True Concealed Carry People?

If its legal for me to do so and Im going there then I carry, if its not then I dont go there or I dont carry there.
Always tell the people that you go out with that you do carry.

The majority of experienced carriers would consider this very bad advice. You can read various threads on this issue. "Concealed" does not mean "notify". There's little or no reason a concealed weapon should be exposed or mentioned until needed.

I carry everywhere it's legal except in the shower. I have a gun vault in my car to hold the pistol(s) where I cannot carry.

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I carry a Glock 36 in a Comp-Tac Minotaur IWB holster. I put it on every morning the same as carrying my wallet. It stays with me "everywhere except on airplanes and the time I had jury duty regardless of no gun signs(go ahead and flame, I could care less about your opinion on this).

I also don't tell anybody I have it. Only a few close friends and family know. There are people I've dealt with on a daily basis for years that have no idea.
Always tell the people that you go out with that you do carry.
Please don't do this. Nobody has a right to know what's in your pants, and you risk the wrong kind of person finding out. By wrong kind of person I mean: a "tough guy" who will push you around trying to get you to show your gun; an anti-gunner who will make up stories about how you threatened them by saying you had a gun; someone who will try to take it from you when your back is turned, etc. The element of surprise is very powerful, don't give it up and risk your safety at the same time. If nothing else, saying "I'm carrying a gun" just sounds like attention seeking and bragging, in my opinion.

If you want people to know just open carry, but that's a whole other debate.
Carrying the gun is my default setting. I don't carry the gun "to" anywhere (doctor's office, out to dinner, friend's house, shopping in town). I simply carry. And I go places.

Same here. The question often asked (usually by those who don't approve), is "why do you need to take a gun to.....?".

I don't understand the question. While the odds are you won't "need" a gun at any of the specific places you visit while going about your daily life, if you do need a gun, it will be at one of those same places where the odds where you wouldn't need it.:cool:

The question is better asked in the context of "why do I need to disarm myself to go to various places?".

I've adjusted my life style and mode of dress around the gun which I'm never without, except where prohibited by Federal or State law. For example, I can lock my primary weapon in secure lock box in my vehicle and carry a J-frame in my vest pocket when I need to see the doctor. Or use a pocket holster.

On the other hand, those who carry occasionally, while I don't agree with the practice, are still "real" CCW'ers who recoginize the right, and to a lesser extent, excercise it.:cool:
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LFosburg said:
Wow thanks for all the posts, its giving me some good advice. Is there a good way to conceal if you wear dress pants, shirt and tie? I dont think it can necessarily be in the belt due to visibility. As of now I most often carry a bodyguard 38 revolver. I just purchased a Kimber Pro CDP II and it is really nice! I would like to carry this but im also not sure of the best way. Ideas?

Let me tell you first that you could wear a gun under a spandex leisure suit and virtually no one would see it. It's hard to believe until you've experienced it for yourself but people are really, truly oblivious. If they notice anything at all, they will almost certainly assume it's a PDA/cellphone/leatherman... no one thinks "gun", ever. The exception being other carriers and they're (obviously) not going to hassle you about it.

So, that said, I personally recommend the only holster I've ever used, the Crossbreed Supertuck. It is very comfortable, rugged and holds the gun securely through ANY normal activity. The customer service is excellent with Crossbreed also. You'll be hard pressed to find a bad review of the Supertuck. I can't afford to buy holsters until I find the one I want and end up with a box of useless ones. I researched thoroughly to find the right one the FIRST time and I couldn't be happier.
I personally recommend the only holster I've ever used, the Crossbreed Supertuck. It is very comfortable, rugged and holds the gun securely through ANY normal activity. The customer service is excellent with Crossbreed also. You'll be hard pressed to find a bad review of the Supertuck.

I took a look at this supertuck, it seems pretty secure and comfortable.... One thing I am concerned is whether or not that plastic holster used on a daily basis will really damage the finish on my CDP? Got any thoughts?
LFosburg said:
I took a look at this supertuck, it seems pretty secure and comfortable.... One thing I am concerned is whether or not that plastic holster used on a daily basis will really damage the finish on my CDP? Got any thoughts?

It might. I have been carrying a Glock 33 in my Supertuck for a little over 2 years now. The only mark on the gun is a thin line on the slide right at the top of the kydex ("plastic";)). It's very minor, almost like the tennifer is polished rather than worn, but it's definitely there. I had considered gluing a piece of vacuum line in that spot to see if it helped but "service" marks don't bother me much on a carry gun. Seems almost "honorable" is strange sort of way.

I'll see if I can get a decent picture of it to post.

I ran up against the "how to carry while dressed up?" issue a while ago. It wasn't because my gun was printing - it was because someone almost hugged it while I was at a family function. Nowadays when I absolutely don't want my gun to print or be noticed when bumped, I use a front pocket holster. It makes it look like I'm carrying a fat wallet. (For reference, I carry a S&W model 642.)

And just so I wouldn't confuse people if they noticed what look like two different wallets printing through my clothes, I switched from a wallet to a moneyclip that's just big enough for a few cards & some bills. It barely shows, and it's kind of nice because now I don't have as much stuff in my pockets.

The only places I don't carry are where it isn't legal, or if I'm going to visit a friend who's staunchly anti-gun. I've faced the reality that not all of the people I care about are supportive of guns, so I grant them respect in their space by leaving my gun locked up in the car. No biggie.
Here you go:



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Thanks for the pic! I get the idea.... The slide is stainless so im not sure I would even notice it....


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Carry every day and every place that is legal to do so.I know that you would not take the spare tire out of your car because your just going to the store for milk and gas and probably wont need it.
best of luck.
I have 2 pistols intended for concealed carry duty. One is what I carry most of the time, the other one is smaller and is reserved for situations that are too formal to allow concealment with the other pistol.

I carry any time it's legal. It's simpler that way.
. Telling them that you carry means that they aren't going to go all crazy against me if a situation occurs.

No it doesn't. It may mean they blurt out that you have a gun and get you killed. It's happened before.

Telling everyone you're with that you're armed won't be necessary for long. Everyone will soon know, including people you don't want to know.

I've been armed around people I see on a regular basis for 15 years who have not the slightest clue. And if a "situation" occurs and they go crazy, it won't be because they know I'm armed---but could make for a good diversion.:D

I'd be more concerned about education those who are close to you and know you're armed not to ever say a word---no matter what the circumstances.

Tell away, if you wish. Your call.:cool:
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I CC every where I go that the law allows to carry.

I once got to the airport and realized I was still carrying my weapon and had to wait in the car while the wife picked up the parents. :o
I carry all the time except for govt buildings & schools. It gets to be second nature with the correct rig. If you aren't committed to carry all the time & use deadly force if required then why get a permit?
I Really Am A Paranoid Gun Nut

Have carried where legal daily for 30 years.

Summer an IWB works for me with a shirt bloused over it or a **** with the tail worn outside.

Winter I use a molded fit pancake holster that holds the gun close to the body.

Always a couple of reloads. Always a Tactical folder, especially where a gun can't be taken.

No one has ever noticed that I'm aware of. Don't give it away with your body language.

BIG HUGE mistake to tell anyone for a variety of reasons.

You never know when trouble will come your way. Always aware and ready.
Carry in the house, or have one within arms reach.

Haven't had to even draw it on another person, but very, very close a few times.
Mine is unrestricted, so I carry everywhere

There's a bill in the legislature right now to make all Michigan permits unrestricted. If it passes I won't need to worry about where I can't go anymore. That will be nice.