Tokarev convert 7.62x25 to 9mm

Cool idea. Let us know if you see any unexpected uh-ohs when you make the swap.
I like my 7.62x25 tok, but it would be nice to have more choices in ammo selection. I keep ending up with these metal boxes in my garage....
Jim, I agree, my comment was aimed at raftman.
The prohibition included the issuing of any long barreled pistols, including the 6" Navy and 8" Artillery versions of the 08, which were often shortened for reuse.
UPDATE: I went to numrich and they still have the 9mm barrel in stock. Might be the 7.62 barrel that's out of stock.

When I looked, all I could find was part#1096080, 9mm used barrels in fair condition, and they were listed as sold out. Maybe listed somewhere else?

OK. Never mind. I see they have barrels listed for the TU90, although I don't know what the difference is between that model and the regular Type 54 or 213 model other than the Tokagypt style grips.
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From what I could gather the difference in the original TT1930 to the newer TT1933 barrel was machining the locking lugs all the way around. The replacement barrels shown have the lugs going all the way around, so it should fit. (fingers crossed as it shipped yesterday!)
Parts came to the front door today

The barrel IS correct and it NEEDS the "9mm" bushing from sarcoinc.

The spacer needs holes drilled into the frame to hold it in place. Will
have to see the local smith for that chore as I don't have a drill press
(or the expertise to get the holes in the correct location!)

The 9mm mags came in. They are a tight squeeze with the spacer.
It will need some polishing and love to get them to fit good.

I got a new recoil spring for it too. The original one was about 2-3 coils
shorter than the new one. No biggie.

It does feed, chamber and eject 9mm rounds fine. Haven't fired it
yet, but it should work fine.

My barrel isn't in yet. Figured I'd see if it fit before buying other stuff. Is yours a Romanian Tok? TTC? That's what mine is and I'm hoping the barrel fits.
My barrel isn't in yet. Figured I'd see if it fit before buying other stuff. Is yours a Romanian Tok? TTC? That's what mine is and I'm hoping the barrel fits.

Romanian -- from SOG early (feb) this year.

Here's a picture of the new parts and old parts. The new are to the right of the old in the picture.


  • tok partsCIMG5594.JPG
    tok partsCIMG5594.JPG
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I'd just like to say thanks for this thread:)

I picked up a Norinco 213 in 9mm for a song at the gun show. I really dig it, but I would like to be able to set it up to shoot 7.62 like my CZ52.

I'm hoping that for Christmas my wife can get me the needed parts to convert it. Nothing like having a gun that shoot two radically different cartridges with a quick switch out.

Can anyone else confirm that FMJ 9mm will feed from a 7.62 mag? That would life much easier. If all I had to do was swap ammo, barrels, and a bushing to shoot a little of either...that'd be nide:D
Fiv3 - I can confirm that 9mm will stack in it, but I can't check feed reliability yet. e-sarcoinc still hasn't sent my 9mm bushing. You may want to check previous threads about the reverse conversion you want to do (or perhaps google tok conversions from 9mm to 7.62). I've heard that there are more issues going from a Norinco 9mm to 7.62 than what we are doing here, i.e. you may not be able use a standard tt-30 or 33 barrel. Not sure. Might be easier/cheaper to just get a 7.62 toc and have two guns.
thanks for the info:)

I actually watched a youtube video and it seems to be pretty easy. The guy just changed out the bushing and the barrel (which I'm having a hard time finding). He changed the recoil spring too, but said it looked identical to the old one.

However, it's not a big deal. I mean, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But it'd be nice if the 9mm fed from a 7.62 mag without too much issue as those mags are easier to come across and a little cheaper than the 9mm.

A final n00b question:
Are Toks like 1911's? I mean do they all use pretty standard parts whether they are made in Russia or China or wherever?
I'd just like to say thanks for this thread

I picked up a Norinco 213 in 9mm for a song at the gun show. I really dig it, but I would like to be able to set it up to shoot 7.62 like my CZ52.

I'm hoping that for Christmas my wife can get me the needed parts to convert it. Nothing like having a gun that shoot two radically different cartridges with a quick switch out.

I'm not 100% certain, but from the investigation done, the Norinco 213 9mm pistols were modified to fit the shorter 9mm round. You can go from a 7.62x25 to 9mm, but NOT from 9mm to 7.62. (the early 213's were done on 7.62 guns and they can convert - but I don't know how to ID them from the ones that can't).

For $189 you can get a romanian tok in 7.62 from SOG.
Thanks for the info:)

I'll just stick with the 9mm for the time being. My CZ52 shoots Tok just fine, and obviously 9mm is going to be around long after the affordable 7.62 dries up.

I do appreciate the time and info:)
Can anyone else confirm that FMJ 9mm will feed from a 7.62 mag? That would life much easier. If all I had to do was swap ammo, barrels, and a bushing to shoot a little of either...that'd be nice

I have done it with two Tokarevs, one an original Russian and the other a 54-1 Norinco. 9mm worked just fine through the original long mags on these two guns, but, as I said before, YMMV.
thanks for the info:)

I have a buddy that is selling his LNIB 9mm chambered T54 for a song. I might pick that one up and see which one I like better. I have another friend looking for a cheap pistol. The 213 might fit his needs nicely
Put the 9mm barrel and new bushing on my tok and have a big no-go. It will assemble but the slide stays about 1/8" back when I put the slide retaining pin back through the hole. Could this have something to do with the link on the new barrel?
Put the 9mm barrel and new bushing on my tok and have a big no-go. It will assemble but the slide stays about 1/8" back when I put the slide retaining pin back through the hole. Could this have something to do with the link on the new barrel?

I don't mean to sound uppity, but did you actually get the retaining pin into the hole in the link? It's easy to miss it and when I did, the result was similar to what you are posting. Just a thought.
Pretty sure I did. Tried several times, looked through the hole and made sure the link hole lined up before pushing in the pin through the slide. Gonna try again, just in case.
SUCCESS !!! So I punched out the link and pin from the new 9mm barrel and put the link and pin from my original 7.62 barrel in it. Works like a charm. All seems to lock up in battery properly. I put 7 rounds of 9mm in a Tok magazine and didn't bother to try to align the rounds to the front of the mag well (worst case scenario) and they all fed smoothly. I tried to get a round to jam but it wouldn't. I racked the slide slowly, quickly, sideways, upside down and they fed smooth as silk. This solution isn't really what I was looking for as it's a pain to punch out the link each time I want to switch ammo, but it'll do for now.