True Concealed Carry People?


So I am new to this forum but I have a question that I have struggled with for some time. What makes a true CC individual. I have a broad selection of weapons so finding the right one for the task is no trouble however... I hear many people talking about carrying while jogging, riding on the mower, sitting in the living room or whatever other sort of activities they are involved in. My question is this. How often do you conceal? What about the situations where the dress code doesnt always permit easy concealment. Do you carry at work? Out to dinner? What if your job/establishment says no guns on the premesis? Do you just hide it well?(assuming its not a federal building.) I feel as though I only carry a handgun a small percentage of the time..... I guess im looking for some advice how to increase my % of carry time.
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Welcome to TFL. :)

Carrying the gun is my default setting. I don't carry the gun "to" anywhere (doctor's office, out to dinner, friend's house, shopping in town). I simply carry. And I go places.

For me -- and of course this will be different for others because people are all different -- I think I would be emotionally unhealthy if I tried to carry the gun "sometimes." That would mean that when I got dressed in the morning, instead of just putting the gun on my belt before I put my shoes on, I would instead be thinking something like, How dangerous will my life be today? Will I be going anywhere that I might have to shoot someone? What's the crime rate like in that neighborhood? Was there a recent murder, a rape, a violent assault? Will I have to kill someone today?

Instead of dwelling on stuff like that, I just get dressed. And then I go places.

I carry 99% of the time.

I do not carry where it is illegal or posted against it, even though the signs have no force of law in NY state.

Carrying "part time" makes no sense to me. First of all, I have to "dress around the gun" so my clothing is all based on carrying.... it's actually more awkward for me to NOT carry, I have to over-tighten the belt, pants don't fit right, etc. Second, I don't really expect crime at all but if it does happen it's not going to make an appointment first, so I better be ready. Pax is right on... I don't even think about carrying or not, it's just part of getting dressed.

With a good holster (I use a Crossbreed Supertuck which I love) you can carry during all normal daily activities, including jogging, mowing, rolling in the grass with the kids, etc.

People don't notice that you're carrying. Really, they don't. There really isn't a "normal" dress code that doesn't permit fairly easy carry. I mean, if you pose nude or something.... other wise, you can find a way and it's not even that hard.
I carry around town, I open carry in the woods while fishing/hiking. I don't carry at work (not permitted) nor do I carry around my home (although my guns are within easy access). This works for me.

You'll get plenty of opinions, just remember your opinion is just as valuable. Do what feels right. There is not one correct way to CC although some will try and tell you with belittling comments it must be done only their way.
If I have my pants on,,,the belt is around the waist...and two holsters are on per side..and in the holsters are loaded guns....always...without exception.
I really don't intend to tailor my life to the BG's needs, which means I carry a full-size auto. I refuse to acquire a "CCW gun", because I'm a range shooter.

I prefer to carry as much as possible, but I have to admit there's still times I
say "O bother!" and leave it home or in the car.

It's all very personal. Some want that fast draw. Where I come from, a loose shirt covers a world of sin.(as well as a CC) I'm not the fast draw type, so
manys the time I use a belt pack.

