Three questions about your SD gun


New member
1). Is your SD gun more than 20 seconds from your reach right now? Yes or No.

2) How many dependable rounds of ammo for your SD gun could you gather-up and put into action within the next 5 minutes?

3) In your SD's present condition, will it reliably fire 200 rds or more without lubricaton concern? If not, how many rounds would it fire?

Bonus Question: Would your instructor or shooting partner share the same level of confindence that you have in your answers?

As a reward I'd be glad to answer the most requested questions readers have for me; Yes, I am an AdamHenry; No, I don't have many friends; And I am paranoid.
1) All of my guns are within 20 seconds reach.

2) I wish I knew what "SD," (other than as "standard deviation,") meant... I'll say "enough," for all my guns.

3) All my guns will.

Bonus Question: Yes, that is why they'll grab one of mine.
1) No
2) 300 or so
3) Not sure, it's never been asked to*

Bonus) Not sure and don't care

* My "SD" gun in this case is my carry gun. I asssume you're getting at some kind of SHTF scenario in which case my carry gun ( Kahr PM45 ) would no longer be my carry gun, my XD9 would replace it. So in that case the answer to 3 is yes. And the answer to 2 goes to....a lot more
I have more than 1 SD firearm within 20 seconds, but for the primary one at the moment, I have probably 12 or 13 hundred rounds factory and components or already loaded reloads, probably 2 thousand. In my vehicle I have 39 rounds in mags in addition to a box. They will fire 200 rounds without additional work or lubrication, and yes my partner/instructor or whatever has confidence in the choices.

I am not paranoid, I just like guns so I like to shoot them, I am not an Adam Henry, and I do in fact have friends. I consider it to be a point of good manners and social conduct to avoid AH type behavior.

Not sure, several hundred anyway.

Yes. Probably all I have available, barring a mechanical breakage.

Anyone who knows me very well at all, would have no doubt.
Win94 -- "SD" means "self defense".

warningshot --

| 1). Is your SD gun more than 20 seconds from your reach right now?
| Yes or No.

No. It's within two seconds reach.

| 2) How many dependable rounds of ammo for your SD gun could you
| gather-up and put into action within the next 5 minutes?

Fifteen within three seconds. (Five in the gun, two loaded speedloaders also within arm's reach.

Not sure how many within five minutes. My self defense ammunition is all within 5 minutes reach, so all of it -- at least three hundred rounds. (There was a good deal available on a top-grade .357 JHP round recently.) :-)

| 3) In your SD's present condition, will it reliably fire 200 rds or more without
| lubricaton concern? If not, how many rounds would it fire?

Easily. It hasn't been fired since last cleaned and lubricated, couple of weeks go. I carry an S&W M60, so it would probably fire if I hadn't cleaned it in a year, but I don't plan to test that hypothesis.

| Bonus Question: Would your instructor or shooting partner share the
| samelevel of confindence that you have in your answers?

Yep. He lives here. Same's mostly true of him, except his S/D gun is an automatic and might *not* fire if left uncleaned for a year. But he's no such fool and won't be testing that hypothesis either. ;)

Now, I have a couple of questions. What was the point of the second question? I could see, "How many rounds are loaded in the gun or in magazines/speed loaders/speed strips within reach?", but "within five minutes" is *waaaayyy* too far to be useful in any self-defense scenario I've considered. If you've got somebody trying to mug you *right now*, or break into your house *right now*, you need to defend yourself with what's at hand. If you're in a war zone and under chronic attack, IMHO you don't need more ammunition -- you need to leave.

And who is "AdamHenry" and why would I be expected to know this? (I wouldn't necessarily know a famous shooter or trainer, BTW; I'm fairly new to shooting and do it for self defense mostly. Not a hunter or competition shooter.)
My answers:

1. All of my guns are that close except when going to and from work.
2. Depends on where I am. On duty I'm limited by department issue requirements. At home, 18 months ago I would say 1000 rounds just for one of my guns. Now I would say 400 for that same gun, but I'm slowly rebuilding.
3. Absolutely.
Bonus. Considering I am an instructor my shooting buddies know mine are ready, willing, and able.
three questions about your SD gun
1). Is your SD gun more than 20 seconds from your reach right now?


2) How many dependable rounds of ammo for your SD gun could you gather-up and put into action within the next 5 minutes?

I have multiple SD guns. Extra mags for each, some ammo in the Safe and more in the stow away places.

3) In your SD's present condition, will it reliably fire 200 rds or more without lubricaton concern? If not, how many rounds would it fire?


Bonus Question: Would your instructor or shooting partner share the same level of confindence that you have in your answers?

I always find these questions interesting in that they almost Always assume that you only have one weapon.

Right now there is a .25 auto laying on my computer desk. it stays there all the time. I am upstairs on the second floor so ain't likely any one is going to sneak up me past the three dogs and gate alarm thats 1200ft away.

Now behind the door is a .270win in the next room is a 45-70.

In my bedroom there is an SW MP .40, a glock 19, a 1911a1, an AR15, and and a winchester 62.

Dinning room a Ruger LCP, kitchen a 44-40 colt, and then a few others around. They all work. In the laundry don't know 500 rds at least.
1. No.
2. Twenty-two.
3. Yes.
Bonus: I have no instructor. I have no partner.

Comment: If I need more than twenty-two rounds I’m in DS and it’s war. Reloading is not an option for me in an SD situation.
1) no
2) 3x 20shot mags and 2 15 shot mags. But when im out and about it one 15 shot and a 20 shot as a spare mag

I think anyone with any real knowledge of firearms will agree that an Fn thats clean and is loaded well tested will run on and on and on, it will gobble up hard primers and will even work with a less than perfect grip.

On a side not, a 5 shot snub with no reload is deadly in the right hands. The reason im so heavily armed is because im always in danger of a robbery as i run a cash business with big turnover in South Africa
1- two of them are in reach with in 20 seconds.
2- more than I could carry, 1,000 + rounds
3- It has every time I have shot it, so it damn well better.
Bonus, you would have to ask them, but no one has ever refused to work with me.
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OP needs to try to not post questions in the negative :p I will answer in complete sentences.

1. All of my guns are within 20 seconds of me, my primary SD is sitting on my desk right now. My HD shotgun is in the other room under the bed ready to go. I live in a small apartment.

2. I keep a Google Doc spreadsheet of my current ammo count. Looks like I only have 49 self defense rounds and 7 target rounds left (even went to the gun show this weekend, bad prices). 120 shotgun shells though.

3. My handgun is relatively new and needs to be broken in and FTEs every 50 rounds or so (getting rarer). I have trained to deal with FTFs and FTEs though, and they mainly happen because I limp wrist some of my shots (not since a new grip though). The shotgun has never failed on me.

Bonus: The person I live with has never had a failure when shooting either of the defense guns.