Tragic, why and how did this happen?

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The facts are unclear, but common sense tells you that carrying a firearm subjects you to an increased risk of being involved in an unintended firearm related incident. It also gives an increased probability of surviving a violent confrontation.

Wearing a motorcycle helmet or seat belt or having airbags subjects you to risk. Odds are you are far safer with that safety gear. We really don’t have the statistics for firearms, it’s a personal choice.

One thing is for certain, a child’s life was lost and that family will never be that same again.
Be extra safe out there, friends
I wonder if people are this demanding for obvious detail car accidents are happen.

The answer: of course not.

It's odd.

A tragedy happened. Perhaps gun forums should all have sticky about not trying to grab a falling gun, ricochet threats when enjoying target shooting outdoors, best locks, etc.

I do not care for the judgement being laid on the news for this. You're being too specific. It comes off as unseemly.
Yes I do think some people believe the firearm discharged when it fell. Many people do not understand that firearms have internal safeties to prevent such a thing from happening and certainly television and movies have plenty of examples of firearms discharging when dropped.

I don't share your conviction that "no one" believes this.

I was in a fairly well established gun store the other day. Not a big box store that sells guns but a gun store complete with range. A sales person was showing a lady next to me different pistols - none of which were old, antiquated, or of a strange brand. He flat out told her that the firearms with external hammers were not drop safe and could discharge if you were to drop them.

Granted this was not a Glock and he left the impression that the various striker fired pistols were drop safe but I wasn't aware that there were many pistols out there that were not considered drop safe.
CZ Shadow 2 or the like with drop safety deleted, current series 70 1911s, Kel Tecs with inertia hammers (and that's the fear over the Ruger LCP 2 using their system)...

all not drop safe.

See how this isn't common knowledge?

Does it matter in a conspiracy to scary people? Heavens no.

Heck, even the Kel Tec KTOG forum owner had a drop fire P11. Sccy and Ruger uses this system too.

A transfer bar break can cause a drop fire in a revolver, it's impacted by the hammer, so it isn't totally crazy.
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I wonder if people are this demanding for obvious detail car accidents are happen.

The answer: of course not.

It's odd.

A tragedy happened. Perhaps gun forums should all have sticky about not trying to grab a falling gun, ricochet threats when enjoying target shooting outdoors, best locks, etc.

I do not care for the judgement being laid on the news for this. You're being too specific. It comes off as unseemly.

I don't follow the first sentence tbh.

I don't see anyone denying it's a tragedy.

I would actually agree that people in general do need to be reminded not to catch falling firearms. I talked about this with my wife last night. I also talked with her about drop safeties because we have a child and she had concerns.

I think you're reading more into this than might be the case otherwise because of what you've described happening in your community, for which I can sympathize.

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" the small of his back..." That means the thing was not secure.
"...firearms have internal safeties..." Nonsense. While some, like the Glock(if it actually was a Glock.) mentioned in the story have such things, not all handguns do. As usual for the media(whatever BuzzFeed News is. Never heard of 'em myself. No idea how anti-firearm ownership they may or may not be), the story is incomplete.
Shaw had been wrestling on a bed with his son, Tripp, while he had a handgun concealed in the small of his back, Fox 59 reported. The gun then fell and fired one shot, striking both Shaw and his son in the head.

The pistol is a Glock 19. It has been sent for testing to determine why it fired unintentionally.

That's ALL we know.

All information has come from investigators, and the investigation is not finished. "the gun fell" could be fact, or it could be theory, at this point, WE DON"T KNOW.

We don't know what else happened. We don't know if this was a mechanical malfunction or an operator induced discharge. Did Dad or son try to grab the gun as it "fell"? Did a fold of blanket "pull" the trigger? Has the father told what he thinks happened? (is he able to?) Are investigators telling the news what they THINK happened based on where things were when they got there? Did a small mini-lop bunneh with a switchblade hop in, shoot them because he thought the Dad was a telemarketer then hop away unseen?


Yet. and its possible we never will.
All the information came from an account in a online news source. These reporters struggle to get into real time. In the meantime all sorts of crap get reported.

Those of us who own or know a little about Glock's know this "fell" business flunks the smell test. We assume the make and model of the gun was reported correctly.

Making judgements at this point on this or other parts of the report are basically a waste of time. As this tragic situation unfolds no telling what kind of turns this thing will take. This situation is called a "sentinel event." After this tragedy nothing is the same afterward for the rest of the family.
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You wanna play games. There is a simple explanation of how father and child could both have a head wound from one round. What if child was in father's lap? If this is the case, where did the gun fall?
Glocks have a
  • trigger safety (the protrusion in the middle of the safety)
  • a trigger bar safety / cruciform bar - which prevents the trigger bar from slipping down off the striker unless the trigger is pulled back
  • a striker safety plunger which only deactivates when the trigger is pulled back,
  • and supposedly the striker spring is not compressed far enough to set off a primer unless the trigger is pulled.

Given a stock Glock 19, if nothing pulled the trigger, somehow the flat cruciform bar would have to mash through 2 pieces of plastic, or tear steel off from the trigger bar on both sides, and the striker push its way past the steel striker safety plunger all on a partially charged striker spring, and... I don't know how you charge the striker more without pulling the trigger back - enough to detonate a primer. So something pulled/pressed the trigger. Could it be inertia like the early P320? Maybe if it was modified.
There are certain responsibility's you have to assume when you carry.
First & foremost it to keep your firearm safe.
Preforming any activity that could be unsafe while carrying should not be done.
Don't make sense

The news report does not make sense.:confused: "They" being the video news reporters and others involved. "They" may have been the the investigators who may have been grossly misquoted. The apparent sensationalism may have been the purpose of the presentation. The factual stuff is of no interest to many readers. Hope the OP can provide more information as the story unfolds. Hope Barney Fife is not in charge:eek:
Could this be a "Blonder Blumberger" Media controlled scam, that New York Anti Firearm jerk is well known for using his large group of news owned media to demean gun owners.
13 teens are killed each day from Text Messaging. And that does not include the others that are killed because of this. And then there are the adults. Of course CNN does not report this if they can find a tragic gun killing. And if you are the type that does text message while driving, than you should not ever be allowed to drive a car. And it would make you a special kind of Hypocrite.
That Buzzfeed is a real piece of work. Looks like most of the reports anywhere are taken from the original Fox News piece. Have there been any updates?
It's citing a local Fox News station....

Could everyone stop being so conspiracy theory nuts?
Who you callin' nuts? It's obvious that George Soros paid Mike Bloomberg, who ordered an Antifa operative dressed like a plumber to sneak into this house and pull the trigger, just so they could publish this story in cahoots with the global media conglomerates. I have this information from a reliable YouTube video!
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