Toysrus boycotting NRA

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My letter just went out. Good heads-up on this guys.

Nail them to the wall!

CMOS :mad:

NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
CORB52, don't get me wrong. TFL is a pretty open forum (as it should be), and we occasionally get 'news' that is questionable. It is logical to see the source of news, and then judge the substance.

Besides, it is a lot more credible to write the company and cite the source, than to simply say 'I heard this on the 'net'.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Should be interesting Toys R Us seems especially vulnerable, considering the products it sells are part of what it apparently 'protests' in an NRA theme restaurant ... virtual shooting games. Humorous.

Regards from AZ
Here's the email I sent --
It has come to my attention from nypostonline that you have instigated a "boycott" of the NRA's plans to open a "theme" restaurant based on video shooting experience. Coming from a store that sells violence based video games to children would be laughable if were not so pathetic. The only reason that I can reason is that you were offered/suggested some sort of backroom deal to lower your lease if you did this, so your biggest concern here must be your "bottom line". Well, let me suggest that the money you think you might be saving in such a deal is going to cost you exponentially in the boycott of Toy"R"Us by the many millions of peaceful citizens who can comprehend freedom and safety. As I have seen writen by others, if you are opposed to what the NRA stands for then you must stand for lawlessness, violence and peril. I have spent hundreds of dollars in your stores previously, but will no longer until such time as you make a PUBLIC appology andthen I will consider giving you my business.
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