Treat Gun Criminals Like Sex Criminals!


In Philadelphia they treat gun criminals (anybody convicted of a crime involving a gun) like sex criminals. They need to register when they get out of jail and always let the police know where they live. It’s back to jail for a year if they don’t register. This seems to be a great idea and worth promoting around the country.

To go along with this, 89% of the people killed by guns in Philadelphia have criminal records.
Easiest way to stop gun crime would be to make carry permits shall issue and give 10 years mandatory to anyone who is convicted of illegal carry, on top of anyhting else

No plea downs either.

Gun crime would be halved in 1 year.

Of course, if the US Dept of Justice would be more vigorous in prosecuting felons in posession that would help too.

WildihavetonsofeasysolutionstohardproblemsAlaska TM
This seems to be a great idea and worth promoting around the country.

What a grand idea. The logical 'next step' would be lists for ALL types of crimes. Then everyone can be appropriately suspicious of everyone else. If we are properly informed to be on guard against the ciminal element, crime should disappear entirely.

To go along with this, 89% of the people killed by guns in Philadelphia have criminal records.

There is apparently room for improvement.
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Watch out what you ask for.

You might be convicted of a misdemeanor, e.g., handling of a gun in a motor vehicle (OH) and lose your guns forever.

Gun crime is not limited to violent crime; it can be failing to cross an i or dot a t.


Doesn't matter what you are talking about, be it work, sports, or life, there are always those people who have to screw it up for everyone. Rather than accept this fact and deal with it when someone commits a TRUE crime/penalty, there are always those who want to "bureaucratize" everything to the point of making any sort of normal life/work/fun impossible.

Just think of how many rapes could be prevented each year if we banned the penis!!! We could prevent all auto fatalities if we just banned the car!! We have enough laws on the books already. What we need is a criminal justice system that recognizes that, at some point (earlier than they recognize it now), we have to admit that certain folks are just "predators" and cannot live in normal society without hurting other people. Instead of giving them 5 or 6 opportunities to rape/rob/kill, we need to lock them up and stop with the probation or the "10 year sentence that means 2 years in jail" dance.

Honestly, how much more "illegal" do we need to make rape/robbery/murder???
I'm not for it. Sex criminals are registered because they are almost guaranteed to re offend. It's up well over 90%. With exceptions sex offenders also tend to be on average of average intelligence or higher and use charm to wiggle their way into a position of trust. All of that combines to make them a continuing life long threat who's proximity people need to be aware of. In fact if it weren't for the high number of false accusation I'd be for 1-strike laws for rape and child molestation. But the false accusation rate is way-way too high for that. As it is I'm for sex offender registration laws, and for 2-strikes and you're gone forever laws for both predators and blatant false accusers.

The solution for violent felonies isn't registration... it's use a weapon of any kind to commit a violent crime and you are gone for 10 years - 1st offense. No plea deals, no probabtion - bye bye. And life for committing a second violent crime with or without a weapon. No early release, no good time, no parole, no visits or TV - you screw up twice and you're gone and forgotten.
Just think of how many rapes could be prevented each year if we banned the penis!!!

Now you are talking my line in the sand


WildnicevisualAlaska TM
Red Dawn. Fantastic movie.
As for SO reoffending, it depends on the type. There are guys with sex scores for peeing on a dumpster when an old lady caught a peek. And there are sexual predators. Those defined as SP are the ones will reoffend, almost always. The others are a grab bag of maybes.
As for imprisoning for 10 years carrying illegally, and for 2 strikes your out, better open your wallets - your taxes are going up. Your tax dollars pay my salary, and all the staff that work with me. The higher the custody, the more the staff, often by a factor of two to one.
I am all for more prison space - we are overcrowded as is - not as bad as Cali, but getting there. New prison construction costs big bucks.
Private prisons? Hah, you get RAPED money wise, and they have a MUCH higher escape total than we do, not good security, high staff turnover, lotsa lawsuits, that the state pays to defend. Your tax dollars at work.
So, if you want to play the lock 'em up and throw away the key routine, prepare to either pay higher taxes, or less services. Someone has to pay me, or I'll go hang in the unemployment line, too....your tax dollars at work.

OP, nobody is killed by guns. They are killed by people who have guns and trigger fingers. OUTLAW trigger fingers!
Speaking of Red Dawn, it reminds me- I was confused about something in that movie.

It seems to make a couple of political statements about gun ownership. Was the director or a writer anti gun? The first statement I see in the movie is a soldier pulling a handgun from someone who has been shot, and in the background is the "pry it from my cold dead hands" sticker.

The next is the officer telling someone to go around to the gun shops and pick up all the 4473 forms to see who owns guns. Now this could be taken two ways. Information gleaned in gun registration can be misused, and as such is a dumb idea. Or that gun ownership would be useless if we were invaded.
Roger Milnius is VERY progun, showing how federal forms can be used to disarm us, and how civilians with arms fighting guerilla style can help defend the nation. IIRC, part of his pay for doing Red Dawn was a Ruger Red Label shotgun.
Why not simply enforce the existing laws (fairly), and carry out the adjuicated penalities in full? End of problem!

New laws and novelity solutions are not needed. What's wrong with what we already have? :confused:
...more vigorous in prosecuting felons in posession...
Careful what you wish for there. I'd be willing to suspect that there are pretty good chances a young and vigorous Federal investigator could probably find some felony dirt on just about any Alaskan, maybe a truck with its catalytic converter removed, an eagle feather picked up in the woods, a pothole filled in the back yard, a tin of oil leaking out behind the house, a black market Canadian high cap toilet, a "backup copy" of your favorite Perry Como album.:rolleyes:

Every time I read a thread like this I think of the chapter in "Venus on the Half Shell" where Simon Wagstaff gets arrested on a middle-of-nowhere planet for the felony of giving alcohol to a dog, a robot and an owl. He's sentenced to life in prison and since he's immortal that is a very long time. So he settles in and after a few years they let him out. Turns out that they convicted everyone on the planet of one thing or another so there was nobody to operate the prisons.
Careful what you wish for there. I'd be willing to suspect that there are pretty good chances a young and vigorous Federal investigator could probably find some felony dirt on just about any Alaskan, maybe a truck with its catalytic converter removed, an eagle feather picked up in the woods, a pothole filled in the back yard, a tin of oil leaking out behind the house, a black market Canadian high cap toilet.

Ya that will be the day.....:cool:

Every time I read a thread like this I think of the chapter in "Venus on the Half Shell" where Simon Wagstaff gets arrested on a middle-of-nowhere planet for the felony of giving alcohol to a dog, a robot and an owl.

Life is not a story about a fictional planet written by a fictional author ;)

WildihavetheF&SFmagwiththatstoryAlaska TM