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THR is down right now...again

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skinnyguy said:
It does make me wonder how many new members TFL has picked up this weekend.
Good question.

We have picked up 140 new members this weekend up to this point today.

Last weekend we picked up about 70 for the same number of days and partial days. (I say "about" because I can't break it down by the hour.)

So the rate of adding new members has just about doubled since THR went down.

I'm genuinely curious as to how TFL seems to be missing the attacks here. Is it because the site isn't as "big" as some of the others the recent attacks have effected?

Or do you guys have that much better of a host than THR?
tydephan - I have no clue on that aspect of TFL. Our local expert and sysadmin, tyme, should be along shortly to explain.
Thanks Mal.

I know that what I'm asking perhaps has no answer. I was just thinking that if you guys have successfully repelled the attacks, then maybe Oleg could employ the same host and/or services.

It may be that you guys have simply not been targeted.
I have a hard time believing any credible group would be involved in something like this. Eventually it would get out and the backlash would be worse than any benefit they might gain from it.

My guess is some lonely, pimply faced kid with no life.
Well, I joined up here the other day even without the DDOS spur, even had my username from THR free :)

Gotta love working a desk job with big pause times, I get to read TFL and THR (when it's up) all day!

Sounds to me like their host is at best lazy about their security, which is never good.
I wonder how many of these forums are hosted by the same provider. Could be some script kiddie that discovered an easy crop of victims. The only thing more aggravating than a constant sustained attack is an intermittent one.

Oh yea another THR refugee here. Registered around the same time as THR but been here only once or twice.
The best possible tool to kill these attacks would be an upstream filter where ISPs are linked. Then a blackhole accross the internet for a leanth of time.

This could kill VOIP and other streaming data uses.

Did TFL just drop offline for some people in the last hour?

I lost TFL AR15 for a few minutes and they are all back up when I returned just a minute ago.
I too am a THR refugee but I've been on other forums for several years. It seems that I tend to find other forums from being on specific forums. I think I'd heard of TFL before but didn't expand my horizons until this weekend. Glad to be here and all that but I wish those idjuts that inconvenience us would just cut it out and get a life.. Though without THR being down, I wouldn't have discovered another forum to read in my down time..
"So when thinking of culprits, how many APS refugees had Blackburn as their first thought? Anybody?"

I'd be a liar if I said that it hadn't crossed my mind a time or three.
I still think that this would make EXCELLENT fodder for O'Reilly, etc., regarding the suppression of free speech... Seeing that the whole mess originated from up toward Chicago...
New THR refugee checking in.

Hi all at TFL, and good to see you to the refugees of THR. I got around to registering here and I'll be around if you guys will have me.

-- John
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