True Concealed Carry People?

If you aren't committed to carry all the time & use deadly force if required then why get a permit?

Helps to keep you from being arrested for ignorance of some minor technicalities for starters. For another thing it greatly simplifies the purchase of firearms over the counter here (no need to visit to the police station in advance to obtain a purchase permit and background checks no longer apply).
For me I like my G26/CBST for daily IWB carry. Also always have Spyderco C07 on me even when no gun is on me. Also regularly carry Keltec P3AT in pocket as a BUG or when I feel I need deep concealment and choose to not have the G26 on me. The Keltec is also used when running with a bellyband sitting waist level in font of my right hip bone. Makes me feel a little better and no one has ever noticed it. My knife is clipped at my SOB on shorts too.

I do have several different holsters and ways to carry including Thunderwear holster and a 5.11 Concealment Undershirt although I don't use them very much since I found the Crossbreed.
As a pastor, . . . I do not carry while in the pulpit.

I do not carry where it is illegal.

Otherwise, . . . I'm never more than a few feet from my handgun and in most cases a long gun is pretty close too.

I have an IWB holster that allows me to carry in my most formal of dude duds, as well as the Wranglers I'm in right now.

There is a sig line someone uses on one of the forums I attend: "If you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right."

I applied that to my life, my full size all steel 1911, and we go down the road of life together.

May God bless,
totesack said:
Until they can show for sure that I am wrong I will do it my way.

That's one way to look at it, and you might have a point.

My close friends and family know that I carry. It's my default mode. I don't talk about it, I just do it. There's no reason to trumpet the fact.

One of my favorite things is to be in a social situation and have someone talking about concealed carry. Normally one of our unaware friends who just noticed for the first time that there are people who carry daily. They'll be talking about it and I'll be sitting there strapped and they don't have a clue. I smile to myself and sip my coffee and let them ramble. If the situation is conducive to intelligent conversation, I might let them know that I've been carrying for years and they never suspected. Or, I might not.
I second what Pax said.

My gun and spare mags are like my keys, wallet, Iphone, leatherman, money and flashlight. When I'm dressed that's how I roll. It's second nature.

Everything's 100% functional yet small and light enough to be unobtrusive. The only thing visible is my little Novatac flashlight in a small nylon Victorinox pouch on my belt.
A quick question for those of you who use the crossbreed holster. Which types of clips do you prefer? I see that I can order a couple other types besides the standard and I just want to know the ups and downs.
I OC on the farm all the time and CC every time I leave it, as my wife does. The only time I don't take a gun with me is when I go on base, everywhere else I can just lock it in the gun safe in my truck. I don't carry in Church, VA is kinda vague about the law on this, but my Priest knows I carry outside, He made a joke about lightening up on those "Our Fathers" and "Hail Mary's" :D
My Ultra CDP goes in my Don Hume JIT slide every morning off the nightstand and it's carried 99% of the time as has been said many times here. Been carrying about 8 years and this gun for about 7, OWB for about 4 or 5. Most comfortable for me and little dress change.
I never carry my gun...I just got my CCW to fill one more spot in my wallet..
On a more serious note,I carry everywhere I'm allowed.
I don't carry in the house though it's usually close by.
I carry everywhere I can legaly do so. I do not carry at work due to company policy against it. I do not like the policy :mad:. I do like having a job though:p.
I carry everywhere except work and to and from. Fed property, random searches at gate, bad news.
Always tell the people that you go out with that you do carry.
Don't do that. Nothing good can come of it. My wife knows, my daughter knows, that's enough. People who don't "get it", or even worse, people who think they "get it", can put you in a bad situation.
Having a CCW doesn't make you the new Sheriff in town, and some of the uninformed may not understand that. And there's the idiot that expects you to "back his play", because he knows you're armed. Just don't; they don't need to know and there is a 99.999% chance they never will.
Always tell the people that you go out with that you do carry.

Don't do that. Nothing good can come of it. My wife knows, my daughter knows, that's enough. People who don't "get it", or even worse, people who think they "get it", can put you in a bad situation.
Having a CCW doesn't make you the new Sheriff in town, and some of the uninformed may not understand that. And there's the idiot that expects you to "back his play", because he knows you're armed. Just don't; they don't need to know and there is a 99.999% chance they never will.

