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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

THR is down right now...again

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Today 09:10 AM Hanzerik So this is where everyone is hanging out.

It's a good place, many years ago TFL was the place on the web & then the owners took a break for a year or more. THR was created to fill the void left behind by TFL closing it's doors.

Now they both are great places to hang your hat :D:D:D
On my linux box, I use the iptables module "limit" to drop packets incoming from hosts that send too many requests per minute. Would this kind of thing help?
To all the refugees from THR/APS:

Welcome to The Firing Line. As I have stated in one of my previous posts, I actually went the other way. I cut my teeth on TFL and learned a lot. I ghosted on THR for a long time before finally joining. I enjoy The High Road immensely, but still find my time on TFL very fulfilling.

So welcome to the TFL, the unofficial THR support group.

One of our senior members, sm, has opened a "Welcome" post to new members in the General Discussion area with some great links to check out (I enjoyed checking in each day to read the latest on Rich's Zimbabwe expedition last year - still makes for a great read!).

Welcome to TFL
Bogie said:
Seeing that the whole mess originated from up toward Chicago...

Which means nothing. It could be starting up there or it could be that those machines are compromised as well. The attack could have started from anywhere, including your house.

For example: While down in Alabama, I logged into my server at home in Virginia via SSH. Anything I did from that box would appear to be coming from Virginia, even though I was sitting in Alabama. It's not as simple as saying "ooh ooh, the packets are coming from x.x.x.x".

Well I leave for the weekend and THR just cannot stand to be without me. LOL.

Hey everyone from THR, This is Arkie!!! :D
Oh, I just snuck across the fence. I figure if I hang around long enough, they'll just grant me amnesty in the form of a Guest Poster bill. Heh heh...

It would be the same without kungfuhippie here
(changed my name here to my usual one to avoid the standard stereotypes that get put on KFH, a recovering liberal from PRK)

Of course I've been clean and sober from liberalism since 1998:cool:
tydephan said:
I'm genuinely curious as to how TFL seems to be missing the attacks here. Is it because the site isn't as "big" as some of the others the recent attacks have effected?
Aside from the one attack 2 weeks ago, no firearms sites besides THR seem to have been affected, at least not for long enough to be noticed.

TFL is less active than glocktalk, THR, and ARFcom, so that could be in our favor. However, I suspect that whoever's attacking THR has other motivations than the site's popularity, because ARFcom and Glocktalk don't seem to be affected, and they're both more active than TFL or THR.

TFL was portscanned this morning from the webserver of a well-known, vocal, and sometimes tasteless liberal 501(c)(3), but as it wasn't really an attack and I don't want lynch mobs forming, I'm not going to identify it.
I bet the Friendly folks on this forum is thinking,,, Oh my gawd, we are being invaded. LOL.

Yup, but I'll bet we'll wear out our welcome quickly if we start a thread like: "Which caliber for alien invaders?"

I appreciate your post. Thank you!

Biker is in the house?
Why am I picturing John Belushi's famous speech in Animal House
When the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor...
TFL was portscanned this morning from the webserver of a well-known, vocal, and sometimes tasteless liberal 501(c)(3), but as it wasn't really an attack and I don't want lynch mobs forming, I'm not going to identify it.
So what I am supposed to do with all these oil soaked torches and pitchforks you ordered? :p
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