Time to bring back the draft?

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This has been troubling me for some time. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have a bunch of in-law, anti-gun relatives out on Long Island who have about wore me out on the subject. They "just don't get it." The 2nd Amendment may as well have been an archaeological artifact from 2000 B.C.

Each time we get into this discussion the thought keeps creeping back into my mind that our discussions wouldn't be happening if they'd at least have gone through trainfire in basic.

What say ye, brethren?
Unfortunately the folks in the NYC area are raised and fed an anti gun menu from birth. The mayor of NYC will stop at nothing to outlaw guns and actively tries to recruit other mayors to do the same. Your inlaws on Long Island can't help it, it's the way they were raised and there likely is nothing you can do to change them.

Doubt they'd be any more tolerable about firearms if there was a draft and they had been through basic training and actually done some shooting.
Might be a little confusion about the difference between the draft and mandatory military service. But yes, I think there should be a three to four year mandatory military service for all who are able.
one thing that makes america great is an all volunteer military of people who actually want to serve, lets not even consider a draft unless there was like a china/russia/nkorea/vietnam/cuba/venezula megaaaliance invading or something
Draft or mandatory military service if every and all politicians kids are the first to go. Perhaps this would change how the lobbyists and special interests make out and the need for any interference in the affairs of foreign nations. ;)

No draft or forced service of any type. This is supposed to be America after all, isnt it?
Force people to serve in the military in order to persuade them to be more pro gun ownership?

That's awfully totalitarianist/socialist.
Horrible, awful, spiteful idea imo

You should feel at least slightly ashamed for thinking it, and totally ashamed for actually posting it :o

Lets see where else that could be used..... since so many people cant make decent financial decisions, lets force them to work for a government funded lending institution for a few years

Or since so many families are falling apart, lets make everyone work as a social worker for a few years too.....

Hell, we could keep this up all day. why let anyone choose what they do? The government should just dictate their jobs and life experiences so that they can conform to the "ideal perspective"

The military is a group of volunteers who fight for americans rights. The right to choose, the right to express yourself, and the right to form your own opinions.
Suggesting mandatory service for the reason you listed practically spits on the american military as a whole and the reasons it exists.
You're proposing turning the volunteer military we have now, into a group of armed indentured servants.
The draft will never come back. It would be political suicide to try. Besides, if by chance it did happen, Canada would have to build a wall to keep the democrats out.

On the other hand, I find it extremely telling that both McCain and Palin have children in the military while none of those on the democratic side that wanted to be president can make a similar statement.
You're proposing turning the volunteer military we have now, into a group of armed indentured servants.

You mean like our fathers and grandfathers were in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam? :confused:

One of the things that make the US military what it is, is the fact that it is in fact a volunteer force, made up of men and woman who WANT to serve their country. I'm sorry, but not everyone is cut out to serve. When the time came, I joined on my own accord, and I would have hated having to fight side by side with a bunch of clowns who resented this country for deploying them.

The draft is slavery. We suposedly live in a free country.
You mean like our fathers and grandfathers were in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam?


Although, the idea of imposing mandatory service solely to make a select few people "more gun friendly" is on it's own level of idiot idealism.

Your attempt to use old drafts to justify modern-day slavery and totalitarianism is asinine in and of itself.

The idea of using indentured servitude solely to take away the right of americans to form their own opinion is as anti-american as it gets

The question I have asked myself since one of our former Presidents evaded military service is this: IF we, the USA, was to be involved in another World War would we have enough soldiers to field an Army? It is (easy) to join the Military during peace time, it takes a special person to join during conflict. I believe the DRAFT worked for many years, I don't believe it was "slavery" not many boys wanted to go to Viet Nam, but because of the draft we had enough soldiers to fight. And yes thousands died.Weather it was a just war is r another discussion. I also believe that Military service matures individuals. I also believe that women should NOT be in line positions. And we say the politicians children should go first...but let me ask, what would you do to keep YOUR son or daughter out of wartime service
Any type of draft for anything short of repelling an invasion of the United States would be nothing but bad news for our military. Think how much effort you put into something that you have to do, but don't want to, and couldn't care less about (say the government said you had to cut the grass for some foreclosed house three blocks over). Thats a big part of the reason our military is the best in the world; they want to be the best.

