Trunk Gun, Semiato Rem .223, Semiauto 12" Shotgun or Bot Action .308 Win?

Uhh.. ok. Maybe I should toss that 30-30 and keep a Minigun behind the seat in case I have to go all Ah-nold on 'em, right?

Hopefully If I'm in THAT situation, I'll be smart enough to realize that I'm outgunned with a Browning Buckmark .22 OR a minigun and I'll need some help.
how often do you find yourself coming home guns a blazing? the answer is never so the .22 would be more than enough in my book
Dwight reminds us to check the ammo in whatever it is you carry in the trunk. I keep a loaded 12 gauge in my patrol car and even though I shoot it quite regularly I have had shot shells deformed in rather short periods of time because they are under constant pressure from the magazine spring. This past week I was reminded of the need to replace the shells when I was unloading it by pumping the shells through the gun. The fourth shell stuck in the chamber because its diameter had been effected by the before mentioned spring pressure. I was fortunate that I hadn’t needed to use it during the thirty minutes prior to my unloading it on a felony drug bust.
I don't have a trunk on my F-100, but I do have an SKS often behind the seat. Cheap enough that its loss would make me cry, but very effective.
how often do you find yourself coming home guns a blazing? the answer is never so the .22 would be more than enough in my book

Do you only buy minimum coverage insurance policies knowing that you'll probably never need it? I don't. I buy policies for the worstcase scenarios (within reason). You're probably right, don't get me wrong but nowadays if something happens...more & more its over the top with multiple bg's, armor sometimes and a wide array of modern weaponry. I think that makes a 223 a compromise of sorts in my book.

I got caught with my pants down once with a 22. My new 10/22 took it up small gaming with no other guns and one 10 rnd mag to try it out. Almost never see anything besides deer & rabbits, so why lug more steel than necessary? I was standing still waiting for a squirrel to show himself and about 20 mins went by, I knew he was there and wanted to bag him so stood still. Suddenly a twig snapped and I pivoted my head to see three mtn lions at 20 ft. A momma and two yearlings. We scared each other and she let out a scream that left quite the impression on me. I never felt so undergunned in my life. Scared the pee out of me and I haven't made the same mistake again.
Para Bellum,

Get a Steyr Scout if you can afford it. It is as close to the ideal GPR there is.

Get a 30-30 Marlin or Winchester to keep in your trunk too ;)
ar pistol/carbine is the best option for the situation/ranges talked about

With a red dot scope it can't be beat......remember only hits count and misses cause collateral damage...The ar is the great compromise rifle/caliber as is shown by its police use....Maybe add a forward grip to the pistol and have a great two handed point and fire gun.......
My reasoning on the intermediate rifle is also why I wont carry mouse gun pistols, except maybe as a third! I mean, if a situation deteriorates to the point to where you actually have to draw a weapon...Why play games? Its serious business. I think people sometimes delude themselves with the rationale of I probably wont need it anyway so a 32'll be ok. They see the potential need to carry but talk themselves into a lighter gun cause their lazy?

"I might need a hammer on the job I'm going to...give me your smallest one just in case?"!!! Hmmm.

Face it. The country/world is in an auful state. Things are bad. Can it be expected to get better? I think not. It's going to get worse.

2002gti said,
how often do you find yourself coming home guns a blazing? the answer is never so the .22 would be more than enough in my book

I just love comments like this. If the answer is 'never' as suggested, then a well placed fart will do the trick, whatever that is. The problem is not how many times you have needed to come home with guns blazing in the past, 2002gti, but for in the future. Whether it be passing gas, a .22 lr, or .50 bmg, you don't get to fight battles from the past over again. Your logic would hold that if you have never been in a gun fight previously, then you never will. While possible, it is not a reasonable assumption to make if you are interested in keeping yourself safe.

I find it amazing how many people are surprised by being robbed in good neighborhoods where nothing ever goes wrong, until it does.
Parabellum Storm

The new Beretta Storm Cx4 in your favorite caliber (9MM, .40 S&W, or soon in .45 ACP, but let me guess what you would prefer . . . ) would make a fine, quick handling and accurate gun to use from your car to protect your homeland. With the accessory rails you can add some excellent features to set this gun up just as you need it. Light, short, sweeeet.

russian double barrel shotgun

unexpectedly my father in law presented me with russian (!?) double barreled shotgun yesterday. At least - it fits into my trunk. :)
I understand your choice was made for you, several years ago my Father in law came home to a strange truck and horse trailer in his driveway and got very concerned. He coasted his truck across the drive way and blocked it and then took the keys and ran to a neighbors and got them to call the sheriff and borrowed a gun. As he was running back to his house he realized that the truck and trailer were pulling up the drive and almost to his truck he charged the truck pointing that shotgun and screaming like a madman right at ME!!!! I was his daughters new fiance and had gotten a new truck and he almost shot me for dropping off three horses at the farm.

Becareful at what you think you see when you come home to something new. Just think if that person you see coming out of the house is your kid or family member who found a way to breakin.
Defense at 20 yards...

Defense at 20 yards? If you're speaking in generalities, it doesn't matter what gun you have. Whip out your teeny tiny Kel-Tec P3AT. Fire a warning shot into the air.

A man with burglary on his mind will get the hell out of there, fast.

Now, maybe you're not speaking in generalities. Maybe there's a reason why a determined person would want to approach you even after your obvious display of armament. If that's the case, I seriously doubt he would be walking across open field without taking cover. I also doubt he would be without some sort of long gun. I'd also be worried, if I were you.

If, for some reason, the above scenario is taking place, I'd expect there to be more than one of the opposition.

That said...

I'd go with a Saiga shotgun (automatic shotgun built on the AK action) or a military-style repeating rifle (AK-47, AR-15, etc). Everyone has their preferences. I dig the AKs myself.

At the very least, pick up a Mossberg 500 (7+1 shells of buckshot) or a decent carbine. Kel-Tec makes a nice, folding 9mm/.40 carbine that can fold in half and fit in a standard briefcase, which can be bought in several variants that accept S&W, Glock, or Beretta magazines, which means you can swap mags with a pistol.
warning shot into the air?! INTO THE GROUND PLEASE

Hi SpectreBlofeld ,

thanks for your input, but be advised that bullets come down as deadly as they went up. Hundreds of innocent bystanders get hurt or killed in the arab world every year where shooting into the air is a habbit in moments of joy.

So if there's a warning shot to be fired, please fire it into the ground or another safe direction. A handgun has a range of 4Km (3 miles)....
I know some states will not allow a long gun to be carried in a vehicle loaded! I am pretty sure it is that way in PA. I just sent for my CCW so the laws are fresh in my mind.

IMHO, I would have to go with the shotgun.