, according to Hobgood Academy Headmaster John B. Hardison.

The fire department and civic organizations in the area have raffled the popular weapons in the past, and Hobgood Academy has too, he said.

The Future Farmers of America Club at Hobgood Academy is sponsoring a gun raffle this month. The money raised by the event will be used to help buy machinery and equipment for the agricultural program at the school, said Hardison. Tickets are $10 apiece, with chances for five guns ‹ three shotguns, a 22 gauge shotguns and another hunting rifle (bought from a reputable dealer, according to school officials).

The Hobgood Academy FFA Advisory Board, made up mostly of parents, voted to raffle the weapons because during hunting season, guns are the most marketable item. In past school raffles, hunting guns have been the most popular item bringing in the most money.

At least one parent in the area, though, does not like the ramifications of children raffling guns, no matter how popular the idea is.

"My relative is in school at Hobgood, and her mother told me about it," Sonya Alexander said. "As a parent myself, I was just in shock. I just couldn't believe it ‹ children raffling guns?

"I may be the only one who has spoken up against it, but I just found out about it. My issue is that it is wrong for children at a school to be selling weapons, and I feel it would have been more appropriate to find something else to raffle off."

Alexander said she contacted Headmaster Hardison and offered to purchase other items for the raffle, equivalent to the value of the guns, but he refused her offer.

Instead, measures will be taken to ensure that weapons will not fall into the wrong hands, he said.

"Everything that needs to be done to make sure that these guns will be in safe hands. If anybody buys their son or daughter a winning ticket, the weapon will be given to the parent," Hardison said. "Besides that, the winners will have to go through the same process they would have to go through if they were buying a gun ‹ registration, licensing and background check."

Students at Hobgood Academy are educated by their family about the safe use of firearms for hunting and recreation, Hardison added.

Still, the raffle raised eyebrows among advocates for school safety and gun control.

"This is certainly coming from left field," said Joanne McDaniel, assistant director of the Center for the Prevention of School Violence in Raleigh. "We've not heard of anything like this before."

The center supports laws limiting access to guns for the young and mandating responsible gun ownership and use.

"If this is being done responsibility, I guess it's a community decision that reflects those values in that community," McDaniel said. "The message in question is a different issue."

The academy's sponsorship of a gun raffle in light of deadly school shootings in Colorado and elsewhere is inappropriate, said Lisa Price, executive director of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence.

"We're not saying that adults and supervised juveniles should not have access to guns, but promoting guns at school seems like the wrong issue," she said.

Since Hobgood Academy is a private school, it mandatorily complies only with Public School Law in the state of North Carolina in regard to fire, safety, sanitation and immunization. Legally, the school can raffle the guns.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Mykl, Since you are THEmoneyMAN
is there any way in the world to ask Hobgood
about how much they have raised for the Future Farmers of America?
Curious, Hank
MKL -- What city is that paper in? I pulled up the North Carolina papers list but the nearest was the Herald-Sun in Durham, and their search engine turned up nothing.

Even at this late date, I'd like to respond to those airheads quoted above, via a letter to the Editor. If nothing else, I'd lay in wait for the next outburst from them as Hobgood far exceeds their expectations.

Perhaps the paper is too small to have an on-line edition.
Back to the top one? more time? Come on boys and girls. This is truly cheap feel good at it's best!

Mayhaps some great good wull also come of it!
When reviewing my mail this morning I was pleasantly surprised by a form letter from Hobgood Academy, and a list of the guns they are raffling. Anyone else get one?

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited November 08, 1999).]
Yeahbuddy, woooohooo, my ticket came today along with a nice (form) thank you note from the President of the FFA. It said I was representative of what made America a great place to live and he didn't know whether I believed in armed citizens or the FFA (I"m for both, actually-), but thank you for your support. Thres in a wish for a blessed life, to boot! Dang, I shoulda sent $20, but I feel good all over. M2
Yup, got mine today too. The thank you note and the tickets. The tickets aren't serialized, so I hope they keep good records.

Forgive me for being the procrastinator that I am, but I will send my money off in the morning's mail. Better late than never, I guess? Of course, I will use my NRA return address labels on both the envelope and the SASE that I am sending. I wish I had those NRA checks right now. ;-)

I posted your original post on my Second Amendment board along with a link back over here to this thread.


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Yep, got my letter today and despite my intructions to give the ticket to one of the kids, they sent it to me. That's ok though, the odds are getting longer every day and I really doubt my chances of winning. :)

Just gives ya the "warm fuzzies" all over, don't it!
I guess all those who donated will get that letter. For those that haven't yet sent in
for a raffle ticket (surely I jest!), here it is. When is the last time you have gotten something that was so evidently sincere and heartfelt?

"Dear supporter of FFA:

We were so pleasantly surprised when we received your letter. The club sponsors
believed that a gun raffle would be a good idea and would make a little bit of money for our FFA. We had no idea that we would get the support from so many people not involved in our school. People like you are what makes America such a great place to live. We don't know if it's FFA that you believe in or the idea that owning guns is the way life is supposed to be, but your support will help us grow.

We would like to thank you so much for helping us in our project and include our wishes that you will have a very blessed life. Thank you again for helping us in our efforts to be the best we can.
Sincerely, Alex Moore, FFA President"

Damn! If that doesn't give you the warm and fuzzies, then nothing will.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
You're right...the longer the odds the better I feel! heehee
Best money I've spent in a long time...instant gratification!!

Not a problem, we still have all this month to get participants.

Here's hoping this is the best year Hobgood FFA has ever had.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
100K...time for part 2.

I will do it...fine update!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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