Yes, the draft worked in WWII and some others wars; but the attitude of society in general is much different. I would use the current work ethic of much of the country as compared to that of the WWII generation as an example.

There is nothing wrong with women in the military, the problem is when the standards aren't the same. On Paris Island, nothing made recruits more resentful of WM's than watching a 5' 8" female flop over a log 12" lower than the one a 5' 4" male had to get over. One Corps, one standard.
I wonder if the Swiss consider it "modern day slavery" or "totalitarianism"???

The plague that is sweeping this nation is one of absolute apathy and the entitlement mentality. Consider for a moment if those who wish to take advantage of their own country had to spend three years defending it. Might make it a little more precious.

I have to agree with Ted Nugent, welfare IS modern day slavery and it is not only perfectly legal but also politically correct.
I think you hit the nail on the head about the "entitlement mentality", how about making them work in a soup kitchen or something for a few years. I really don't want the idiots ruining my military.
The plague that is sweeping this nation is one of absolute apathy and the entitlement mentality. Consider for a moment if those who wish to take advantage of their own country had to spend three years defending it. Might make it a little more precious.

that reads like a communist manifesto

you'd probably feel more at home in a place like iran or china ;)
+1 CraigC.

I have to say that I am surprised by some of the responses here about a draft being forced slavery, I'm trying to understand how people could come to that conclusion while living in the USA.

First, some say that we have a volunteer military and the people that are in it WANT to serve.
For some, I know that is true. For others, it just ain't so.
MANY people that are in our current military joined up BECAUSE they had nothing else to do---they had no other options in life so it's "join the army".
I don't care for John Kerry, but when he said " get a education or end up in Iraq", he was right--he took flak for it but he was right IN SOME CASES.
There are people that joined the military during peace time and they collected their checks, then when told they had to go into harms way, they complain.
It isn't just soldiers either. I have talked to nurses and others who had their educations paid for by the military and when they thought they might get called up to serve, some said it wasn't fair. BS I say.

When we get involved in wars on different fronts, requiring more personnel then we can get from volunteers, there WILL be a draft--count on it.
For those that think this will be slavery, I say the slavery would come if we were defeated---and the slavery would come to everybody---even the ones that hide behind the brave and say:
" That's OK, I enjoy the life I have in the USA but I won't fight for it---do a good job so I can continue to enjoy this life I have here will ya?? Ya know it's OK for you to be a slave but not me, no way!! I'll just hide here or go to Canada and hope someday I can come back to this country.
See, I don't have anyone in my life that is worth fighting for and I would rather be a slave to our enemies than to OUR country. Run along now and do a good job , I'll just stay here and shake my head and protest for ya!!"

At best these kind of people are simple minded and selfish at worse they are COWARDS.

dont get ahead of yourself poncho

a draft is not needed to protect this country at this time and that is not what's being argued

this thread was started because one man thought mandatory military service would help him avoid discussions with his in-laws.

in this case, yes... it's pure and simple indentured servitude and it is wrong

First, some say that we have a volunteer military and the people that are in it WANT to serve.
For some, I know that is true. For others, it just ain't so.
MANY people that are in our current military joined up BECAUSE they had nothing else to do---they had no other options in life so it's "join the army".

no, it's not because people WANT to serve, it's because they CHOOSE to serve

your friends made the choice to join the military... that's what makes it volunteer.
your friends chose to fight and defend rather than flip burgers, and that's what makes this a free country

you want to FORCE people to think like you do. THAT is oppression
I wont fight unless I see a purpose in doing so, Iraq lacks purpose so why would I fight? Same applied to Vietnam. A draft is pointless and anyone who brings one up is going to be promptly removed from office.
No draft or forced service of any type. This is supposed to be America after all, isnt it?

The draft is slavery. We suposedly live in a free country.

I guess I was responding to comments like these Cisco ...er um MrNiceGuy.

I notice a couple of others gave responses similar to mine too.

a draft is not needed to protect this country at this time

I didn't say it was.

I see you disagree with CraigC when he says:

The plague that is sweeping this nation is one of absolute apathy and the entitlement mentality. Consider for a moment if those who wish to take advantage of their own country had to spend three years defending it. Might make it a little more precious.

So Cisco, I see where you sit when you say:

that reads like a communist manifesto

you'd probably feel more at home in a place like iran or china

That's OK, hopefully there will be enough people to take up your slack if it ever comes to that.

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