"Try your luck"...Anti's focus on small groups

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Eastern North Carolina Future Farmers of America Chapter needs Your Help.

By Fred Bonner

Gun raffles have long been a standard method of fund-raising in
North Carolina but the North Carolinians against Gun Violence (NCAGV) has
decided to bring an end to this practice for a small chapter of the Future
Farmers of America (FFA) at the Hobgood Academy in Hobgood, N.C..
The FFA Chapter is trying to raise money by raffling off five guns.
A winner will be chosen every day for five days in December. To be given
away are three shotguns, one .22 rifle and one centerfire rifle.
Evidently Ms. Lisa Price (the wife of Democratic Congressman David
Price) and the anti-gun group, NCAGV, have decided to take on this
relatively small private school because they didn't think that they'd have
the resources or will to fight back. They were Wrong! They have Eastern
North Carolina, a lot of farmers, hunters and gun owners from all across
the nation on their side.
The entire scheme to do away with guns may backfire on the NCAGV.
Hobgood Academy may well sell more raffle tickets than ever because of the
attention that the NCAGV is bringing to bear on the academy's fund raiser.
Press releases from this anti-gun group have gone out all over the
world urging that the headmaster of the school, John Hardison, dump the
program because it is "inappropriate for a school to be promoting guns."
The anti-gun national press has picked up on the issue and it has made the
national television news all over the nation.
The press releases from pro-gun groups closely followed this press
release and gun owners from all over the nation and world became aware of
the problem and are planning to buy raffle tickets to support the Hobgood
Academy FFA Chapter. To quote one concerned gun owner. "This is the best
way I know of to support the Second Amendment, the Future Farmers of
America and to tell Lisa Price and her group that they can kiss our butt."
Another concerned gun owner, Dan Crouch from Washington, N.C.
states that "This is the best way that I know of for gun owners to tell the
anti-gun crowd to shut-up and leave our Second Amendment alone. By
supporting this issue (that they've made such a fuss about) they've rallied
thousands of gun supporters to send money to Hobgood Academy. What would
have been a small raffle and fund-raiser has suddenly turned into a very
major source of money for this FFA Chapter. Frankly, they've (the North
Carolinians Against Gun Violence) have done us a favor."
Interestingly enough, not one of the anti-gun press releases will
give the address of Hobgood Academy and how to purchase the raffle tickets.
They have enough sense to realize that if they did this that it would drive
the raffle ticket sales "out the roof". With that in mind, here's how to
order raffle tickets.
Hobgood Academy is standing up to the anti-gun crowd and plans to
go ahead with the raffle as planned. The raffle will take place on the week
of December 6 through 11. 1999.
Write to the Hobgood Academy, FFA Fund Raiser, P.O. Box 307,
Hobgood , N.C., 27834. The raffle tickets cost ten-dollars each. The best
way to send this is by check with the check made out to the Hobgood

Fred Bonner,Wildlife Biologist
Editor/ Carolina Adventure
Syndicated Columnist
International Game Fish Association Representative
Fax 919-773-3117 Phone 919-779-9750

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Talk about unintended consequences...

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
I'm in. In the unlikely event I win (I never win anything), I'll donate the gun back to them for next year's raffle.

Worthy cause....back to the top :)

This appeals to me on multiple levels:
1) Guns
2) Freedom
3) anti-PC, thumbing yer nose at the wussies
4) FFA
5) Truly does benefit kids
6) Non-public education

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited October 27, 1999).]
One check mailed, one ticket purchased. Keep up the Fight Hobgood!

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Check mailed, with instructions that if I win, draw another winner. Give the loacls a shot, so to speak.

They ought to set up a credit card line.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I cut/pasted DC's post on every board I could think of and also sent it to Vin Suprynowicz, asst editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

On the GunSpot board, I found this welcome news: "Oatka - I forwarded this post to everyone I know in the firearms industry. This morning I received e-mail from Taurus USA stating that they were donating a .22 rifle to the Hobgood Academy to raffle off! Now that's the kind of support we like.
P.S. - I just mailed in a check for TWO tickets! I told them if I win to give it to a local kid (with their parent's permission of course) so they can learn to shoot."

Now if only the other manufacturers would do a bit of good PR and donate also.

Think I'll drop Vin a note on Taurus' action.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
This is exactly why TFL exists....

They have the media...we have the people!

I'm honored to consider you friend Oatka

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
C'mon folks....$10 bucks....

RKBA and non-public education and we stick it up the backside of HCI,etal

This is, indeed, for the children

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Check's in outgoing mail.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 31, 1999).]
My check will be in the mail on Monday ... with intructions that if I win, I will donate the firearm to another raffle, sometime in the future.

This is great, what a perfect way to show our numbers and our support for the RKBA!
I think I'll buy two....With the blessings of my fore-fathers I'm sure! Great post, good head work. Oatka Good lookin' out!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Sent mine.

This seems to have really backfired on the anti's!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
My $10 is in the mail Monday morning. I'll just skip that pizza I was going to order and eat leftovers tonight.

C'mon folks, it's a grassroots way to make a real difference and all it costs is one pizza (and a few calories). :)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Being anti-RKBA is one thing, but you just don't mess with the FFA! :)

BTW: I told them to give my ticket to one of the FFA members. Wouldn't that be a kick if the kid won. Not only did the antis raise a fortune for a pro-gun group, but, OH, MY GOD! they've armed a child! ;)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited November 01, 1999).]
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