To Wolf or not to Wolf


New member
Is there anyone out their who has some [I]long-term usage experience [/I] with the wolf. I will be purchasing about 3k rds of .45 ACP. Yes cheap is priority, but not a the price of harming the weapon. I am sure that this debate has gone on for centuries (but I have found no posts on it). Is it just a matter of being dirty as hell, or is it truely bad for your weapon?
IN a world where informatiion is power, is there someone out there who can "empower" me?

(the last time I used the wolf was last year. After about 200 + rds, it looking like a thunder storm was coming out of my pistol)
I use wolf in my AK clone. No problems so far. I have had problems with their .223 sticking in my AR, but it has a non-chrome lined barrel and chamber. I have a new AR with chrome, but it hasn't shot any wolf yet.

I have no experience with their pistol ammo, so can't help you there. If you have shot it out of your gun, and have a few hundred rounds fired with no malfs, then I would say go for it.
And we just finished de Wolfing another AR today...

So add $45 to the price of their ammo

Crap. Junk. Avoid it.

I've never had a problem with 9mm Wolf. Thousands upon thousands of rounds, no problems. Its dirty, but if you clean your guns (you DO clean your guns, don't you?) it'll be fine. However, just to be sure why not try a few boxes for yourself first before you go buy a few cases?
I use Wolf. Lots of it. Don't use pistol calibres, though, only rifle. I have fed Wolf to my Saiga--no problems. I feed Wolf to my SKS--no problems. I'd feed Wolf to my .22, but that's more expensive than the better stuff out there :cool: . I like Wolf a bunch--if only because it's easy to tell my casings from the other guys when all is said and done. However, I've never heard anything decent about their pistol calibre ammo, and have only heard bad things when Wolf was fed to an AR (what does that tell you about ARs? Finiky, if you ask me :p ). So, that's how it stands. I like it, I use it, I blow the crap outta things with it. But, on your higher-end/finicky firearms, use something else. YMMV.
I run it in my SKS exclusively. Works fine.

5.56/.223 AR15s have an issue with the lacquer coated Wolf ammo... Apparently the story goes that a hot chamber cooks the lacquer off the cartridge and than makes for goo in the chamber which causes substantial malfunctions... Than the stuff is a major pain to clean back out of the AR chamber, so people pay gunsmiths like WildAlaska to do it.

The AR-15 is the only gun that I have heard of having this issue with Wolf.

I haven't heard good or bad on pistol ammo. Guess this all doesnt help much.
I agree with shaggy, Eightball and 281 Quad Cam

I have shot thousands of 9mm and other than being dirty works well in a Glock 26 and a Beretta Cougar.
I have finished my 3rd case of 7.62x39 and will by buying more this fall it works fine and I have never had a reasion to complane.
But the 223 I find too dirty and knowing the problems that AR's can have went with somthing else.
If your looking for prices check out the
He has the best prices I have been able to find, free shiping and I say this and have NO connection with them.
I've shot thousands through my Bushmaster AR with no problems. I'm a few hundred into a 1K shipment of .45 ACP, also with no problems. However, I'll admit to being a gun-cleaning Nazi, and Wolf is diiiirrrrrty ammo. But I use it because I can afford to shoot more.
anyone who says otherwise is ignorant or has an agenda.

Well since I dont have an agenda that means I am ignorant I reckon.

You pays your money you takes your chances. I always feel bad that so many people have their egos tied up in what they just fix guys keep shootin it and we make money

the shop (WWG) is going to start taking polaroids of the people who come in with stuck cases. a Wall of Wolf Shame is going to go up. we'll see how many repeat offenders there are out there.
It's really dirty. We have guys that shoot it in our range at work and the white floor is just black with unburned powder and residue.

Assuming you clean your gun every 50 rounds, it's not bad. but damn its gross.
My 1911 came with several boxes of Wolf .45. Shooting it I had MANY FTE's.

I assumed it was the fact it was a cheap weapon (Charles Daly) and that I was limp wristing it (the latter may have been a problem).

Last time I went shooting I didn't shoot any Wolf, and didn't have a single FTE. Can't say for sure it's all the Wolf, but preliminary results make me believe that Wolf is crap.

But again ... my day with non-wolf ammo might just have been a lucky day.

I've got one more box of wolf left. I'll use it up and see what happens.
I shoot a lot of Wolf 7.62X39 in my SKS rifles and my AKs. I have a thing against using steel case ammo in arms that were not designed for it, so I have very limited experience in shooting their .45 ACP stuff.
What experience I have though, tells me that Wolf is good ammo. Dirty maybe, but reliable.
Locally, Wolf is about half the price of anything else. I've put 220 rounds of Wolf through my AR without any problems after the first 20. I think the gun was still breaking in, although it had no problems with any other ammo. However, the other 200 went through just fine (this was some 100rounds later). As of Friday, the gun has seen just over 400 rounds total (half being Wolf). Reliability after that one box has been 100%. Reliability with any other ammo as been 100% since the gun was first fired. Accuracy with Wolf has been equal to WWB 223.

Eleven boxes of Wolf mean a savings of $33 over the next cheapest option (and even greater savings over premium selections). Since I built my AR from parts, I'm prepared to replace any parts damaged or perform any other necessary work.

My only other experience with Wolf has been in the typical AK and SKS rifles. No complaints there either...

Probably 5000 rounds of 9x19 and 10,000 of 7.62x39

No problems---it is dirty, less accurate than others, but never a problem...Zero, Zip, Nada...Just bought a bunch more.

It might not run in an AR-15, but I wouldn't have a gun that wouldn't eat pretty much anything I'm likely to feed it, so who cares? :barf:
WildscaredofthebigbadWolfAlaska, ;)
did the guns you had to de-Wolf use the old laquer-coated stuff or the newer polymer-coated?
I've shot gobs of Wolf through my commie guns and never had a twitch. When my Ruger P95 gets filthy then occassionaly a Wolf round doesn't quite feed. I also have an aftermarket magazine for the Ruger that doesn't like the polymer-coated version but has no problems with laquer-coated.
It's range ammo.
I've been to a few IPSC matches where between all the shooters they've literally shot thousands of rounds of the stuff in one Sunday morning. I didn't see anyone cursing their ammo or having jamming problems and most of the shooters were .45, 9mm, or .40cal. It is dirty ammo but doesn't seem any dirtier to me than Winchester White Box. I clean my guns after every range session anyway so I really don't care how dirty the ammo is. It's as accurate as any other cheap range ammo I've used and my Taurus just eats the stuff up. My Kel-Tec P3AT however hates Wolf and just won't feed or eject the stuff properly...but that's no big deal. The K-T is a finicky, ammo sensitive, pain in the butt anyway, I know it, and just use ammo it likes. Wolf just isn't one of them for that gun. Otherwise...I've heard of people bashing it because it's dirty, or maybe they don't like that fact that it's Russian, or cheap, or can't be reloaded. But, everyone I know that uses it has had good luck with it. And I've seen it flying thru some fancy/expensive race guns.
WildAlaska, I don't have a lot of experience with Wolf ammo. I bought one case of .45ACP and did not like how it ran in my gun. Probably the last case I will buy.

Anyway, I would be interested in hearing more about the problems you have seen due to this ammo.
Really the only problems your likely to hear about with Wolf, is in the AR-15.

Aside from that the steel cased ammo can be rough on some American extractors which are built weak to only handle brass or other soft casings. However "commie crap" guns have powerful extractors meant to handle that, so it wouldn't be an issue in any SKS or AK.