I agree with this statment for the most part..I do tell the closest friends I'm hanging out with,but only them..I want them to know enough to get behind me if something happens..I don't generally tell anyone else..
As a retired police officer, I carry about 80% of the time nowadays. Usually a full sized Sig 220, in a Serpa Holster, concealed by a lightweight kakhi "photographers style" vest. A plus is carrying all kinds of stuff in the vest's pockets. Retired, Life is REALLY Good!!
Gun Junkie(s)???

Kinda ashamed to admit this, but I started having a gun on me or in my car when I was 16. Illegally. There are no "buts" that can make that right, it was illegal. However ("but" :D) I never once EVER showed it to ANYONE, not even my best buds or girlfriend. I had no enemies and got along great with people. I was an amateur boxer, so I wasn't afraid of fighting. I just loved guns. Instead of playing baseball, football, etc., I boxed and was constantly target practicing with my guns.

Upon reaching 21, I became a full time police officer. I'm finishing up my career now. I wanted a job where I could be around guns, and I got 29 years and 9 months of being able to wear a gun and get paid for it! :) Off duty, no big surprise. Yes indeed, I always have one on me. Not even being outside, just being in the house. Yep, got one on then also. Even in the bathroom, while I'm in the shower, there's one on the hamper under the towel. ;) Guns galore in our bedroom. Some tucked away nicely here & there thru out the house. And basement. (There's none in the attic or outdoor shed with the lawn mower)

And I have no explaination for where this all came from. My grandpap was a Police Chief and he was my father figure. He really liked his guns also. Maybe that was the impetus.

But in all the time I've carried a weapon on me, I never, ever even once let on to anybody that I was armed. It was one of the best kept secrets ever!

There's one on the desk here as I type. A shotgun is on top the book cases, out of sight of anybody in this room. I'm realizing that this has pretty much developed into a lifestyle.

I've never had an addiction, other than to Diet Coke. But I'm realizing from writing all of this that I must be somewhat addicted (?) to guns.

I'm an evangelical Christian, teach Sunday School, love my family beyond belief, have a clean record. And I love guns. I have great friends, good neighbors, no speeding tickets, but I have lots of guns. Great credit rating, passed all my psychologicals, help out lots with the housework, but have large stockpiles of ammuntion.

I don't THINK I need intervention......(:D)

Maybe one of them Dr fellas can write a book about the guys & ladies in this thread. :eek:

All kidding aside, cutting to the quick, guns are just so great to have around.

PS- Fun reading this thread. :)
Oh, and I also carry every day all the time, at home, in the shower, outside to get the mail, to walk the girl out to her car. EVERYTHING. I only leave it in my car at work where it's supposedly "not supposed to be on the premises" whatever, doubt they'll ever know or have the balls to check anyways. It's illegal without probable cause.

Also want to go ahead and say....

I love you all. Yes, all of you. You're like my virtual gun nut family and I have a handful of friends that feel and do the same "crazy" crap we all do. Always armed.
Today, 04:49 PM #58
Senior Member

Join Date: December 5, 2010
Location: Miami, Florida
Posts: 173 Terry A my friend, we are on the EXACT same page! Only difference in all of that is that I am a Roman Catholic lol *high five* brother.
Glock 22 .40cal, Glock 27 .40cal, Springfield Mil-Spec 1911 .45acp, Browning Hi-Power 9mm (Belgium made), Smith and Wesson Model 19 .357/.38

I'm an optimistic pessimist, I hope for the best, but I expect the worst.

Yes we are my brother! Have a peaceful weekend my friend.
two guns

When the temp and humidity soars, concealing a full size pistol can be tricky. And you cannot always go about in a safari vest or w/ your shirt tails out, or in a sprt coat/blazer. Forget a fanny pack. Especially a black one. They scream gun.

A second, hot weather gun, like a P230 or a S&W 36/60 dropped in a pants or shorts pocket or in a pocket holster will work in these instances.

I know many SD/ccw guys who are big into their 1911'a and Glocks, but when the hot weather hits, its in the car or truck. Pretty lame. Hope you don't need it.

A snub .38, or a .380 is not tacticool, but it will be there if you need it.
I have several guns I carry, depending on the weather (hot or cold), where I'm going, etc., but I always carry ... I'm retired, no kids at home, so I have a gun in the bedroom, a gun in the living room (which wanders around the house with me during the day) and a gun in the back part of the house, where our office is located ... I own guns because I love to shoot and for protection, and if they're locked up or left at home, the protection part goes out the window ... you don't have to carry a cannon (I have an NAA .22Mag for dog walks), but when you need one, you better have it close at hand ...