Tragic, why and how did this happen?

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Who you callin' nuts? It's obvious that George Soros paid Mike Bloomberg, who ordered an Antifa operative dressed like a plumber to sneak into this house and pull the trigger, just so they could publish this story in cahoots with the global media conglomerates. I have this information from a reliable YouTube video!
No kidding..

Who you callin' nuts? It's obvious that George Soros paid Mike Bloomberg, who ordered an Antifa operative dressed like a plumber to sneak into this house and pull the trigger, just so they could publish this story in cahoots with the global media conglomerates. I have this information from a reliable YouTube video!

If we don't give voice to every possible (however remote) wild theory how do we expect people to take us seriously? :)
It's easy to believe that the truth was lost, misunderstood, or deception was added somewhere along the line between the actual shooting and the posting of the article. Much easier than to believe that a Glock spontaneously fired when dropped from bed-height onto the floor, shooting two people in the head.

I'm not sure at what stage the truth got derailed, but it almost certainly has been.
Be that as it may the argument from those opposed to individual gun ownership is simple:

A) This particular tragedy would not have occurred had individual legal gun ownership not occurred. Civilian gun owners are irresponsible, under trained, and paranoid.

Our response can be simple. Guns are tools and sometimes those tools get mis used or used carelessly. The right to effective self defense is a certainty.

If we offer some vast conspiracy theory its like we looked at that argument and said "here, hold my beer"

The exact facts are not vital to their argument. A firearm owned by a civilian resulted in two deaths. You have to get into conspiracy territory to start to counter that. Our argument CANNOT hinge on what type of gun or those exact details or else we weaken it.
The slant on the story had to do with the tabloid people. Google Buzzfeed for further insights.
I bet most any LEO, active or retired, in this forum smelled a rat and knows where to look for who discharged the Glock.
I should note I am not closed off to the possibility of another explanation. However offering it on speculation does not make for a strong or impressive argument.
There is no speculation as to dropping a Glock and two humans being hit in the head by the same bullet. Those wounds would be from that handgun that was dropped onto the floor . All that really flunks the smell test. We have been all over this one including a dubious source of information. This news story is touching but sounds suspiciously like a lie.
We have to wait for the facts to come out (if they ever do).

There are aftermarket triggers for Glock pistols that reduce pre-travel and make the release crisper. I dont know if those make the gun less “drop safe”. The “skimmer trigger” from HSP comes to mind.

If some aftermarket parts/mods deleted some of the passive safety systems of a stock Glock. I can see it discharging when dropped.
I'm not sure about this left wing stuff from Fox News. Also, there are one or two good explanations of how Glock's work in this thread. There are three (3) safeties on a Glock handgun. Somebody needs to give this thread a decent burial as the wheels have come off.
. Those wounds would be from that handgun that was dropped onto the floor

NO, not exactly. I also assumed "to the floor" but the report does NOT SAY THAT.

it says the gun "fell and fired one shot"... The report does NOT say the gun struck the floor. It does not say it struck the floor and went off. It says.

Shaw had been wrestling on a bed with his son, Tripp, while he had a handgun concealed in the small of his back, Fox 59 reported. The gun then fell and fired one shot, striking both Shaw and his son in the head.

That's ALL it says, and everything we speculate about beyond that is, at this time, lacking ANY other information, just so much hot air.
NO, not exactly. I also assumed "to the floor" but the report does NOT SAY THAT.

it says the gun "fell and fired one shot"... The report does NOT say the gun struck the floor. It does not say it struck the floor and went off. It says.

That's ALL it says, and everything we speculate about beyond that is, at this time, lacking ANY other information, just so much hot air.
Well yeah. But absent speculation this thread really has no where to go, does it?

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A discussion?

A discussion: We are dealing with two (2) pieces of information. One, the gun fell and discharged. The other, number two, was that two humans were hit by the projectile. How a Glock works is not speculation with three safeties having to fail. Asking how two people were wounded in the head by one bullet is not an unreasonable question to ask in a discussion. I have no earthly idea where this conspiracy stuff came from. There were a number of very good points made concerning what information that was available. Attacking comments can be addressed by your moderators.

Added: Most people like a mystery. This event was a mystery. Questions were asked starting with possible shaky information.:confused: I cannot understand the hostility these post have generated. :mad:
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I think most gun owners would appreciate the minority of gun owners who dive into the deep end of political conspiracies would just shut up for once.

The above shows. Anyone saying the gun fired when hitting the floor made that up in their end. Wasn't in the article.
Well, I find that the most revealing thing about this story, is how quickly we can all be divided by speculations over the unknown details. It's kind of alarming, actually. Maybe the 2nd Amendment is doomed if we can be so quickly divided and conquered.
Who got their knickers in a twist?

Who got their knickers in a twist? :mad:Those of us who are into firearms addressed the problem of errors in the report. My point, and others, is the cruciform, the drop safety in a Glock, is a concrete artifact in the real world. Also from our experience with handguns, we, pointed out the unlikely scenario news account gave. That is all. All this got turned into some sort of anti-gun conspiracy. What gives?

Next came all this negative 2A hostility as if the aim was to pick a fight. I don't see a dangerous division. It is hard for me to connect the dots on this one. I call baloney on the hitting the floor nitpicking business. What's really going on?:confused:
As the OP I feel some regret for posting based on where the thread has gone.
Still a tragic unnecessary and totally preventable incident
I think most gun owners would appreciate the minority of gun owners who dive into the deep end of political conspiracies would just shut up for once.

The above shows. Anyone saying the gun fired when hitting the floor made that up in their end. Wasn't in the article.

I disagree. I think that's the exact implication of the article as written, and I stand by that. Moreso the gun going off from an impact is both possible and not in any way shape or form a conspiracy theory. The only other implications I see are foul play and the man attempting to catch the firearm. While the latter absolutely happens I doubt most people who don't own firearms (which in reality is likely true of the overall audience of Buzz Feed) would consider that more problematic than just letting the firearm hit the ground. Heck people that own firearms need to be reminded not to try to catch them.

As numerous people have pointed out now the story on the whole is short on explanation. Examining the possible explanations, yes that means theorizing, is really all there is here.

As for theories of this being made up, in talking with member of local law enforcement the sad reality is negligence when it comes to firearms is pretty darn common. It may not always result in a fatality, but it isn't something that needs to be made up.

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Ok, consensus is that we've exhausted discussion based on the sketchy information currently available.

Let's wait to see if we get more information. When and if that happens, PM me to re-open the thread.
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