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THR is down right now...again

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New member
Wow. THR seems to be down yet again.

Poor Derek.

Any word on whether this is another attack? Maybe it's time to get the feds involved (or is that a laughable thought?)

Sorry mods. This may be off-topic. I was just curious about the outtage.
Obviously, it can't be too good if it's going down this much (3-4 times in the last 1-2 weeks). I think they are considering accepting donations. Hopefully, they'll find a provider with a little better service.......
I'm a long-time member of THR, but I just joined The Firing Line a few days ago since I can never get on THR anymore it seems...
I'm a long-time member of THR, but I just joined The Firing Line a few days ago since I can never get on THR anymore it seems...

Well, welcome to TFL Trajan.

I actually went the other way. Joined TFL, but ghosted on THR a lot before joining. Now I spend the majority of my time over there...when it is operational!

Either way, you'll find TFL is full of great people too!
Town Crier


THR mods, in case of coordination difficulties, tag up with sm for alternatives.
I would pass along a few cmd line strings to wreak havock apon the bradi domains that all share a single ip address or the DU. But then I would be stooping to their level.

So who is included in the list of suspects?


Who else would have a beef with all of out very effective activism?
Are we theorizing that THR is offline as a domestic terrorist attack to impede any current activism for either HR1022 or the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill? Or is this just some script kiddy with particularily annoying timing?

THR is down an awful lot for this to be the work of dastardly masterminds, IMO.
Are we theorizing that THR is offline as a domestic terrorist attack to impede any current activism for either HR1022 or the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill?

Yes, that is a theory that has been circulating. I believed it was born on the night that THR, Glocktalk and AR15.com all went down simultaneously.

Even the most tin-foil hat resistant people acknowledged that was a bit much to chalk up to coincidence.

But who knows. Could be a pimple-nosed juvenile with too much time and not enough attention.
Does Derek even know we're down? I haven't seen him online all day.

Well, when the things go south, SysAdmins rarely have time to be online.

I do wonder if this is an attack by that individual who managed to get themselves banned from THR and APS and kept coming back.
Really, THR has been rock solid reliable for months -- until the last week or so. This is the longest outage in a long time. I figured Derek knew and didn't need us bothering him to tell him. Wish I knew how to help.
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