"Try your luck"...Anti's focus on small groups

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The check is mailed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Oatka, saw your post on Huntinfo, and made sure it went to the top of the list. I also sent several e-mails, if every one would send out one e-mail maybe they could start a scholarship payed for by hunters and gunners. Wouldn't that make some news!

I'm in. To be honest, if I win (can you say "fat chance"?), I will keep the gun. It would be very cool to have a gun heard 'round the world.
I will mail in my chances in the AM. I will also post a copy of Fred's post at my favorite gun store as well as pass it around at work. As Ed Brunner mentioned in another thread, it is election day down here in Miss. I may take a copy to the polls and talk it up there as well! If I should win I would like to think that the NRA would like do display the "little gun that could"!
Count me in. One ticket and one donation. And a note thanking them for sticking to their guns and that they are not alone.
Couldnt resist.
Sent my $10 this morning. I also passed onto some friends and over to the AR15.com discussion group.

Back to top.

I just purchased two tickets with instructions that they be donated to two of the FFA members. I did it 'for the children.'

If you want to check out this strega Lisa Price's organization, go to www.ncgv.org - apparently there are 'violent guns' in North Carolina.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

[This message has been edited by Slowpoke_Rodrigo (edited November 02, 1999).]
A quick, unofficial, count shows the totboard now over $400 from TFL members. Excellent! And it is bound to continue growing. This doesn't count the non-TFL contributions that TFL'ers have initiated on other boards, friends, etc.

A thanks goes to Mykl for bringing it to my attention on the rifle forum. I was bypassing the thread here in the general forum. It might be a good idea to do the same as he did on the handgun forum.
Bump to top....

Rodrigo said strega....hehehehe

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Writing the check tonight, goes out in the mail in the morning. (Have to get stamps...)

I've never been so hopeful that my chances would be so astronomical...!

We had the same thing at our high school for a M-70 each year, and they kept it on display in the Industrial Arts building so that they could drum up ticket sales. Expressly prohibited under school policy and a felony violation of Texas law... and I saw my principal personally go in and coon finger it before buying 5 tickets. This was a bigger school, too (5A), and only 10 years ago. Are things changing that quickly?

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 05, 1999).]
My check went out last night for two tickets. I also included an SASE so it won't cost them anything to send me the stubs.
Looks good, sounds good----

Have you ever heard of something on the net or the web that sounded SO good and you wanted to believe in it SO badly, only to find out later that you've been the victim of a well-meaning but unfounded rumor?

Not that I doubt the good will or veracity of any person on this forum, but knowing that we are all human, I invested a few minutes of my time and a few bucks worth of long distance phone service. My sources are not 100 pct foolproof, and God knows, I've been lied to before, but I'm sold, enough to bet twenty bucks of MY money.

Check's written, envelopes addresses and stamped--

BTW--Ms. Cathy Harrell, Hobgood Academy bookkeeper, says she could ALMOST use another full-time person in the office just to process the out-of-area orders for raffle tickets. AND, they've already taken in enough money to pay off the loan on their FFA project building/clubhouse, which was the object of the raffle.

DC--This does, indeed, appeal to me on several levels, as you have eloquently detailed.

JimPeel--Your idea of enclosing a SASE and thus saving the organization half a buck or so is a good one. I adopted it, too.

Long Path--
There seem to be here a number who would indeed 'stand in the gap' or in the alternative,

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead!

Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III, scene 1

Best to all--

---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---

[This message has been edited by Rocky Road (edited November 05, 1999).]
How about we get Cathy Harrel crying for help! I sent 30 bucks right away but after I talked it up with the Duck Hunters, Clays Shooters etc. "MOST OF WHOM AREaware of what is going on, more money is going to Hobgood Academy!
This may never work again but it's working now!
This is too.....too cool!
Sent another check for my bro and his fiancee. La Famiglia Cicci is covered :)

I really liked that they can pay the morgage; I really like that we are showing kids that the people, just like them care enough about them and our historical traditions to come to the plate.

Anyway we can guys, anyway we can....we do not go gently into the night.

Happy and proud of you!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited November 05, 1999).]
Ahhh, filling out that check felt goood.

The whole time I was filling out the check I was grinning and saying "**** you, anti's...**** you, PC pushers...**** you, media....**** you all"

My eyes teared up and I just had to buy more than one ticket than I had planned.

Boy that felt good. Thanks DC for that opportunity.

"Our main agenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a Socialist America can only suceed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
***Sarah Brady to Senator Howard Metzenbaum***
--The National Educator, January, 1994, Page 3.
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