Mattel made the coolest kid guns, bar-none, back in the late 50's-early 60's. I still have a "shootin' shell" rolling block and the "shootin' shell" fanner along with it. Got some "greenie" stick m caps too.
I can't help but think that the reloading bug hit me hard back in those days, as the shootin' shells with the plastic bullets primed with a "greenie" was a real primer for the real deal that reloading has become for me personally these years of late (been reloading ammo for close to 35 years now).
Being the youngest of three sons, I had to wait, and watch, and be content with my Mattels until I could use, and hunt with (and after taking the proper firearms safety course when I was twelve), the firearms my dad and "big bros" got to use in the field. Yeah, had to be content with my Mattel "roller" while walking a corn row for pheasants... had to be a hunter's life lesson there for sure, and Mattel was there to make it a bit easier.
It's awful hard to see that what a lot of us grew up with, as just plain part of what just about everyone did back in those days regarding the shooting sports, has become such an issue of controversial magnitude. That being said, I wouldn't trade my hunting/shooting/Mattel cap-gun cultural upbringing for anything. Dads! Get your kids out there in the field, even if it is with a cap gun to start with! Thanks Mattel, for the memories...