Time to bring back the draft?

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Conscription? No.

Firearms training in schools? Yes, right along with driver’s ed. It won’t turn every student in to an avid gun lover but it will eliminate the mystic of guns for those who might get in trouble with them and elevate the fear others may have. Later in life should one encounter a firearm they will at least be able to handle it safely – or know how to use it to save one's life.

I find it entertaining how your patriotism is often brought into question if you disagree with the "party line" and dont go along.

However I would replace ‘entertaining’ with ‘exasperating.’
I don't think a draft is a good idea and hope we don't have to have another one. as for the anti-gun people, try and talk them into going target shooting, just once, to see what it's like first hand before they condemn it. It doesn't work with the way radical nuts but I've managed to turn a few around who "didn't like guns" before, but now shoot in a few leagues.

AK, Firemax, it was fun arguing with you guys, you brought up some good points and made it tough for me to counter. I look forward to sparring with you in the future. Maybe a thread about why we're in Iraq, or why did Obama loose!
YES just don't put them on the front lines, there are plenty of other things they can do, or how about border security/disaster relief like the national guard.
I can't help but note for the record that some of the strongest opposition to any sort of required military service comes from the same usual suspects who:

1. Did not serve and have announced in other posts that they will not serve this country; and:
2. Go on and on and on about how they stockpile guns just waiting for the day that they can fight other Americans, beginning with the local police and any federal officials that they claim are "repressing" them. :rolleyes:

I've said it before. Some of the most unpatriotic, America-hating misfits in our country today can be found not at a Leftist gathering but right here on the internet gun forums.
I've said it before. Some of the most unpatriotic, America-hating misfits in our country today can be found not at a Leftist gathering but right here on the internet gun forums.
Lee, you need to get out more. Try www.dailykos.com if you want to see real, fire-breathing America hatred. Anything here pales in comparison.
i love being in the military, ive met lots of great people. it would probably suck if the people i worked with were just counting days till mandantory service is done. everyone i work with is proud of there job, a draft or mandantory service would ruin that
"did not serve...will not serve..." to whom do you refer? I counted at least 4 who stated that they served or their screen name indicated that they did. 3 of the four were adimately against mandatory service and I think the fourth was. I didn't see any who "actually served" and were for mandatory service (no disrespect towards any who did/do serve and support mandatory service).

Should I assume you served and are in favor of mandatory service?

If you don't have any one posting with a different point of view, all you would do is sit around telling each other how right you are. Besides, our friends who may be a little left of center take way more heat and get ganged up on more than any one here.
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YES just don't put them on the front lines, there are plenty of other things they can do, or how about border security

If the democrats and republicans wanted to secure the border, then yes, this would be a good idea. Bush, Obama, Hillary, McCain and others in our federal government have no intention of securing our borders because they don't see a world with borders, IMO.
I'm not in favor of a draft. I don't have a formed opinion on it, but so far I don't. I don't think it would be necessary if the next administration bats clean-up in the middle east and then restructures the way the military should be used.

Staggger Lee said:
I can't help but note for the record that some of the strongest opposition to any sort of required military service comes from the same usual suspects who:

1. Did not serve and have announced in other posts that they will not serve this country; and:
2. Go on and on and on about how they stockpile guns just waiting for the day that they can fight other Americans, beginning with the local police and any federal officials that they claim are "repressing" them.

Well, I fall under #1. I admit the fact that I never served. I also will not serve. I don't refuse to. I would if the time comes that I need to or my country will fall into enemy hands, though.

Hmmmm. I have a gun collection. Not like PlayboyPenguin's nor rogertc1's, but you could say I have a "stockpile". And if waiting is the same as being prepared for possible tyrannical takeover and believing that Constitutional rights are being eroded (enter repression), then that definitely defines me.

I've said it before. Some of the most unpatriotic, America-hating misfits in our country today can be found not at a Leftist gathering but right here on the internet gun forums.

I do frequent on these boards. It is a gunboard. Well, that mystery is solved...Hey, everybody! Guess what I am....

I'm an unpatriotic, America hating MISFIT!

Watch it, fellas. You may want to hit the ignore button on me and claim that you know nuthin' from nuthin' about me. Disassociate yourselves from me, for you don't want to be caught fratinizin' with that Commie!::D
It doesn't matter if you served or not. Your no less an American than anybody who has, all it does is give you a different perspective on the issue. I'll go out on a limb and say most military members would proudly agree. It's their service and the service of those before them that provides and gaurentee's the choice not to serve.
It's their service and the service of those before them that provides and gaurentee's the choice not to serve.

That's hogwash!!

The members of my family that died and those that came home shot to $hit didn't do it to give anyone the choice not to serve.
You're kidding right??

Get real!!!

No I'm not kidding, but I refer in general to the principals the country is founded on. That your free to do with your life what you wish and not be bound by service to the state.

It's not my intent to preech why certain people chose to serve or if the conditions that caused them to serve was right or wrong, just that in general people who serve do so in at least part to preserve our way of life.

I know I'm going to get fired back on for saying it and I know there will be some very legitimate counter points but I'm willing to be the bullet sponge.

O.K. I'm ready, let me have it.
call it public service or

some other name. But everyone who is physically and mentally capable should be required to participate at some level. Military service for everyone is how we got into so many internal fights in the past. Perhaps simply saying here you go citizen chose on of these option and get on with it. It is time to stop the free lunch program for all those who want the benifits of citizenship but who will not participate in its operation or provide national security at any level.

I would list a number of options; military service being one of them. There is a multitude of other needed services that could be provided under alternatives. Even the most devout religious person who is completly against war could help arrange religious services without jeopardizing their beliefs.

I feel it similar to jury duty. If you don't want to be on a jury then chose an alternative. Make coffee and check in coats for the actual jurors. Keep the jury room nice and tidy. But participate unless you simply can not due to physical or mental limitations.
Perhaps getting more involved in the whole system, not voting a party line, but for candidates and/or groups that really do mean to make changes, instead of falling in step with the same old same old, once they get there.

Working hard to reduce and return the federal government to its intended purpose.

Stop wasting money, and giving money away to foreign governments and take care of Americans first.

Randy Newman summed it up perfectly in "Political Science"...
"We give them money-but are they grateful?
No, they're spiteful and they're hateful
They don't respect us-so let's surprise them
We'll drop the big one and pulverize them"

Back it up a step at the last line and cut them off and call in all the loans.

Tax fairly across the board, according to the Constitution, and get rid of the Federal Reserve. (your aware its a private corporation, right?)

We wouldnt need a massive military if we werent always trying to be the worlds police force. Let the other countries take care of their own business on their own. Its all our meddling in their business thats got us in these mess's in the first place.

Ah, forget it. What was I thinking. Dont change a thing, we seem to like it better as it is. Gives us something to complain about while they suck us dry of all our money and lifes blood, all in the name of more profit for big corporations. Sounds like something from an old Star Trek episode. :)
I'm a Army sergeant ......

I don't want, or need soldiers that don't want to serve!!
amen, I am a retired Army MSG. I worked with draftees when I was first in. I would not want to ever do that again. Prior to 1991 we had a large standing Army. They cut a whole bunch of divisions after that. If we had that many folks without the draft why could we not do it again? I think the government does not want to spend the money to do it. The pay was really bad during the draft.
I didn't see any who "actually served" and were for mandatory service

I did and I am for it. But again keep them off the front lines, there are plenty of jobs that can be done that will keep the draftees safe but useful.
good for your service. That being said, I would not want them anywhere near me. Pay enough and lots of people will fill the ranks, without the attitude and drama of draftees.
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