This hunter is actually quiet enough to sneak up to a wild boar and kick it.

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I hope you see the difference, and also know it wasn't a jab to farmers or anyone for that matter.
I know that, Tripp, and from what I've read, you rarely take a jab at anyone :) . *sigh* I guess I reply too often in generalities, but the image some (not necessarily here) have of farmers being dumb, pot-bellied, beer guzzling, rednecks is a sore spot with me overall. I agree that environment has a lot to do with how a person turns out, but I also believe that there is some basic awareness of Rights and Wrongs that are God given, and instilled in every person from the day they're old enough to understand. We have free choice, however, and can ignore that awareness, and over time it lessens until there seems little difference between any right and wrong except for those that personally hurt us. Just my personal belief.
is it wise kick a bores ass?

that is a death wish... butt funny.... :rolleyes: are not those thing very very very very very very very very aggresive? :confused:
Javelinas aren't all that dangerous, especially when they are alone like that. If it was a pig, it was a very small and young pig. It may have been dangerous if it was a pig and it had a mama nearby though.
but the image some (not necessarily here) have of farmers being dumb, pot-bellied, beer guzzling, rednecks is a sore spot with me overall.
I know what you mean the assumption that rednecks are dumb, potbellied, beer guzzling white trash is a sore spot with me.

Being raised urban, suburban, or rural has nothing to do with respect for animals.
I've seen equal cruelty from all groups as well as equal bleeding heart sentiment.

Maybe the group of people here who see this as funny are relying on their experience with animals to base their opinion that this was nothing more than a little harassment with nothing but the pigs dignity bruised.
Butch50! your lib side is really showing :)

Have any of you ever seen three coyotes take down a small deer and half eat it and than kill it? Or a calf that had it's hind legs half eaten off and still alive?

You all talk about humane kills! maybe you should teach the wild animals to do the same. I for one like to make quick kills so I don't have to chase the animal through the woods. But you have to ask yourself if a animal dies a slow death is it wright or wrong? In nature when things happen. It's just the way it is. weather you like it or not and how you should think it should happen.

Not to many wild animals die of old age!

GOLLY, I didn't mean anthing with the redneck....I don't know what its like up north, but here in Texas a redneck, good ol boy, kicker.....and so on....are all GOOD THINGS to be (in most cases).
impact said:
Have any of you ever seen three coyotes take down a small deer and half eat it and than kill it? Or a calf that had it's hind legs half eaten off and still alive?
To even attempt to equate 3 coyotes taking down a "small" deer to anything a humane does to an animal -- is completely ridiculous. (so coyotes got themselves some stocked grociery stores eh?)

Coyotes do what they do to survive...............

We WISH we could be as skilled a hunter as a coyote, cougar, or rattle snake....etc.

Comparing coyotes (or any other predator for that matter) with "man" is just another pot-shot attempt to hold up the argument that "hey far worse stuff happens in the wild so who cares of we ______."

The old "if they can do it we can too, right?"

On one hand you'll argue that man has domain over the kingdom to do what he pleases (man's superiority).... Then in the same breath you'll equate our (man's) actions - and further more the REASON for those actions - with the actions performed by animals in the wild which are done instinctually, and for survival (man's equality with the wild kingdom).

(now's when you break out your argument of how killer whales play volley ball with half-eaten seals)

Cake and eat it too??????????

Flawed, and ignorant.

The difference is, well.... if I need to explain it to you it's not worth the burnt calories smackin' the keyboard.

On a lighter note - I got my first 25 at trap club tonight - so that's why when I got home late, my lady said "Lucy.... you got some s'plainin' to do!!!". :D
Flawed, and ignorant.

you have such prissy attitude i can't believe you even own a gun.

a pig got kicked. get over it. unreal you keep trying to defend such a weak, tree hugger position. what kind of sheltered life have you led man?
jeff troop said:
i can't believe you even own a gun.
Well then hold on tight, cuz believe it or not I own MORE than one! :eek:

jeff troop said:
a pig got kicked. get over it.
troop, YOU get over it. We've actually moved on past the pig/kick stuff, and onto bigger better things far too advanced for you. Either keep up with the conversation or step aside.

...and enough with the name calling - it doesn't make you tougher than me especially when it's done from behind a keyboard. You don't like my opinion, we all know that. But I'm neither prissy, weak, nor am I a tree hugger.
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