In bad situations,(like a gas station or convenience store at night) I'm MUCH
more careful and alert.
ive only had my ccw permit for a little over 2 months, but if i leave the house, so does my gun. i carry at work most days, and where ever else i go. IF i go places that have signs/images posted i still use, i just simply go through the door with out the image and so if im approached, its an "honest mistake", and ill be happy to leave without making any purchases.
I understand your question, but CC is only a question YOU can answer. Case in point is myself. I could care less what someone on the internet thinks is the best carry gun, or the best size, the "only" caliber that should be carried, etc. I carry nearly 99% of the time and it's a small .380 Ruger LCP in a pocket holster. I carry that model over my .357, 9mm, and .45 because it's lightweight and concealable. In jeans for winter, or shorts in the summer. The .380 round is enough for me. It holds a total of seven and I know it's a gut gun only. An up close and personal designed auto, for ones own self protection. I'm not going to play policeman and shoot it at long distances if the situation calls for it. Nope, I'll be the best damn witness for the police. I'm aware of the legal consequences if you decide to pull that trigger and something goes terribly wrong. So, IMO, forget all the suggestions everyone will at times demand you carry. Some will even tell you if you don't carry a .45 caliber for example, you are just carrying a paper weight. Carry what you can shoot comfortably, conceal well and feel safe shooting, if a time should arise and you must defend yourself (or a loved one) from death. And maybe that is a .45 caliber, then again maybe it's a little .380.
My rule of thumb is if I have my kids with me, I'm carrying. I can not carry at work, I could check my weapon at the arsenal, but chose not to carry to work. My boys rarely let me go anywhere by myself, so I end up carrying almost anytime I leave the house. I do not feel the need to carry in the house due to the fact that I live in a rural residential area with little to no crime in the immediate vicinity. We don't leave the doors unlocked at night, but probably could if we chose to. That being said I have weapons strategically placed on both floors of the house where I can get to them in a hurry and little fingers can not access them. I have 2 different carry guns, my primary is a Kimber Pro CDP II and my secondary is a S&W Model 36. I feel adequately armed with either, although I have more faith in the Kimber. When I carry I use one of 2 holsters for my Kimber, both are DeSantis, one is a high rise paddle holster (Love the paddle design) for colder weather, the other is an inside the waistband holster which works well. An XLT or XXLT t-shirt (6'3" and roughly 255lbs) will cover the inside the waistband holster, I have a tendency to buy heavier cotton t-shirts. For the model 36 I use an uncle mikes Inside the waistband or a DeSantis pocket holster.
My KelTec P32 is next to me or on me 24 hours a day . The key for me was to get something small enough that it wasn't ever a burden for me to carry it . If it isn't annoying to carry you'll carry it . I used to pocket carry , but the little belt clip on the P32 is great , the small kel tec's and lcp etc. are so thin and light they almost disappear no matter what you're wearing .
I pick and choose when I want to carry. If I decide not to carry it, it stays locked inside my car when I'm out, but I do take it inside just about every night.

Lots of folks will disagree with the way I carry, but it works for me....and if it doesn't, well, that will just be my problem to have to deal with.

I have a big gun or two to shoot.
I carry a compact Glock in .357 Sig in my truck.
Have a ParaOrd .45 close to my bed.
Glock model 36 in .45 with that little clothes clip thing that I love.

But after reading your post
I have to admit that the easiest to carry and
conceal are my KelTec P-32 and my Beretta .22

I can hit cigarette packs from room size distance.
trying to get good enough for double taps now.
good back ups anyway but I find that they just
go with me places that I'd be uneasy
about keeping the big glocks covered


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I work at a convenience store. i carry at work every day. My boss is very pro gun and takes me and his son shooting every week, he even pays for ammo.

I also live above said convenience store. I live above a giant target for criminals. That being said, I slip my gun in my holster even if I'm just stepping out for a smoke.

I have a gun on me at all times. The only time I don't have one is when I am in the shower and then it is on the floor close by. Mine is unrestricted, so I carry everywhere, school,church,bank,etc.
Unfortunately I can't carry at work, and I have to go to my daughter's school regularly (not for bad things :D ), so I can't carry as often as I like. If it's legal, I'm probably carrying. I've never had anyone notice.
I carry a XD9mmSC loaded with +P JHP or Hornady critical defense. Everyday, all day, even while at home. At night it is on the bedside table. I like the 16 round extended clip as it makes drawing the weapon easier and gives me a good firm grip. I carry the standard 13 round clip and one additional 16 round with me when I leave the house. I carry a .38 special S&W Bodyguard as a BUG usually in an ankle holster or in a fanny pack carried on the left side.

For the primary I use an IWB super cross tuck in the kidney position right side.
pax said:
I simply carry. And I go places.

What she ^ said.

I don't carry where prohibited, but I don't spend that much time in prohibited places anyhow. It's a rare event that you find me without a gun on me. Even now sitting in my living room typing on a laptop, there's an LCP in my pocket.
Wow thanks for all the posts, its giving me some good advice. Is there a good way to conceal if you wear dress pants, shirt and tie? I dont think it can necessarily be in the belt due to visibility. As of now I most often carry a bodyguard 38 revolver. I just purchased a Kimber Pro CDP II and it is really nice! I would like to carry this but im also not sure of the best way. Ideas?
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