This is Why You Should Research Your Firearms Instructors

Watch the rebuttal video, there is no mention of the tacifool move being a joke. The only joke seems to be Dallas himself..

Yeah, that is why I posted it above, but nobody seems to be watching it. No, he wasn't intending it as a joke. He even presented his VFW membership card to show that he was in the military, then his VA card, claiming he was medically discharged, which is maybe why he falls out of the truck like a chunk of sausage from a sausage extruder.

The tactic shown was just plain silly, but he seems very serious about it. Contrary to the claim of at least one of the Youtube evaluative videos about it and to the OP, Dallas did not throw his gun on the ground before extruding out of the truck. There is a big difference between throwing and laying and he laid his gun down on the ground. Personally, that would seem to be a stupid idea, to intentionally lose control of your weapon during a gun battle.

I think what I find most disturbing is that he missed two shots from the ground during slow fire, prone, two-handed shooting.
Double Naught Spy said:
Yeah, that is why I posted it above, but nobody seems to be watching it.

Sorry DNS...I completely missed your post. I watched the video. As others said, his explanation didn't quite do it.

It makes more sense now after watching the video a second time. I tried practicing this myself, but after numerous sprains, broken bones and property damage, I finally realized I should put the truck in park FIRST. What happens if your truck does not have a back seat, do you have to tip your seat up and crawl through behind.
No, no.
Putting the truck in Park prevents it being used for rolling cover.
By leaving it in Drive, he could crawl under it, grab the frame and get carried to safety, while firing to both sides.
Of course that could have been accomplished even better from the driver's seat.
But where's the cool factor with that?
No, no.
Putting the truck in Park ....
But where's the cool factor with that?

Hey G. I can't find any fault with that theory. Why don't you shoot a quick vid and post it to youtube for us?
And if you look closely, there's even a handy cross member under it, for hanging on during those fancy tactical maneuvers.
OnTheFly said:
If the first video by Dallas Lloyd is a ruse, it is a very well done one. Most people have to actually be that dumb to make such a convincing video. What "rebuttal" are you talking about? I couldn't find anything in the comments to the YouTube video. If you had a link to a "rebuttal", it would be interesting to read.
The link has already been posted in this thread. It's on page one.

Shadi Khalil said:
I'm still waiting for Frakenmauser to show us where Llyod or anyone else says this is a joke.
I'm so sorry for not anxiously waiting at the computer, repeatedly refreshing the page in hopes of a reply that required my attention.

Spoon-feeding the evidence of a video making fun of all of the other stupid "tactical training videos" on YouTube being a joke is not high on my priority list.
I would buy that explanation...IF those three yahoos were not THE INSTRUCTORS THEMSELVES. Their instructors dress in all the tacticool black costumes, though I would bet a fair sum of money that 99.9% of them do not have any LEO or military experience. And especially no real life experience that would have given them the background to train people in clearing a room.

Here are a couple more videos of American Defensive Enterprise's instructors showing off their super ninja skillz.


Looks like a failed audition tape for Super Troopers 2.
I'm so sorry for not anxiously waiting at the computer, repeatedly refreshing the page in hopes of a reply that required my attention.

Spoon-feeding the evidence of a video making fun of all of the other stupid "tactical training videos" on YouTube being a joke is not high on my priority list.

So did Dallas personally tell you it was a joke? He does not mention that in his rebuttal video. In fact, he blames it all on the editors.
"Ok, I was a little wobbly, but I was able to put enough targets on round." I love how he opens up his whole vehicle, gets out, crawls back in then monkeys himself BACK out and drops his pistol. I wonder if he's ever seen a car door hit before...